Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 817 In one thought

Arms is just a general term, which mostly refers to hot weapons, such as guns, ammunition, aircraft and cannons. As long as it is equipment that can be used in war, it can be called arms.

Of course, it is impossible for Black Steel International to sell aircraft and cannons. In this world, even Originium guns have a price but no market.

Hearing Xia Feng's sudden question, Ogur was stunned on the phone.

"Arms? What do you want to do?"

Xia Feng's tone immediately became relaxed.

"Nothing, I was just asking."

"Well, if you need armed helicopters, I can transfer a few to you. As for the equipment, I can also lend you a batch, which is enough to arm your Black Feather brothers."

Ogur obviously misunderstood what he meant.

"Lao Gu, I don't need equipment support. What I want is a complete set of standard equipment and the minimum standard of individual combat weapons."

Having said this, Ogur seemed to understand what Xia Feng meant.

"How many sets?"

"How many sets will be discussed later. I want to know first if your black steel arsenal can provide them."


Ogur thought for a moment.

"Of course we can make the lowest standard standard equipment, but as you know, our military factory is not large in scale and mainly builds high-end special equipment, so the production speed will be very limited."

“What is the exact production speed?”

"If you want hundreds or thousands of sets, I can ship them to you quickly, but if it's in the tens of thousands, I'm afraid you'll have to find someone else."

"Someone else? Do you know him?"

Ogur said confidently.

"Of course, the largest military factory in western Terra must belong to Thor Industries. We at Black Steel have been cooperating with Thor Industries all year round."

After receiving this answer, Xia Feng felt confident.

He doesn't understand military affairs, so ordinary small-scale conflicts are fine, as long as he fights hard with his fists.

But long-distance, large-scale urban battles require a lot to be involved.

Afterwards, Xia Feng humbly asked Ogul for some experience in equipping the army.

Taking the Colombian Army as an example, the basic equipment of an ordinary combat soldier is:

Combat helmet.

Combat uniform.

Combat boots.

Shoulder bag.


A set of tactical carrying gear.


Gas mask.

First aid kit.

It sounds like nothing, but these things are not ordinary equipment, such as combat uniforms, etc., they all have high strength and toughness, and the kettle can also adapt to various temperatures.

As for weapons, ordinary soldiers are equipped with long bayonets, sabers, shields, daggers, crossbows, etc.

The magic team needs special supplies that can quickly restore physical strength. As for reconnaissance, communication, and various special forces, more special equipment is needed.

What supports the efficient operation of the entire army is a large number of finished source stones.

After listening to Ogur's explanation, Xia Feng was a little confused.

To be honest, what he initially thought was that everyone would get a set of clothes and a machete, and then they could go to the battlefield, but he didn't expect that so many details would be needed.

Of course, you can just grab a knife and stick it on, but in a large-scale war, the equipment gap will be maximized in the number of casualties.

Moreover, the information about the lack of equipment will be grasped by the enemy. At that time, the enemy generals may adopt special tactics to target the weakness of one of your equipment.

For example, if your night vision is poor, he will engage in night battles, if you cannot supply individual soldiers, he will engage in tug-of-war, if your boots are not up to standard, he will have to fight in the mountains, etc.

According to Ogur, once the number of people in a war exceeds 10,000, the advantage of personal ability will become smaller. As the number of participants in the war increases, this gap will become increasingly thin.

Later, Ogur roughly gave the price of a set of equipment.

According to the above standards, it costs approximately 15,000-30,000 to arm a soldier.

Xia Feng quickly made an estimate in his mind.

As a compromise, if one person has 20,000, 10 billion Terra coins is the equipment for 500,000 people, which does not include supplies and various losses.

These equipment are not provided to the Southern Military District. Of course, if General Aumont really needs it, he will not be stingy.

At present, this is just an idea and has not been put into action. However, this is the worst plan he must make.

The reason why he didn't take action was that he still had the last illusion about this battle.

Now, the war is about to break out. Xia Feng doesn't know if the current situation is within the empire's expectation, but no matter what, it can't be called smooth.

Objectively speaking, the current losses are far higher than the consequences of allowing infected people to continue to live, and it is a completely loss-making transaction.

Wei Lin is a smart person. Of course she knows this kind of math problem that even a child can understand, but on the other hand, since she has inherited the [wisdom] of the late king, she will definitely see things that others cannot see.

Since Wei Lin made this choice from the beginning, it meant that she had already foreseen all the losses. Even so, she still insisted on going her own way.

In other words, it would be really stupid for her to give up now and choose to stop.

It seems that the "truth" in Hela's mouth is enough to support her to expel the infected at all costs even if she abandons the country's stability.

The equipment cooperation with Heigang was not confirmed, not because of Heigang, but because of Xia Feng himself.

Because he hasn't made up his mind yet.

The duty of soldiers is to protect their home and country. Even if they face sacrifice, they have nothing to say, because this is what they must be mentally prepared for.

But do the people of a country really have the obligation to defend the country with their lives?

Well, it makes sense, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of a country, and everyone should fight for their homeland.

What if they are people who are not recognized by the country?

Just like a villager going up the mountain to pick mushrooms, he was attacked by a black bear in the mountains. The black bear did not allow humans to enter his territory.

After the villager fled down the mountain covered in wounds, he decided to leave the village because there were bears nearby and would kill him.

At this time, you stood up and said with a big wave of your hand. "Don't run away. I'll take you up the mountain to seek revenge on the bear. As long as you kill the bear, you can continue to live in this village."

This sounds fine, but there is a huge subjective problem.

If the injured villager refuses to leave and insists on confronting the black bear, then you have no problem helping him. Of course, you can also persuade him not to be impulsive.

But if this villager has already made the decision to "can't afford to offend or hide" and doesn't want revenge, he just wants to live, then at this time, if you insist on letting him kill the bear with you, it is subjective incitement .

Your actions may kill villagers who are trying to survive.

There are too many infected people in Victoria. As long as they leave the country, at least half of them will survive, and the remaining ones will not die immediately.

Of course, the premise is that they have to give up their stable life.

But even so, there are still many people who want to live.

In this case, does he really qualify as the person who incited the villagers to kill the bear?

Will he bring those who trust him to the light, or push those who are willing to trace him into the abyss?

Sometimes, just in a thought.

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