Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 829 Isolated and Helpless

Tracy's uninvited appearance completely disrupted Xia Feng's original plan. Not only him, but also the empire, which was the enemy at the moment, was also very nervous.

Will the Border Guard District allow Kazdaele’s troops to enter the country?

The answer is of course no.

Now that Frey is sure of victory, and the central army is so powerful, the empire does not need help from outsiders at all.

No matter how high-sounding Tracy's words are, this kind of behavior is stupid and inviting the wolf into the house.

The same is true for Medes, the Commander-in-Chief of the Border Defense Military Region. His mission is to guard the border. Let alone Kazdaer's hundreds of thousands of troops, as long as they can be called an army, he will not let them go.

Xia Feng's original plan was to go to Yehua City in person to have a good talk with Medes. Of course, there was a high probability that they would not be able to reach an agreement just by talking.

If Medes insists on obeying Frey's orders, he will have to use some despicable methods.

Mesa is the daughter of Medes. Mesa has said before that her father serves in the Imperial General Military Department and has tried to transfer her back to Londinium many times.

It can be seen from this that Medes still cares about this daughter.

The current situation can be called a desperate situation. As long as he can win, he doesn't care about glory or not, and he believes that Mesha won't mind either.

In order for Medes to open the country, he would threaten Mesa's life to force Medes to open the door.

But now the uninvited arrival of Kazdaele's army has made this plan completely meaningless.

Xia Feng felt that, let alone Meisha, Medes would not order to "open the door" even if a knife was placed on Verin's neck. Not only Medes would not agree to "open the door", but even Wei Na would not agree. .

The defense line of the Border Defense Military District is very long. If only a gap is opened, it will be difficult for Sami's 200,000 troops to enter.

This is an unwritten agreement in the national war. No country will let its troops pass through the border defense line that has not been withdrawn, let alone the "enemy's" defense line.

Because once something unexpected happens during transit, the entrants whose heads and tails are cut off will instantly fall into a passive state.

In other words, in the case of mutual distrust, if Sami's troops are to be allowed in, the border defense military region must be fully disarmed. This is what Yi Nanxue made clear.

But Kazdel's army is already on the way. According to Penguin Logistics' intelligence, they will undoubtedly arrive outside the country earlier than Sami's army.

If the border military area is completely dismantled by then, even if there is no consent, Tracys, who is bold and decisive, will undoubtedly order the entire army to enter the country.

By then, if another new force enters Victoria, it will not be a simple North-South confrontation.

Shengdi City, Haimen Gang headquarters.

Lin Hai has given up the entire top floor of the building to Xia Feng as their temporary headquarters.

In the room, Mesha clenched her fists and said firmly.

"I'll go find my father and let him figure it out."

Seeing Meisha's expression, Xia Feng could imagine how tangled her heart was.

General Gleason was like an elder to Mesha, and now her biological father stepped on Gleason's body to replace him as commander-in-chief of the Border Military District.

From an objective perspective, as a soldier, sometimes it is difficult to define right and wrong.

It is the duty of soldiers to obey orders. As a soldier of the empire, Medes is only strictly fulfilling the orders issued by the military.

And Gleason and Ormond are not "traitors", they are just sticking to their inner justice.

Vina did not agree with Mesha's words.

"You can't go. Our positions are different. Some things are simply unclear."

Mesa's attitude was persistent.

"I will definitely convince my father that I understand the border defense line. If my father is convinced by me, we can negotiate with Sami's support army to find an entry route that is satisfactory to both parties without withdrawing the defense."

"I don't agree. You can't convince him."

"Let me try."

Mesha and Weina have been arguing, and through their expressions, Xia Feng has already seen something.

It was obvious that Vina did not trust Medes, and she did not think that Mesha could easily convince this experienced high-ranking imperial general in the city.

Mesa on the other side, although she argued very persistently, had a faint sense of inferiority and guilt in her eyes.

Medes was her biological father, and although no one would accuse her, she also felt that it was related to her.

"Let her be."

Xia Feng sat in the corner and gave his opinion.

After hearing his words, Wei Na's objection became more intense.

"Why are you letting her go? The situation is so chaotic now. Can she come back if she goes?"

As soon as Weina said the words, Mesha's expression immediately changed. Not only Mesha, but everyone in the room felt that there was something wrong with what she said.

Xia Feng sighed.

"Vina, no matter what, that's Mesha's father, so that's not the case."

Knowing she was a little excited, Wei Na lowered her head.

"Sorry, that's not what I meant."

Mesha pursed her lips and her eyes were red. Weina meant that her father might be unfavorable to her. This sentence may have been unintentional, but she definitely felt uncomfortable inside.

Standing in front of Weina, Mesha saluted with red eyes and gave a standard military salute.

"I know my father, I will find a way to convince him, don't worry about me, I will definitely come back, Vina, take care."

After that, Mesha turned and left the room.

Mesha drove away from Shendi City alone and rejected Xia Feng's plan to arrange for someone to protect her.

Of course, Xia Feng is not very worried about Mesha's safety. To say it is unsafe, almost nowhere in the south is unsafe now.

Medes is Mesa's biological father, and she did not initiate this resistance. In the final analysis, it is just a different stance.

In the next few days, the Central Army heading south seemed to sense some kind of signal and suddenly accelerated its pace.

Several cities in the hinterland were lost one after another, and news that a large number of infected people were massacred kept reaching the ears of Xia Feng in Shengdi City.

There has been no news since Mesha left, but Wei Na and he have no time to care about it. The increasingly passive situation almost makes them anxious.

Until one day, Xia Feng received the latest battle report from the intelligence personnel of the Southern Military Region.

Since the last conflict, all infected people in Nolan City have been evacuated. Because of the strategic location of Nolan City, the Southern Military Region has stationed a division of troops in Nolan City.

Because there are no infected people in the city, the benefits of dividing the Central Army's troops and capturing it are not high, so the Southern Military Region only regards it as a frontline supply point.

But late last night, a small group of Central Army troops once again attacked Nolan City at night and received reinforcements at dawn.

After a fierce offensive and defensive battle, Nolan City fell.

Nowadays, urban battles are breaking out in many places in the south, and Xia Feng has become numb to such reports.

However, the fall of Nolan City this time was a little different from other cities.

Unlike the last time we went to rescue Weina, most of the surrounding cities in Nolan City have been lost. This is why reinforcements from the Central Army arrived first.

Nolan City is called Nolan City because it used to be a subordinate city attached to Notting City, the largest trading city in the south, and its geographical location is also very close to Notting City.

Due to previous natural disasters, Notting's main urban area with mobile technology has moved north.

But Notting City has left, but there is a small city that is also attached to Notting City but has not left.

That is Kuroba's headquarters, Happy City.

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