Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 799 Natural Disaster Watcher

Some people say that natural disasters are punishments sent by gods to punish people in the world who are blinded by greed.

Others say that natural disasters are not punishment, but salvation, to save those who are in despair and unable to resist the rules set by those above.

However, whether it is punishment or salvation, anyone in the world of Terra will be as insignificant as a grain of dust in the face of natural disasters.

2 hours later.

Xia Feng stood on a hillside 2 kilometers away from Notting City and witnessed the natural disaster with his own eyes.

The sky in the evening turned fiery red. What dyed the sky red was not the setting sun, but the overwhelming fire storm.


As the first shining red light poured from the sky onto the city below, a natural disaster that could take away all life began.

The nearly 100-meter-thick flame tornado fell vertically, and wherever it passed, buildings, streets, parks, houses, and everything created by man were ruthlessly torn into pieces.

"Boom boom boom!"

The loud noise of the building collapse was deafening, the ruins were blazing in flames, and objects such as cars were swept into the air by the fire storm and then torn into pieces.

Notting, a historic trading city in southern Victoria, will officially disappear from the map from this moment on.

Of course, unlike Mandel City in Ursus, Notting City has retained the most precious fire because of the technology of mobile cities.

However, although the city can be rebuilt, how many people who have lost their homes can wait until that time?

on the hill.

Xia Feng looked at the doomsday scene in the distance. For some reason, he felt surprisingly calm inside.

This is what the world of Terra is like. It takes generations of efforts to build a city, but it only takes an instant to destroy it.

Under natural disasters, there are even more terrifying human hearts. In order to achieve their goals, natural disasters may even become a means of victory for some people.

Xia Feng lifted the scarf around his neck.

Even though they were several kilometers apart, strong heat waves still hit in waves from the direction of Notting City. The air was accompanied by bursts of burning sensation, and was also mixed with a large amount of Originium substances.

If ordinary people do not take good protection and inhale this gas excessively, the chance of contracting ore disease will be very high.

The destruction of the outer city of Notting City has long been doomed. There is nothing that can be done about it, but in the midst of despair, there is still something to be thankful for.

The reason why Xia Feng did not flee with the people in the infected area was because he wanted to stay on the outskirts of Notting City to observe the changes in the natural disaster.

According to his observations, the type of natural disaster was a highly destructive fire storm, but half an hour later, there was no sign of the natural disaster migrating eastward.

From this point of view, Hapi City should not be affected.

To be cautious, Xia Feng did not leave immediately. He stood on the hillside outside the city, enduring the heat wave and air pollution that ordinary people could not resist, watching for the end of the natural disaster.

The property losses of this natural disaster cannot be estimated. As for residents, Xia Feng estimates that at least nearly ten thousand people have not evacuated due to various reasons.

As for the troops responsible for the evacuation, there were almost zero casualties. They left Notting City early before the natural disaster struck.

Except for residents and troops, there were completely zero casualties in the infected area. All 13,622 infected people were evacuated. Even patients who were paralyzed in bed and unable to move were safely transported away.

Of course, if he doesn't come, there may be another result.

Xia Feng had been quietly watching the natural disaster, and it was not until the night got darker that the flames in the direction of Notting City gradually disappeared.


An off-road vehicle parked not far behind Xia Feng. A Guang stepped out from the driver's seat wearing a protective mask, followed by Shuangxing and Hongdao.

"Brother Feng, I finally found you. Why can't I get through on the phone?"

Xia Feng glanced at his cell phone and saw that the signal had completely disappeared.

Turning around, Xia Feng showed a reassuring smile.

"I'm fine. The signal will be interfered with for a period of time after the natural disaster begins."

Neither Red Knife nor Frost Star was wearing a mask, which meant little to severely infected people like them.

Walking to Xia Feng's side, Hong Dao looked side by side in the direction of Notting City.

"The natural disaster is over and Happy City is safe."

Xia Feng nodded.

"Well, let's go home."

On the way back, Xia Feng learned some information about Happy City from Aguang and the others.

The natural disaster order issued by the empire did not require Hapi City to evacuate, but because of the relatively close distance, most residents spontaneously chose to leave the city.

Not only in the main city, but also in the Kilt neighborhood. On the street where Captain Roger, Ergou and his mother, etc., barbecue restaurants are located, almost all the neighbors went out of the city to "stand by".

Except for A Guang, the guys in their car are all people who have seen the world. Of course, A Guang's current mental quality is also very good.

Froststar asked calmly.

"Xia Feng, the natural disaster has passed. Do you want to inform everyone to come back?"

Before Xia Feng could answer, Hong Dao beside him immediately objected.

"It's best not to all come back. According to my experience, the emission of Source Stone substances will be very strong for a period of time after a natural disaster. I need to confirm the wind direction from tonight until tomorrow morning, and let everyone come back after making sure it is safe."

At critical moments, the red knife is still very reliable.

Xia Feng agreed with Hong Dao's proposal and gave instructions to A Guang who was driving.

"That's it, Aguang. You send us back to the barbecue restaurant first, and then drive to the outside of the city to protect everyone. To be on the safe side, don't come back regardless of whether they are infected or not. Wait until Hongdao confirms the wind tomorrow. return."

Due to the interference of natural disasters, communication is very limited, and only the most primitive oral communication can be used.

Aguang nodded.


More than an hour later, the car drove into the Kilt neighborhood of Happy City.

Although Hapi City is not a first-tier city, nightlife still exists. However, when I walked in tonight, I didn't even see a single person. The whole city was like an empty city.

It seems that the residents' awareness of evacuation is still good.

After sending Xia Feng and the others to the entrance of the barbecue restaurant, A Guang said through the car window.

"Brother Feng, then I will follow your instructions and go out of the city to inform Brother ACE that they have gone. You should be careful."

Xia Feng smiled easily.

"The three of us are all infected. If there is anything to be careful about, leave us alone and go quickly."


After Aguang left, the whole street fell into silence. None of the surrounding neighbors turned on their lights. They must have gone out to seek refuge.

No matter how powerful a guy is, he still has to give way honestly in the face of natural disasters, including himself.

Standing on the steps of the barbecue restaurant, Xia Feng took a deep look at the house directly opposite. No matter what time of day, the lights would not be on in that house.

He didn't know if Styx would take refuge like his neighbors. He probably wouldn't. With that guy's nagging character, he would definitely not step out of the door.

Walking up the steps, Xia Feng was about to reach out to open the door of the barbecue restaurant, when suddenly, a series of voices came from the eaves.


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