Seeing Wei Na's deliberate expression of calmness, Xia Feng did not hesitate. Just like Wei Na said, they only need to try their best to complete what they can do at the moment.

Above them, there are General Grissom and Chief Yaerlin.

According to Wei Na's request, Xia Feng remotely controlled the Chamber of Commerce's Origin Stone business and transported the 5,000 Origin Stones that King Sargon wanted to purchase.

At the same time, the source stones shipped to Kjerag were also sent to Longmen by the Haimen Gang through shipping channels.

Even though the Yuan Council's decision-making regarding infected people had a great impact, it was limited to the north, and under the military's vigorous rectification, there was little resistance from infected people living illegally.

After all, these are only a minority. Those who are found to be living illegally with the virus can either choose to pay a fine and request the Department of Civil Affairs to issue a legal residence permit, or they can only leave Victoria honestly.

The sky above Londinium was gloomy, as if heralding a new round of snowfall.

As time passed, Xia Feng gradually lost enthusiasm for the work of the Special Operations Office because he felt that no matter what he did, it was a waste of emotion.

Decision-making errors cannot be undone through the efficient execution of subordinates. To change, we must trace the root cause.

Imperial Administration Building.

At the latest Yuan Council meeting, Xia Feng raised his hand.

“Currently, the crime rate among infected people in the north is skyrocketing. Shouldn’t we do something?”

Xia Feng's voice echoed in the conference hall. Except for him, no one continued on this topic.

In the dead silence, finally, a person raised his hand.

"Since Lord Xia Feng has this concern, I have a suggestion."

The person who raised his hand to speak at this time was Hela.

Ignoring Xia Feng's cold gaze, Hela stood up from her seat and spoke calmly.

"Some infected people have far more power than ordinary people, and the criminal behavior they produce is also very troublesome. In this case, it is better to add such a provision to the infected person regulations. I think it can effectively reduce the crime rate."

Speaker Leful looked at Hela.

"Lord Hela, what are the regulations you are talking about?"

Hela raised her head slightly, but her calm voice told an incredible plan.

"I propose that strict curfews be implemented in areas where infected people are concentrated in all cities across the country. From 6 o'clock in the evening until 6 o'clock in the morning, all infected people are not allowed to leave their residences."

Hearing Hela's proposal, a commotion of whispers erupted in the conference hall.

Speaker Lefl thought for a moment.

"A curfew? I'm afraid it's a bit difficult to enforce."

Hela smiled flirtatiously.

"What's so difficult about this? Let the military region allocate some troops to assist the security bureaus in each city to settle in areas where infected people are concentrated. If anyone dares to go out in violation of the curfew, he will be directly arrested for disturbing public order. If the circumstances are serious, the whole family will be deported. In this case, it will definitely No one dares to test the law."

As soon as Hela finished speaking, a voice of approval appeared.

"Wonderful, what a great idea!"

"Activities are only allowed during the day, so infected people have to bear higher risks if they want to commit crimes."

"Yes, this can also prevent crowds from gathering and forming large-scale criminal gangs. This is a great idea!"

Xia Feng remembered that General Grissom once said not to deliberately provoke conflicts between ordinary people and infected people.

Since the establishment of the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce, he has always followed this principle and has never deliberately caused trouble. However, what is happening now in front of him runs counter to this principle.

Xia Feng's face was ashen as frightening, and he gritted his teeth and said.

"It's 6 o'clock in the evening and it's not dark yet."

His views were quickly refuted.

"Hey, the curfew doesn't start until it's dark."

"That's right, it will be too late when it gets dark."

"This also reduces the burden on the Supervision Office. Sir Xia Feng, you should be happy."

20 minutes later, the voting results came out.

Regarding the proposal to impose curfews on areas where infected people are concentrated in various cities, the voting results of a total of 172 Yuan Council members are as follows.

Yes: 153 votes.

Abstention: 17 votes.

Against: 2 votes.

Feeling the strange atmosphere of the Yuan Council, Xia Feng was not surprised by the voting result. Yes, there was nothing surprising, just very disappointing.

Perhaps the only thing that is more gratifying is that besides himself, there is actually one person who voted against it.

However, Xia Feng didn't know who the person who voted against was, and he didn't intend to know, because it was meaningless.

Without any suspense, Hella's proposal on the curfew was immediately confirmed at the meeting. Within a week at most, this decision will be implemented with the joint cooperation of the Supervision Office and the Military Ministry.

Later, Hela put forward some proposals for treating the infected.

For example, restricting infected people from taking public transportation, and canceling all special cities in the country that have privileges for infected people, such as Hapi City, where infected people can move freely.

For these proposals, Xia Feng had given up arguing. He didn't even bother to vote and directly chose to abstain.

Xia Feng sat quietly on his seat, his eyes coldly staring at Hela's back.

After the meeting, Xia Feng and Hela stood up at the same time and followed her out.

The two walked through the corridor, took the elevator, and walked out of the administrative building.

The biting cold wind blew across Xia Feng's cheeks, and fine snowflakes floated in the gloomy sky.

One after another, the two stood in the parking area in front of the administrative building.

Hela turned around and stared at Xia Feng calmly.

"Master Xia Feng, you have been following me, what's the matter?"

Xia Feng put his hands in his pockets, and in his pockets was a finished Origin Stone that had been prepared long ago.

Without any false words, he said coldly.

"I know it was you. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you now?"

Hela spread her hands indifferently.

"Kill me? Are you here?"

Because the meeting had just ended, nobles were constantly coming out of the door of the administrative building, and there were several teams of Royal Knights guards in the parking lot.

There was no one in Xia Feng's eyes except Hela, and he gradually tightened his grip on the Origin Stone in his pocket.

"Do you think I dare not?"

Seeing Xia Feng's scary eyes, Hela raised her hands gently in pretending to surrender.

"How scary. Well, I know you can do anything."

With a chuckle, Hela lowered her hands and actually took the initiative to approach Xia Feng.

Standing less than half a meter in front of Xia Feng, Hela brought her cold and pale cheek closer and said with a smile.

"I have no doubt that you are determined to kill me, but do you really think that killing me can solve everything? Or, if killing me can really solve everything, do you think I will be as helpless as I am now? Standing in front of you defensively?"

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