Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 843 Cut off, countercurrent

Winter in Victoria is very long, but no matter how long it is, it will eventually pass.

Gangs, interests, power, status, allies, brothers, tears, death.

In this awakening world, Xia Feng has long been accustomed to the falling snowflakes in the sky and the biting cold wind in the wilderness.

Unconsciously, he has become accustomed to winter, and perhaps along with the millions of infected people in Victoria, for whom winter represents a desperate situation.

It is called a desperate situation because there is no way out, so the inner winter will never pass. For this reason, they must adapt to winter.

Until some chance.

The infected people gathered in Shengdi City suddenly discovered that the biting cold wind in the past seemed to have become softer.

The ice and snow are starting to show signs of melting.

It turns out that after a long wait, winter in Victoria is almost over.

As time passed day by day, Xia Feng's call for infected people spread by word of mouth.

All infected people, regardless of age or sex, who learned this information immediately dropped everything they were doing.

Those who were preparing to leave the country stopped and turned back, those who hid in the mountains and forests, those who had nowhere to go and didn't know what they were doing finally found the way forward.

With Shengdi City as the center, Xia Feng's call was like a huge whirlpool, invisibly pulling in all the infected people within the territory.

Even though this vortex may lead some infected people to death, they will never look back.

Rather than fearing sacrifice, they are more willing to pass on their hope at the cost of their lives, fighting for the next piece of land called "hometown" for future generations and compatriots.

A few days later.

There are countless infected people gathered in Shengdi City both inside and outside the city. What is rare is that at this moment, ordinary people and infected people are in the same city, but there is not a single riot.

The infected people supervise and restrain each other so as not to cause any trouble to the residents of Shendi City.

They are just waiting, waiting for that person to show up.

Because of the ever-changing nature of the situation, new information comes in almost every few hours.

Xia Feng and others have to hold multiple discussions every day and adjust the combat plan in a timely manner.

In the conference room.

General Aumont, who had always been calm and calm, finally felt uneasy.

"I think the time is almost up. It is no longer possible for the Central Army to take the initiative. If it continues, their defensive posture will become more and more perfect."

The military generals of Sami and Sargon also agreed. For them, it is best to end the war as soon as possible in a foreign country.

However, Yin Hui, who also came from a foreign country, didn't think so.

Silver Gray stared at the map of Victoria seriously.

"The enemy's pressure is greater than ours. Looking at the southern range, the overall formation of the Central Army is biased towards the west. According to the latest intelligence, they have abandoned most of the cities they previously occupied. It can be seen that their commander wants to shrink Defend to avoid being defeated one by one.”

Looking at the map, Yin Hui continued.

"Shrinking defense is the most conservative see-saw tactic, but judging from the current total number of troops of the Central Army entering the south, integrating the troops that were previously scattered in various cities will face a huge problem, which is a sharp increase in supply pressure."

What Yin Hui said makes sense. To put it bluntly, this is the difference between free-range and captive breeding.

If you put a group of chickens free range in the wild, they will not starve to death even if they are not fed for many days, or you can only feed the part of the chickens that cannot find anything to eat.

But if you gather all the chickens together and put them in a designated area, then you must meet the survival supplies of all the chickens at the same time.

Of course, this is only a theoretical supply pressure. In fact, the Central Army's supply line is very complete, and the economic gap between the north and the south is huge. For this war, the supply supply in the north must be very sufficient.

On the other hand, for the Southern Allied Forces, the supply problem can only be said to be about the same.

The Southern Military Region has always had its own military grain depots in many cities along the coast. If it remains stuck here, because the border guards have become "ours", supplies from Sami and Sargon can also be transported in through the border.

To sum up, Yin Hui seems to have raised a "waste" point, which is equivalent to not being mentioned.

However, an old warlord like Boss Yin can't just talk on paper.


Yin Hui placed his finger on a medium-sized city in the west at the junction of north and south.

"As long as we take down this city, we can cut off a supply line to the west."

The city pointed in silver is none other than the first city in the opening battle between the North and the South, Canan City.

General Aumon said immediately.

"Mr. Silver Gray, I understand what you are thinking, but now Kanan City is the lifeblood of the Central Army. It is not an exaggeration to call it the headquarters of the rear area. To defeat it is almost equivalent to a general attack by the entire army. Moreover, today's Central Army There is no longer just this supply line.”

Having said that, General Aumont also marked a city in the east direction of the junction of north and south.

This city and Kanan City are almost parallel on the map when viewed east and west.

"The total strength of the Central Army entering the south now exceeds 500,000, with a supply line to the west and a supply line to the east. Although the force is now concentrated in the west, it can be used as a backup supply line."

After listening to General Omen's concerns, Silver Gray's eyes were deep and his voice contained a kind of confidence.

"Cut off on the left, reverse flow on the right."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone in the conference room changed at the same time.

The people here are all military experts, and Yin Hui's six words have already made them understand the intention of Yin Hui's tactic.

Silver Gray picked up the pen, cut off the back of Kanan City, and explained at the same time.

"Forcibly cut off the supply line in Ganan City, and then we launch a general attack from the east against another supply line to the north."

Considering the current situation, General Omen immediately denied it.

"According to the current strength of the enemy and our forces, we can only aim to recapture the south. As for counterattacking in the north, it is really unrealistic."

Silver Gray continued.

"Yes, we don't need to actually counterattack the north, but we must fight with the goal of counterattacking the north, and make the Central Army believe that we are really capable of counterattacking the north."

The tactics Yin Hui mentioned were very simple, making an attack in the east and attacking in the west, a principle that almost all primary school students would understand.

But if you want to evolve from paper to actual combat, the conditions that need to be met are so complex that it is suffocating.

There are several conditions that must be met.

First, the number of troops capturing Kanan City must be small. Kanan City is almost at the rear of the enemy's formation and cannot be discovered during the march. Once exposed, they will immediately face siege.

Second, the surprise attack on Kanan City must coincide with the counterattack of the entire army in the east. It is necessary to create an illusion for the Central Army that it must abandon Kanan City, otherwise the rebels will directly penetrate into the north.

If the offensive is not strong, the Central Army may choose to retake Kanan City first, or divide its forces to contain it.

To put it bluntly, the commanders of both sides are not fools. This is a psychological game. Even if Kanan City is lost, the supplies of the Central Army will not be affected in a short period of time, and it will not be to the extent that the soldiers are hungry.

But if it is a large-scale migration march, the stability of the supply line is very important, and from a long-term perspective, this is also fatal.

The conference room fell into silence.

Yin Hui's proposal is not the safest plan, and it feels like taking the wrong approach.

But it is undeniable that if you attack others first in this way, the initiative will undoubtedly be on your own side.

General Aumon was lost in thought, and the generals Sami and Sargon were also hesitant. If this plan was confirmed, it would be necessary to decide which force would be used to surprise Kanan City under the heavy siege of the Central Army.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Yin Hui raised his lips.

"Don't worry, since this is my proposal, I will shoulder the most challenging part."

Yin Hui looked at Xia Feng next to him.

"Xia Feng, I believe in you. The timing of the general attack will be left to you. If you also believe in me, then leave it to me to attack Qi Ganan City."

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