Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 811 Unless I’m here

The appearance of the south wind was like a shot in the arm of the Southern Military Region, instantly resurrecting the soldiers who had been demoralized by the Janan warriors with full health.

Not only that, while the soldiers were resurrected, they also completed the ultimate evolution, from soldiers A, B, C, and D to the Knights of the Round Table.

From this moment on, every soldier felt from the bottom of his heart that now is the time when the country needs them most. It was like a collective outbreak of chuunibyou. Every soldier felt that he was a holy knight.

The reason why the Empire's Central Army is invincible is because the commander-in-chief of the Central Army is Witte, a member of the royal family. It feels different to have the blood of the royal family with him.

But now, the spiritual world of the Southern Military Region has been brought to the same level. The blood of the late king is not only with them, but also treats them as brothers.

Of course, this scene was completely planned by Xia Feng. Nan Feng's speech on the high platform just now was also drafted by Xia Feng. Nan Feng memorized just a few sentences all night.

Otherwise, this sacred mobilization of military morale will turn into a crude talk like a gangland grab for territory.

Unlike Wei Na's natural leadership temperament, Nan Feng doesn't understand what the people want. He is a man who has a clear distinction between love and hate and only knows how to fight.

The former king's "leadership" included love for the people, command of the people's hearts, and protection of the people, while "strength" was just pure killing.

Nanfeng is not suitable to be a king, and he does not want to be a king. The best place to display this power is undoubtedly to lead troops in war.

Later, General Aumon personally led Vina, who also inherited the royal bloodline, to the high platform.

Unlike Nan Feng, Wei Na's charisma is clearly evident at this moment when she is completely determined. Just standing there makes people unconsciously want to follow her.

Unlike Wei Lin's clever instigation, Wei Na's words were plain and simple, but every word she spoke could speak to the hearts of the soldiers.

Sometimes, the love for hometown does not need words, just what is revealed in the eyes is enough to explain everything.

Should we regard the military as a tool or as the last resort?

Do we treat our citizens as bricks and mortar, or as our beloved relatives?

Do you regard the country as your back garden or your hometown that you will defend to the death?

The human heart is speechless and can be understood at a glance.

In this way, Nanfeng became the royal general who fought with the army, and Wei Na became the new king in the hearts of all the rebels.

In the military area, the lowered Victoria flag was raised again.

This time, they were not rebelling, but the righteous way, their king, was with them.

The top management of the Information Empire should have known for a long time that Vina was not dead and escaped from Londinium alive.

Xia Feng wasn't sure if this was because Wei Lin was soft-hearted. What he was sure of was that Wei Lin never expected that Wei Na would "rise up" in such a short period of time.

What the empire couldn't even imagine was that Nanfeng, who was sent out of Londinium 21 years ago, was still alive and supported Vina as the new king as a member of the royal family.

Yes, the empire was unexpected. The reason why it was unexpected was that this was a resistance destined to fail. With 300,000 troops facing the empire's million-strong army and complete supply lines, it was destined to fail.

However, Xia Feng didn't think so.

From an objective perspective and using rich military common sense to analyze, this is indeed a self-destructive struggle in which small forces fight against large forces.

No matter how you look at it, the southern resistance will end in a total rout.

Unless, there is a person named Xia Feng in this struggle.

The empire's 10-day deadline is just around the corner. The Central Army, which has occupied Kanan City in advance, may continue to move south at any time. Time has become the most precious thing.

Under this situation, Xia Feng could no longer stay with Weina. The previous misunderstanding between Mesha and Weina was gone, and she vowed to protect Weina personally.

As for himself, he had more important things to do.

After leaving the Southern Military Region Headquarters alone, Xia Feng returned to the barbecue restaurant in Happy City.

As soon as he entered the door, a hurried call came from the desk, and Nancy from the finance office stuck her head out and said.

"Hurry up and answer the call. I've been calling this phone all day. It's for you."

"Who is it? Why didn't you call my cell phone?"

"It says it can't be reached, so don't ask, just answer it quickly."

Xia Feng walked to the desk and picked up the phone. Yi Nanxue's voice on the phone was almost shouting, loud and loud.

"Xia Feng, I'm going to kill you!"

Xia Feng calmly walked around the desk and sat on the chair.

"If killing me can solve everything, then I will let you kill me."

Yi Nanxue gritted her teeth and asked word by word.

"Is Vina still alive?"

"Alive, I got her out of Londinium."

"Congratulations, you saved a life."

"Oh, then I'm so lucky."

Yi Nanxue is not in Victoria. Although his intelligence network is strong, due to the interference of natural disasters, he still cannot accurately understand everything that happened here.

Facing his anxious inquiry, Xia Feng told him everything about the current situation.

After listening to the current extremely passive situation, Yi Nanxue's voice was full of reluctance.

"The border is now blocked by the army. My people can't get in. Xia Feng, please think of a way."

Xia Feng sighed.

"Your people? How many are there? 100 or 1,000? Brother, it's useless. Nearly 20,000 people died in the Battle of Ganan. You are just a gangster. You can't do anything."

Yi Nanxue gritted her teeth and said.

"You don't have to worry about what I can do. Now I need you to find a way to get the border guards to open an opening and let my people in."

"I can't do this."

"Why? Aren't you familiar with the border guards? Don't you trust me?"

Xia Feng held the phone and clenched his fist unconsciously with his other hand.

"If it was half a month ago, I could easily do it, but now I have nothing to do. The Commander-in-Chief of the Border Military Region has been assassinated. The current Commander-in-Chief is a newly sent person from the Imperial Military Department. The border is completely sealed. Now organized foreigners have no chance at all. Can’t get in.”

On the other side of the phone, Yi Nanxue became furious.

"You think of a way for me!"

Xia Feng was also very irritable and replied loudly.

"I'm thinking of a stupid idea. What can you do if you come in? Are you going to let Meteor lead a long-range team of dozens of people to fight against the Central Army's hundreds of thousands of troops? They also have magic teams!"


After an unknown amount of time, Yi Nanxue's voice returned to calmness.

"Xia Feng, don't underestimate me."

"I never underestimated you."

"Then find a way to deal with the border guards, and I will impress you even more."

Xia Feng heard a different meaning from Yi Nanxue's voice.

"Okay, I'll try my best."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Feng leaned on the chair, frowned and closed his eyes.

He didn't know what Yi Nanxue was going to do, but he could tell that Yi Nanxue wasn't completely sure, otherwise this guy would definitely tell him the plan in advance.

Can we handle the border defense military zone?

He doesn't seem to have that time now.

The street scene in Happy City is the same as before. More than 10,000 infected people in Notting City moved into the Kilt neighborhood without causing any riots.

But, it's because of his presence.

In the current southern region, no matter how big or small, there is probably no city as harmonious as Hapi City. Faced with the expulsion of death, the infected people's survival instinct will force them to plunder and destroy everything in sight.

Now the Southern Military District has no energy to divide its troops to deal with the riots. If it does not want to leave a south that exists in name only after this war is over, it must stabilize the millions of infected people who are now scattered throughout the cities in the south.

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