Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 826 Not a younger brother, but a brother

The temperature in the wilderness is so low that it makes your body stiff, ice fragments drift in the wind, and the air is filled with the pungent smell of blood.

After rushing all the way to the city gate, Xia Feng no longer knew whether he was injured or not. His clothes were soaked in blood.

The black flames in his left eye were erratic, and the black mist on his body made him look like a demon from hell.


This roar shocked the remaining enemy troops, and their high morale was quietly replaced by fear.

Xia Feng held the Red Demon Sword in both hands, and his chest heaved violently.

"Damn it, if you want to kill Wei Na, you must first step over my body, Xia Feng. If you don't have this ability, you will all die for me!"

After facing Ifrit's "devastating blow" and Xia Feng's fatal charge, nearly half of the more than 3,000 Central Army troops who first besieged Nolan City had been killed or injured.

Of course, our own side was not unscathed. Although everyone still maintained a high fighting spirit, the palms holding the weapons were already somewhat exhausted due to the high-intensity fighting.

Lang Da and others were jealous just now, but now they slowed down and found that they also suffered minor injuries of varying degrees.

However, as long as they can still stand, as long as there are enemies standing like them, no one will flinch, and they will use their last strength to kill all the enemies.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion from the woods to the south.

Densely packed figures appeared in the field of vision, with the number of people estimated to be at least over 10,000.

These people do not have military uniforms or formal sabers, but they are recognized soldiers of the Southern Military District.

These people were the group of infected people led by Hu Lai who had just joined the Southern Military Region.

"Brother Feng, we are here!"

Hu Lai rushed to the front of the team and shouted to the infected brothers behind him.

"Brothers, kill!"

General Aumen believed Xia Feng's judgment and transferred all three main divisions that the Southern Military Region could assemble in a short period of time to the Red Sand Plain, guarding the only way for the Central Army's support.

The infected brothers led by Hu Lai had no formal combat experience, and it was difficult to cooperate with the divisions of the Southern Military Region. Therefore, they chose to help Xia Feng as non-staff.

Although they set off very quickly, they were still not as fast as Xia Feng and his team, but fortunately, they caught up with the "finishing".

The remaining Central Army soldiers at the city gate saw the crowd appearing in the distance and thought it was support from their own people. However, something seemed wrong in this direction.

Later, when he finally saw what kind of "goods" these people came, his mentality collapsed.

No matter how poor the equipment is, more than 10,000 people are still more than enough to fight against less than 1,000 remaining soldiers. What's more, these people Hu Lai led are not the old, weak, sick and disabled people who defended the city just now.

These more than 10,000 people are all strong and ruthless infected people who are good at Origin Stone skills.


The earth-shattering war cry drowned out all sounds. At this point, the infected who had just guarded the city gate finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Once upon a time, even when faced with unarmed infected people who had no one to fight back, the Central Military Army did not stop killing them. So since they wanted to take other people's lives, there was nothing to complain about if they were killed themselves.

The remaining Central Army troops outside the city gate were overwhelmed by the vast army of infected people amid shouts of killing.

Maybe they want to fight to the death, or maybe they want to surrender, but unfortunately, the angry infected people will not give them any chance to express their attitude.

In the end, less than 80 of the more than 3,000 Central Army troops who came to surprise Nolan City successfully surrendered. The remaining soldiers lost their lives forever and were cremated thoughtfully by Ifrit.

This is the first time since the execution of the empire's expulsion order that a southern city has been able to defend the city with the help of infected people without the support of the Southern Military Region.

They protect not only the city, but also the lives of every infected person in the city, as well as the queen they believe in.

The battle is over.

When Xia Feng saw Wei Na in the city covered in blood, he didn't have much communication.

For safety reasons, he sternly vetoed all of Vina's subsequent city-hunting plans.

"Vina, you can't take risks from now on. Most of the south has been lost. I can't always stay by your side, so you have to listen to me."

Looking at everyone in Black Feather, Wei Na knew how thrilling this battle was. Everyone's expressions looked fine, but everyone's body was soaked in blood.

She pursed her lips, but she was still a little reluctant.

"I still have two cities to go to. At least, I want to persuade the infected people there to evacuate first."

Xia Feng's scarlet palms firmly grasped Weina's shoulders, and his voice could not be refused.

"No, I don't agree."

Vina's voice was stubborn.

"This is my responsibility and I can't leave it behind."

Xia Feng didn't want to argue with Weina. He and Weina were different. The priority of such things in his heart was far less than that of someone he cherished.

"Mesha, Indra, take Veena and come with us."

Seeing Xia Feng's strong attitude, Meisha next to him hesitated.

"where are we going?"

"To Sandee City."

"But Vina she"

"No but, you must come with me."

Xia Feng looked into Wei Na's eyes seriously.

"Vina, remember my words. You can't save everyone. What you need to save is your hometown. Now you have to listen to me. Only by saving your life will the victory of this resistance be meaningful. The rest, I Come and do it.”

Under Xia Feng's strong request, Wei Na could only follow him to Shendi City.

Afterwards, General Aumont also agreed with this arrangement.

Shendi City is the southernmost coastal city in the south and belongs to the rear area of ​​the entire south. The current situation is changing every day. There are many small infiltration troops of the Central Army. From now on, the hinterland of the south is no longer safe.

After this battle, the infected people in Nolan City were no longer stubborn, and large numbers of people began to evacuate southward.

After Hu Lai brought the infected brothers he led back to the Southern Military Region, he expressed that he wanted to follow Xia Feng.

Not in the name of a representative of the infected, just in the name of an ordinary boy.

Hu Lai is a capable guy, and Xia Feng has no objection to this.

"Hu Lai, it might be dangerous to follow me."

"Brother Feng, are we still afraid of danger? Don't worry, my nickname is Immortal Xiaoqiang."

Xia Feng nodded solemnly.

"Okay, but since you are following me, you are not my little brother, but my brother."

A few days later.

Xia Feng took Black Feather's combat members and "tied" Wei Na to Shengdi City.

This is the territory of the Haimen Gang, and the leader of the Haimen Gang, Lin Hai, is his ally, so there is no difference between this place and his own territory.

Moreover, due to previous preparations, Shendi City has stored a large amount of grain previously purchased by the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce, as well as a wealth of medicines purchased from Sami.

Objectively speaking, Sandi City is the safest place in the entire South.

At the same time, it is also the last front with no retreat.

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