Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 813 Life Supply Line

After leaving the government building in Funan City, Xia Feng returned to the most chaotic commercial center.

Because Lang Da and others blocked the plundering, a large number of infected people gathered here at this time. Some of the unconvinced people had already taken action, but unfortunately no one was able to do so.

Of course, Wolf Da and the others were not unscathed. Some "old, weak, sick and disabled" infected people knew that forcing their way in would not work, so they began to play tricks and kept using long-range weapons at Lang Da and the others from a distance.

Eggs, cabbage, water bottles, cartons, useless children's toys, Wolf Da and the others were smashed in a very embarrassed manner.

Seeing Xia Feng finally coming back, Sun Fugui shouted while protecting his head.

"Brother Feng, you are finally back. Come on, tell them not to throw it away. Oops."

The crowd of infected people also roared constantly.

"Who are you? The military and police don't care now. Why don't you let us get our things?"

"That's right, how can we survive without food!"

"Brothers, stop talking nonsense with them, gather all your compatriots and charge at them directly!"

The infected become more and more agitated, like hungry carnivores who will do anything in desperate situations.

At this moment, a series of crisp sounds drowned out the roar of the crowd.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!"

Xia Feng held a pistol-type Originium gun borrowed from Razer in his hand, and fired a magazine into the sky in one breath.

Throwing the pistol back to Razer, Xia Feng jumped onto a truck on the street.

"Everyone, be quiet and listen to what I have to say."

Seeing Xia Feng's appearance, the crowd that had just been silent due to the gunfire started making noise again.

"Who are you?"

"Who has time to listen to your nonsense now? The knife is put to the neck!"

Xia Feng turned a blind eye to the fierce shouting and just said calmly.

"I am Xia Feng. If any of you know who I am, please give me a face and listen to what I have to say."

Upon hearing the name Xia Feng, most of the excited infected people became inexplicably quiet.

The remaining few people who were inexplicable were also grabbed by their companions and made a silent gesture.

Seeing the crowd gradually quieting down, Xia Feng stood on the top of the truck and continued.

"Most of you were evacuated from the north. Some of you may know that I, Xia Feng, was a noble before and an official in the Special Operations Division of the Supervision Office who specializes in handling infected cases. But now, I have no identity. You and I The same, just ordinary infected people."

These words subtly brought the distance between each other closer. The infected people unconsciously lowered their guard and began to look forward to Xia Feng's next words.

Looking at the crowd below, Xia Feng's voice was loud.

"Compatriots, I understand your situation. If we want to survive, we must obtain supplies for survival. However, your current behavior is too extreme."

Refutations came from the crowd.

"Lord Xia Feng, if the empire hadn't ordered us to be expelled, we wouldn't have done this. If others offend us first, we must use more extreme means to resist!"

"Yes! The empire was at fault first, we just did the same thing!"

Xia Feng sighed and explained calmly.

"Compatriots, the whole world is watching what is happening in Victoria. The infected people migrating from the north to the south are like locusts crossing the border. Think about it from your perspective. If you continue this predatory behavior, which country will dare to accept infected people? Not only will they receive them, they will also be wary of existing infected people in the country."

Seeing that the person who had just refuted was silent, Xia Feng continued.

"The infected are just ordinary people who are sick, and everyone has their own fault. If we don't want to be treated differently, we must first exercise self-discipline. Otherwise, wouldn't it just become an excuse for the empire to expel the infected?"

The crowd was silent. Faced with the threat to their survival, these infected people had no energy left to think about higher-level logical relationships.

Of course, if Xia Feng didn't say it, some people might not understand this truth in their lifetime.

At this moment, an old man with gray hair stretched out his hand in the crowd, with a look of helplessness and despair on his old face.

"Master Xia Feng, you are right, but the king of this country has abandoned us. No matter what we do, we will never be accepted again."


Xia Feng firmly rejected this statement.

"Compatriots, I am here today to tell you this. Don't give up. The king of this country has not abandoned the infected. Our king has vowed to protect our common homeland with us!"

The looting riots in Funan City miraculously stopped.

The infected left the city on the north-south border in an orderly manner. In order to avoid the Central Army's shoot-to-kill operations, they had to continue southward.

After the unrest in the city subsided, the mayor of Funan City made the announcement himself.

[The Funan City Security Bureau officially separated from the jurisdiction of the Supervision Office, and the city was separated from Queen Weilin's ownership. 】

A flag with black feathers flew high over the city gate.

A large amount of easily portable food and supplies were piled at the city gate, and all infected people passing by, regardless of age or sex, could receive their own portion for free.

This amount of survival supplies was not much, and it was not enough for them to evacuate Victoria, but it was enough to support them to reach the next city in the south with a black flag flying.

Starting from Funan City, Xia Feng "visited" several southern cities one after another.

Faced with varying degrees of riots by the infected, the mayor and local nobles, who were helpless, mostly chose to compromise.

They are willing to provide part of the survival supplies in the city to the evacuated infected people in order to maintain the stability of the city.

Although Black Feather is very rich, it is still impossible to provide supplies for millions of people. However, if it is shared among the cities in the south, this amount of supplies will not be a problem in a short time.

In order to ensure the stability of the city, local officials, nobles, wealthy people, shopkeepers, and even ordinary residents are willing to provide part of their daily necessities to infected people passing by.

After all, if the city is overrun by crazy infected people, far more will be lost than this.

The infected spread word of mouth, and extreme violence was automatically suppressed by the group. Evacuation was their way to survive, but at the same time, they also firmly believed that Victoria's new king could protect their home.

In this way, an evacuation supply line spanning half of the country's border was forcibly constructed by Xia Feng.

At the same time, everyone also knew that the new king in southern Victoria had raised a banner of resistance. The name of this new king was Vina.

Ordinary people don't care who wins in the end. They just hope that this civil strife can end soon. Of course, some people still hope that the infected people will disappear from Victoria out of selfish motives.

However, being in the southern region, whether they are willing or not, they must support Vina at this moment, not only verbally, but also in action.

Millions of infected people regard Vina as a goddess-like existence. In the desperate situation of being expelled, Vina gave them a little hope.

It doesn't matter even if this hope is very slim.

Because the infected people have been pursuing slim hope to survive.

Added an updated chapter to thank the monthly ticket financier Mr. Judi for his 18 monthly tickets, which shocked Fengfeng. Thank you all for your monthly votes, and then please ask for recommendation votes.

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