Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 607 Neighbors

The story about Xiao Li dates back hundreds of years. Compared with the turbulent era at that time, the world of Terra now has a relatively stable structure.

However, despite the advancement of science and technology and the rise of civilization, the contradiction between ordinary people and the infected has become increasingly intensified.

This is the inevitable result of the development of the times.

In troubled times, life is the cheapest thing. A few hundred years ago, ore disease might have been regarded as an ordinary plague by ordinary people. Compared with this chronic terminal disease, factors that are more threatening to life are everywhere.

With the development of the times, the war has been quelled, and stable legal and social order has been established in various countries around the world. The rise of Originium technology has changed living conditions, and materials have become abundant.

As the saying goes, there is no need to worry, but when the tide gradually recedes, the ore disease that can never be erased is taken seriously, and the infected group becomes an object of rejection.

In the courtyard.

Whenever Xiao Yunye mentions those past events, he will show a look of longing and nostalgia.

Only Xia Feng knew that what Xiao Yunye missed was not the past era, but the footprints all over the world with Xina and the time spent together.

Realizing that Xia Feng remained silent, Xiao Yunye sighed softly.

"Oh, people tend to talk more as they get older. Let's continue training."

Xia Feng nodded.


At this moment, Xiao Yunye suddenly looked stunned.

Since meeting Xiao Yunye, Xia Feng had never seen the old man have such obvious mood swings, and couldn't help but ask.

"Master Xiao, what's wrong?"

Xiao Yunye said blankly.

"The door is open!"

At this time, the door of the small villa behind was tightly closed, and there was no door in the yard. However, Xia Feng quickly realized that there was only one door that could make Xiao Yunye feel so embarrassed.

Xia Feng stood up from the bench and quickly rushed from the courtyard into the lobby of the barbecue restaurant.

The view was across the hall, beyond the doorway, to the house across the street.


Even though it was already night, Xia Feng could still tell the difference.

At this time, the door of the house, which had been closed for a long time and seemed lifeless, opened the door. That house was Styx's home.

Even in the courtyard, Xiao Yunye could instantly detect the door of Ming He's house opened across several walls and a street. This kind of insight was something Xia Feng could not compare to.

At this time, Xiao Yunye also followed him to the hall, standing next to Xia Feng, looking towards the opposite side with him with a complicated expression.

In the field of vision, a small figure walked out of the door and stepped onto the dim street.

In her hand, she held a pony-shaped toy, which Xia Feng had given to her as an apology.

After seeing clearly who this person was, Xia Feng immediately turned to look at Xiao Yunye with joy.

"It's Xina, she's out!"

Xia Feng was not familiar with Xina, but for some reason he was extremely excited at this moment. It felt like seeing a movie star come out of the screen.

Perhaps it was because he could sympathize with Lao Xiao's thoughts.

Although he didn't know why Xina actually "came out of the palace" tonight, Xia Feng still didn't forget to encourage Mr. Xiao beside him.

He poked Xiao Yunye's arm.

"Don't be nervous, you are the number one swordsman in the Yan Kingdom. Be confident, she is coming."

After saying that, Xia Feng took a few steps forward, ready to greet Xina who had already reached the door.

"Welcome, welcome, rare visitor, although we are neighbors, hey."

Xina didn't seem to have any obvious changes. She still looked like a little girl in her teens, with a pale face and a purple dress.

However, Xia Feng's perception of Xina was obviously different.

As the saying goes [you don't know the meaning of the music when you are young, but you are already a person in the music when you are old], this description may not be accurate, but since Xia Feng heard the story about Xina's eternal life on the rafters before, he has become more and more interested in this little lolita. The perspective has completely changed.

How should I put it, I just feel quite distressed.

Of course, Xina doesn't need anyone to feel sorry for her, including Xiao Yunye, because everyone who is bound to her will eventually leave her.

After Xina walked into the hall, she looked expressionlessly at Xiao Yunye, who was standing aside like a telegraph pole.

"Aye, haven't you left yet?"

Xiao Yunye came to his senses and immediately lowered his head slightly. His unfamiliar attitude made Xia Feng want to slap his thigh when he saw it.

"I have no place I want to go, Xia Feng took me in."

Xina looked away.

"Really? It's your own choice."

Ignoring Xiao Yunye, Xina walked straight towards Xia Feng.

Xia Feng immediately moved a chair and placed it next to the desk.

"Miss Xina, please sit down."

Then he sat back at his desk, and his intuition told him that Xina's "out of the palace" this time was definitely not to see Xiao Yunye, but to find something to do with him.

"Xina, do you want tea?"


"Oh that's good."

Sitting on both sides across the desk, Xina glanced at the scarf around Xia Feng's neck.

"Your scarf is quite special."

Xia Feng touched the crooked little rabbit pattern on the scarf, and there was nothing embarrassing about it.

"Oh, a friend gave it to me."

"I have already felt that the friend you mentioned is a severely infected person."

Xina felt the presence of Frost Star, which Xia Feng didn't find strange.

"It doesn't matter. My doctor is treating her and her condition is stable now."

Xina changed the subject.

"That's not what I meant. What I want to remind you is that she is very dangerous. I mean her power. Of course, I don't know your relationship. I just want to remind you in good faith."

Xia Feng nodded.

"Thank you for the reminder, but she is not dangerous to me and is an important friend of mine."

Judging from Hina's attitude, she does not have any hostility. On the contrary, she still retains some kindness as a neighbor.

"Um. Do you like the toy I gave you?"

"Thank you, I like it very much."

"Heh, that's good."

The atmosphere was a little awkward. Facing Xina, a loli who had lived for who knows how long, he, who was usually talkative, didn't know what to say. He always felt that no matter what he said, he would be seen through.

After much deliberation, Xia Feng got to the point directly.

He didn't think that Xina came here specifically at night to remind him that Frost Star's power was dangerous.

"Um, why did you come to see me?"

Sheena's eyelashes are so long she looks like a doll, she said softly.

"There's something I want to ask you for help with."

Xina came to him for help, and Xia Feng suddenly felt confident.

"Hey, I'm really flattered. Is there anything in this world that your grown-up can't handle?"

Xina didn't make any response. After saying this, the atmosphere became awkward again as expected.

It seems that business dealings won't work for this thousand-year-old witch.

Xia Feng coughed slightly and his tone became serious.

"Ahem, what is it? We are neighbors. As long as I can help, I will definitely help."

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