Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 819 Mota Prison

Mota Town is just a small town. When Xia Feng was still working as a pawn under Fredo, he and Nanfeng once came to Mota Town to collect debts.

At that time, Nanfeng inserted a street lamp into the door of a bar like a javelin, and he just bought a bottle of soda in the small supermarket next to it.

Time has passed, and today's Mota Town has completely changed. Of course, the situation between the north and the south, and the country, has also changed.

The prisons in Mota Town are full of extremely vicious criminals. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. Now that the country is in chaos, these dangerous criminals will naturally attract infected people who are also "unwilling to be alone" to join them.

Because he had already prepared for the worst, Xia Feng brought almost all the combat members of Heiyu with him, leaving only Mr. Xiao to look after the house.

However, when they drove to Mota Town, the situation was somewhat beyond Xia Feng's expectation.

Several cars stopped at the entrance of the town. As soon as they got off the car, a wave of real violence hit their faces.

At this time, a large number of infected people with evil faces gathered at the entrance of the town. There were no women, elderly people, or children in the crowd. They were all middle-aged men.

Most of these people hold weapons in their hands, such as machetes, axes, iron bars, and even simple maces.

The nails of the mace were covered with thick rust, which made people hairy just looking at them.

In addition to simple and crude cold weapons, Xia Feng also spotted someone holding an irregularly shaped yellow object in his hand. If he saw correctly, it was a natural source stone cluster.

These infected people who carry the Origin Stone Cluster with them should be people who are good at using Origin Stone techniques.

At this time, just at the entrance of the town, Xia Feng saw at least several hundred people, but from beginning to end, he did not see an ordinary resident.

Seeing Xia Feng and others getting out of the car, the infected people gathered at the entrance of the town gradually surrounded them.

"Hey, what are you doing? You seem to be infected too, right? What, are you brothers here to do something big together?"

Xia Feng had the Shenyue Sword hanging on his waist, and he didn't feel any nervousness because he was surrounded.

Obviously, these infected people in Mota Town must be organized.

"Who has the final say here?"

Seeing Xia Feng's unfazed appearance, one of the infected persons, who was wearing a prison uniform exposed under his coat, raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, are you so arrogant when you first come here? Everyone here has the final say. If you want to work together, just wait. If you are afraid of death, get out of here. If it weren't for the fact that you are also infected, I would have snatched you away."

Xia Feng's expression remained unchanged.

"I ask again, who has the final say here."

"Damn, I think you're looking for death."

The second half of the man's words was suppressed. The red knife next to him raised his wrist slightly, and a cold long knife was pressed against his throat.

The nearby infected people saw that Red Knife actually showed his weapon and responded instantly.

However, although the various weapons in their hands were scary, their feet were firmly fixed on the ground in the next second.

A dark blue light struck like ripples, and a thick layer of ice instantly formed on the ground.

Frost Star held an Origin Stone in his hand, freezing all infected people within a few dozen meters in place.

As infected people, these people have been frightened by the huge Origin Stone fluctuations on Frost Star. This is the first time they have seen such intensity of Origin Stone skills.

Xia Feng looked at the man in front of him with a red knife pressed against his throat.

"I'm not here to cause trouble, but if you are unwilling to cooperate, I won't be afraid of trouble. By the way, my name is Xia Feng."

This man, who was still wearing prison uniform, had obviously been in prison and had no idea what the name Xia Feng represented.

However, just because he doesn't know it doesn't mean that others don't know it.

Upon hearing Xia Feng's words, a bearded man in the distance immediately raised his hands high.

"Xia Feng! It's Lord Xia Feng! Everyone put down your weapons, he is Xia Feng from the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce!"

At this point, unnecessary trouble seems to be saved.

Hong Dao put away the knife, and Shuang Xing also released the ice source stone skill.

Later, Xia Feng and his party were led into the town by this bearded man.

Through his self-introduction, the bearded man was named Hu Lai, who evacuated from the north to the south a week ago.

Hu Lai is an infected person. He used to live with a group of brothers in the northern mountainous area, far away from the city, and made a living by hunting.

Since the turmoil in the empire, he knew that he could no longer stay in the north, so he took his brothers and retreated to the south.

Along the way, Hu Lai met more infected brothers, and later heard them talk about the Mota Town Prison incident.

Because someone in the rumors said that Xia Feng planned this incident, they rushed over.

Looking at Hu Lai's strong figure and the way he held the knife just now, Xia Feng felt that this guy was definitely not a hunter before, and was most likely someone related to the gang.

However, it doesn't matter what his identity is now, he and his brothers are just infected.

While walking, Hu Lai said to Xia Feng.

"Lord Xia Feng, I."

"I'm not an adult, just call me by my name."

"Then I'll call you Brother Feng. Anyway, I'll hang out with you from now on."

It was obvious that Hu Lai was a forthright person, and Xia Feng did not refute what he said to himself.

Seeing that Xia Feng didn't speak, Hu Lai continued.

"Brother Feng, I heard that the Southern Military Region lost the battle in Yutian City again. If this continues, the army will be defeated sooner or later, but it doesn't matter. It will be easier to handle now that you are here. Let's go straight to it."

Xia Feng interrupted Hu Lai's voice.

"Why didn't I see a single civilian in the town?"

"It's terrible. If something like this happened, the civilians would have been scared away. In order to survive, they didn't even bring anything with them. Otherwise, we infected people would eat and drink whatever they wanted. You think so."

"How many infected people are there in Mota Town now?"

"Well, it's probably close to 40,000."

Xia Feng frowned after hearing Hu Lai's words.

"40,000? Why so many? I remember that there are only more than 20,000 infected prisoners in Mota Prison."

Hu Lai explained.

"Yes, there are only more than 20,000 prisoners, but after something like this happened, the infected people in the surrounding area gradually gathered. Brother Feng, don't worry, at least half of the people here are from the north. They listen to me, and I It’s up to you, I’ll do whatever you say.”

Xia Feng was not happy because of these words, but said calmly.

"Do you want me to take you to your death?"

Hu Lai was stunned.

"How can this be called death?"

"No, do you know how many troops the Empire's Central Army has? Apart from the Central Army, the Northern Military Region has never been touched."

What he said couldn't be more realistic.

Now it is almost difficult to resist the Central Army's move south. The Northern Military District, which has not moved yet, still has a total of 400,000 troops.

Hu Lai was silent after hearing Xia Feng's words.

After a moment, he whispered reluctantly.

"Anyway, we are not afraid of death. At worst, we will fight with them. As long as you take us, we are willing to die."

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