Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 61 The only hope

"One of us has contracted the ore sickness."

Upon hearing the news, Xia Feng's mind went blank for an instant.

He felt that all the sounds around him disappeared, and then all kinds of bad thoughts came to his mind one after another.

Someone has contracted the mineral sickness.

Who is the person who contracted ore disease?

Is it Kate?

Brother ACE?

Or Vina?


Indra slapped Xia Feng on the face.

"Why are you dazed? Take out the inhibitor quickly!"

"oh oh."

Xia Feng came to his senses immediately and began to rummage through the lining pockets of his coat in a panic.

His fingers were already trembling a little, and the buttons of his coat were unbuttoned several times without being undone.

At this moment, a streetlight shot over from a distance like a javelin. Xia Feng, who was in a panic, didn't pay attention to this sudden attack at all.

"Brother Xia Feng!"

The turtle next to him grabbed him and quickly pushed him to the ground.


The street lamp almost rubbed Xia Feng's scalp and penetrated into the ground. The gravel it stirred up splashed all over him. If Gui Gui hadn't pulled him, his head would have exploded into pieces like the stone bricks on the ground.

Xia Feng raised his hand to wipe the gravel on his head and immediately got up from the ground again.

In their sight, a dozen people in strange clothes were approaching them quickly from the other end of the street. The guy in the lead was more than three meters tall. He was the Big Bob they met during the day yesterday!


Without time to ink, Xia Feng took out a syringe from his coat and handed it to Indra, with an expression of fear and determination on his face.

"Take it, take it back quickly, I'll hold them back."

"You are dragging your ass, do you want to die?"

Indra pushed Xia Feng away and shouted at him.

"Run westward along this street. I will use the communicator to call someone to pick you up. Hurry."

"how about you?"

"Don't worry about me, I can get away anytime I want."

After that, Indra rushed towards Big Bob and his group without looking back.

Xia Feng had no time to hesitate now. Time was life. He opened his legs and didn't even care about the turtle next to him. He gritted his teeth and quickly ran westward along the street.

Although he is a homebody, his physical fitness is not bad. The emergency situation at this moment caused a large amount of adrenaline in his body to secrete. He put aside all fatigue and ran as fast as he could. His speed was faster than he had ever been in his life. All sports meets attended.

Vina said that this inhibitor can only be used within five minutes of confirmation of infection, and will lose its effect after that time.

Xia Feng didn't know who contracted the ore disease, nor did he know how long this time had passed. The only thing he knew was that at this moment, he had to deliver the syringe to his companions as quickly as possible.

This is the only thing he can do for his companions!


Xia Feng shouted while running, as if he wanted to shout away all the random thoughts in his mind. No matter who he was, he was an important companion of his. He didn't want to cause any more harm to his companions because of his own reasons.

Passing by a crossroads, a group of strangers wrapped in cloaks happened to run into the running Xia Feng.

One of them pointed at Xia Feng and shouted to the person next to him.

"That's this guy. He's in the same group as the gangsters we met yesterday. Catch him!"

It was obvious that these people were infected. They quickly drew their weapons from their bodies and chased after Xia Feng, who was running wildly.

On the empty street, more than twenty people were chasing Xia Feng as they ran westward.

"Fuck, stop!"

"I'll catch you and kill you!"

Xia Feng turned a deaf ear to the sounds behind him. After a sprint of 100 meters, his speed dropped significantly, and his lungs seemed to explode.

He gritted his teeth tightly, and blood oozed from the corners of his mouth. He bit his lip, stimulating himself with pain and could not stop. At this moment, he was racing against life, and this was not only related to his own life, but also to the lives of his companions. life.

The sound of chasing behind him was getting closer and closer. In terms of physical function, Xia Feng, an ordinary person, was obviously unable to compare with the infected. His footsteps became heavier and heavier. Under the dual pressure of body and spirit, he felt that he was about to die. Reaching the limit.

If he gets caught, it's all over.

Oh shit!

Can't give up yet!

If he were caught, his body would be torn into pieces in an instant, and the syringe would never reach his companions.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a familiar figure running towards him from the front.

It's Brother ACE!

It was probably Indra who used the communicator to contact ACE while delaying Big Bob. The fact that he could arrive in such a short time proved that everyone's meeting point should not be far away.

The two were getting closer and closer, and ACE shouted to him as he ran.

"Xia Feng, don't stop, keep running."

"AACE big brother me."

"Keep running and leave the person chasing you to me."

Without any pause, Xia Feng and ACE passed by each other. The moment the two met, he seemed to hear ACE's voice passing by his ears.

"Brother, I wish you a smooth future!"

Passing through the summer wind, ACE's firm body blocked the chasing infected.

Afterwards, fierce fighting and screams were heard from the crowd behind.

Xia Feng didn't look back. He believed in Brother ACE's strength. He couldn't stop now and had to deliver the syringe as quickly as possible.

Several more familiar faces ran toward him. They were members of the Death Squadron. It seemed that they had also come to support him. The leader of the group pointed to a building in the distance while running.

"Xia Feng, our people are all there, hurry up, leave this place to us."

"Thank you."

Xia Feng's expression was already a little distorted, and sweat flowed down his face like a waterfall. His companion who was infected with oriosis was in front. He no longer needed to save energy. Although he was already exhausted, he still had to speed up and run like a marathon. The final sprint!

The building is getting closer, 100 meters, 50 meters, 10 meters.

"Charge the duck!"

Xia Feng raised his head and shouted all the way, rolling and crawling into the building.

As soon as he entered, he immediately saw two gang members on guard in the lobby on the first floor. Xia Feng gasped and asked quickly.

"Where are the people?"

"On the second floor."

Enduring the feeling of exploding lungs, Xia Feng raised his legs and rushed up the stairs.

As soon as he arrived on the second floor, Xia Feng immediately saw Wei Na.

At this moment, she was standing alone against the corner with her head lowered, and the black war hammer stood next to her.


Wei Na raised her head, and when she saw Xia Feng, her eyes clearly flashed with relief, but then dimmed again.

Ignoring talking to Wei Na, Xia Feng threw his coat to the ground, walked with heavy steps to the middle, held the syringe tightly in his hand and shouted excitedly.

"I brought it here, I brought it here. Where is he? Who is infected? Hurry, give him an injection!"

Kate next to her walked up to Xia Feng and gently put her hand on his shoulder.

"Xia Feng, calm down first."

Xia Feng stared.

"Calm down? Is it time to calm down now? What are you doing?"

Xia Feng's voice stopped because he found that the atmosphere in the room was obviously abnormal.

Everyone sat in the corner with gloomy expressions, and no one came up to take the syringe in his hand.

"What are you all doing in a daze?"

Kate looked at his sweaty face and patted his shoulder.

"Xia Feng, thank you for working so hard, but it's no use anymore. Five minutes have passed."

There were many people in the room at this time, but the surroundings were unusually quiet. Xia Feng stood there blankly, and only his heavy breathing echoed in the room.

He turned his head and looked toward the window.

I saw a man lying quietly under the window sill. His expression was dull and his pupils were red due to congestion.

Xia Feng stared blankly at the man lying by the window.

He recognized this man as a brother of the Glasgow Gang.

His name is Casey.

He is Kate's brother.

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