Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 836 Letter to You

Mesha walked out of the Border Defense Military Region barracks in Yehua City without looking back.

When she raised her head, a snowflake fell on her beautiful face. The snowflake was quickly melted by her body temperature and turned into a crystal drop of water.

Water droplets merged with tears and slid down the cheeks.

"Sir Mesa!"

At this moment, a call came from behind.

Looking back, Mesha saw four soldiers wearing border military region uniforms.

Behind these four people, there was a large group of heavily armed soldiers standing in the distance, numbering at least more than 500 people.

Mesha knew these four people. They were all former confidants of General Gleason.

"Sir Mesha, where do you plan to go?"

Mesa held back the tears in her eyes.

"I no longer belong to the Border Guard Military Region. I want to do what I should do."

"We'll go with you!"

The next second, more than 500 soldiers neatly tore off the Victoria military badges on their chests, and everyone had a determined expression.

One of the older officers among the first four people said firmly.

"General Gleeson once told us that the duty of a soldier is to protect the people. Now the general is gone, but we are still alive. As long as we are alive, we must use our lives to fulfill our duties as soldiers."

Hearing this, Mesha looked with relief at the soldiers in front of her who were still extremely loyal to General Grissom.

"Aren't you afraid of death if you fight against the empire?"

"The general is dead, but his will will not disappear. We are willing to follow him to the death!"

Mesha's eyes scanned the faces of every soldier, and finally, she stopped on a young man who looked very immature.

This young man was wearing a helmet and looked to be less than twenty years old. He stared and his lips trembled subconsciously.

Walking up to the young soldier, Mesha asked calmly.

"How old are you."

"Report, I am 17 years old."

"Are you scared?"

"Report, I...I'm not afraid!"

Seeing the child who was not yet an adult trying to hide his fear stubbornly, Mesa reached into the inner pocket of her coat.

"Since you are not afraid, then help me perform a task."

The young soldier saluted.


Mesa took out two envelopes from her pocket, which she had prepared a long time ago.

"The south is in chaos right now. Please help me deliver the message."

"Send it to where?"

"Send it to Shengdi City. There is an address on the letter. You change into your military uniform and deliver the letter to this building. Hand both letters into the hands of a person named Xia Feng."

The soldier took the envelope.

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission!"

Mesa nodded.

"Well, go get ready."

"Report, Chief Mesa, where I will return after delivering the letter."

"After sending the letter, you stay in Shengdi City and wait for my orders. You can move freely before I find you."


3 days later.

After Xia Feng finished the call with Yin Hui, he received a letter from a young man who claimed to be a soldier of the Border Defense Military Region.

There are two letters in total, one written to be received by Xia Feng and the other written to be received by Medes.

Xia Feng didn't know why these two letters were delivered to him. Afterwards, he confirmed that they were just ordinary paper letters and let the soldier leave.

Sitting behind a long table, Xia Feng carefully studied the letter with [Mesha to Xia Feng] written on the cover.

For some reason, he didn't open the envelope for a long time. He just held the letter blankly, as if he had a premonition of something bad.

I do not know how long it has been.

Finally, Xia Feng moved his fingers lightly and pulled out the letter inside the envelope.

What was written on the letter came into view.




Meisha’s letter to Xia Feng:

Xia Feng, I am Meisha.

I don't know what the situation in the south will be like when you read this letter. Come to think of it, it should be very pessimistic.

Maybe you will be in a bad mood. I'm sorry for letting you read this boring letter of mine when you are so anxious.

In fact, I have wanted to say these words to you for a long time, but I did not have the courage to say them face to face. I even thought that I would never be able to say these words to you.

But at the end of the day, I still want to tell you these words in the form of a letter, because I feel that if I don't tell you, you will never know with your big nerves.

What I want to say is.

Xia Feng, I like you.

Ha, as expected, I can never say this to you face to face. Just writing it out makes me feel my heart beating faster. Maybe I am still too unsure.

I remember someone asked me when I was a child, Mesha, what kind of person will you marry when you grow up?

My answer at the time was that I wanted to marry someone who would risk his life to stand in front of me when I was in danger.

I know that with your personality, you may have forgotten that little incident. When General Grissom was attacked by assassins in his office in Yehua City, you, who was obviously just a visitor, were involved in this incident. In crisis.

But you didn't run away.

This has nothing to do with interests or strength. I can see that you didn't even think about anything at that time, but subconsciously chose to protect me and the general.

Faced with the explosive bomb that had been thrown and was about to explode at any time, you chose to turn around and kick it away from our range.

You wouldn’t know that from that moment on, I firmly believed that you were the person I wanted to marry.

After returning home, I personally made the snacks from my hometown for you. I lied to you and said they were leftovers from what I had made before. In fact, they were the most satisfactory finished product after repeated experiments all night long.

Later, the general asked me to go to Hapi City to supervise you. At that time, I looked calm on the outside, but actually I was very happy inside.

However, as I gradually adapted to life in a barbecue restaurant, I gradually discovered that you and I are actually people in two worlds.

Of course, this is not your fault, it’s just that I feel that I am too small compared to you.

As time goes by, you become more and more powerful, and the words "I like you" become more and more difficult to say.

I gradually feel relieved. Maybe in your life, I am just an insignificant passer-by like the vast sea of ​​people.

But I still want to tell you.

When I knew you were in danger at Longmen, I was really worried.

I was really happy to see you back safely in Victoria.

In fact, I made snacks for you many times later, but after I made them, I was embarrassed to admit it. I just said that I made them for everyone, but in the end, A Guang ate them all.

I'm sorry that I caused trouble for you in the swordsmanship competition at that time. In fact, I just wanted to help you.

Xia Feng, I know that I will never realize my dream, and we can't be together. Compared with this childish personal relationship between children, what you carry in your heart is the sea of ​​stars.

And I can also see that the person you like is actually Wei Na.

Even though your love for Wei Na was already expressed in words, you never said it, because you knew that the intensifying storm in Victoria could not tolerate any relaxation.

Oh, I finally said these words, and suddenly I felt so relaxed. I can’t imagine what you will look like when you see these words now. Really, I feel my face getting hot just thinking about it.

Okay, that's all. I'm sorry for wasting a lot of your time and letting you read such a meaningless letter.

I know, in fact, I should bury these inner words in my heart forever, so that they will not cause you any trouble or affect your thoughts.

But in the end, I still want to tell you these inappropriate words. Maybe this is my selfishness. Please forgive me.

Help me tell Vina that I'm sorry for contradicting her that day. Her hunch was right and I couldn't convince my father.

That's it, one last arbitrary request.

If you can, please forget about me.

Xia Feng, I like you.

I like you.

I really like you.

May the turmoil in Victoria subside soon, and I wish you good luck in martial arts.

—— Mesa.




Xia Feng read this letter specially written to him word for word.

On the edge of the paper, there are many traces of being wetted.

Xia Feng knew that these traces must be salty.

The next morning.

Xia Feng received the latest battle report from the front line sent back by intelligence personnel of the Southern Military Region.

Three days ago, 500 soldiers from the Border Defense Military Region broke away from the military region without permission. Led by an officer with the rank of major general, they headed from the eastern border to a small town near the city of Gayel.

In that small town that didn't even have a name, this 500-person team fought with a 2,000-person infiltration force from the Central Military Commission in order to protect the infected people in the town from evacuating.


Seventy percent of the infected people in the town successfully evacuated to the complex mountainous area.

The leading officer of this small team, Major General Mesha, and the 500 soldiers from the border military region who accompanied him died heroically.

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