Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 854 The eternal night of winter

At noon, the sun rises to the highest point in the sky.

As the small helicopter of Penguin Logistics took off first, dozens of armed helicopters of Black Steel International also started their propellers.

Under Xia Feng's order, an advance team of 250,000 infected people launched an attack to the north.

Xia Feng doesn't understand military affairs, and Yin Hui is not a guy who plays by common sense.

There is not much careful consideration, time is more important than any strategic significance, the enemy's position is within easy reach, and what is in your mouth is food. No matter how many others there are, just attack the one closest to you first.

In this way, a medium-sized city in the north closest to the west junction broke into Xia Feng's sight. The name of this city was Fulai City.

The nobles and security bureau of Foley City never imagined that their city would one day become the opening battle of the southern counterattack.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz!"

With Black Steel International's weapons helicopter opening the way, 250,000 elite troops of infected people equipped with Origin Stones marched through the wilderness like a black whirlwind, aiming directly at Fulai City.

According to the real-time intelligence transmitted through Penguin Logistics, no large-scale imperial troops were found within at least hundreds of kilometers, which is very unusual.

After hearing this information, Xia Feng certainly knew that it was unusual.

The main force of the Central Army had just been defeated in the south. It was difficult to intercept them in a short time due to the distance. However, there was a fully organized Northern Military District in the northern hinterland of the empire.

Although they were marching very fast, it was impossible for the Imperial Military Department to be unaware of this, and there was no reason why the Northern Military District should not mobilize to the junction.

After thinking hard to no avail, Xia Fengsuoxing gave up thinking.

He is ready for a full-scale war. He will defeat them when he comes. It would be better if he doesn't come. He will just sweep through the northern cities one by one until he takes Londinium.

In this way, the army of 250,000 infected people traveled unimpeded and arrived in Fulai City before dark.

Because of the mysterious "disruption" of the Northern Military Region for unknown reasons, the military's response is now somewhat confusing.

The most serious mistake was that they did not notify the northern border cities in time to prevent the infected army from counterattacking from the south.

Of course, maybe this is also intentional, because notifying them is of no use. The army cannot rush there in time, and it may also cause panic among the residents.

This is indeed the case. Ordinary residents living in northern cities can panic, but there is no need to flee for their lives.

Unlike the cold-blooded decision-making of the empire, the infected people under the leadership of Xia Feng will not launch the so-called "crazy revenge".

The person who ordered the killing of infected people was Wei Lin, and the General Military Headquarters was responsible for the execution. Every wrongdoer has his debtor, and Xia Feng will not kill innocent people indiscriminately in the city.

However, this is the case in theory. When the city is actually broken, we can only do our best to do so.

In sight, the outline of Fulai City has gradually become clearer.

This is just a medium-sized city in the north. There is no military garrison at this time. The only defense forces that can be called are the local security bureau and the private soldiers of the nobles.

In Xia Feng's eyes, Fulai City was the first prey he swallowed, and it was also a wake-up call for the empire.

Contrary to the scenery in Xia Feng's eyes, on the not-so-high city wall of Fulai City, the police guarding the city were dumbfounded.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the horizon, and the army of 250,000 infected looked like a moving natural disaster, rushing towards them.

"Enemy attack!"

On the city wall, the guard captain shouted at the top of his lungs, but the lack of training in the military and police had no idea how to respond.

Of course, there is no correct response method at this time. Their military and police force with less than 300 people cannot defend the city no matter what. The best choice should be to hang the white flag at the top of the city as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, they didn't make the best choice.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

The roar of armed helicopters filled the sky, and the strong wind instantly blew the soldiers on the city wall to their knees.

When they clutched their hats and raised their heads, what they saw was an overwhelming rain of bullets raining down on them without any warning.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

Without any mercy, the doors of dozens of armed helicopters opened wide, and heavy Originium guns fired a round at the city wall.

The powerful Source Stone bullets easily broke through the bodies of the military police, and everything on the city wall was beaten to pieces.

The wooden box exploded, shrapnel flew everywhere, and the city wall was instantly in a mess with blood mixed with screams.

At this time, the city gates of Fulai City were tightly closed, but because they were located in the "comfortable" north, the gates were not heavy.

Approaching the city gate, Xia Feng roared.

"Frost Star!"


A dark blue light bloomed instantly, and an extreme air of frost had already frozen through the city gate in front.


Xia Feng gritted his teeth and used the Shenyue Sword to cut open his palm, and the black flame in his left eye instantly rose.

Raising his fist, he rushed forward, facing the closed city gate with a serious punch containing black power.


Faced with this perverted punch that was comparable to a heavy battering ram, the city gate that had been penetrated by frost stars was blasted into pieces.

Without any pause, the 250,000-strong army divided into three groups and filed in through the city gate opened by Xia Feng himself. The other two groups broke through from the north gate and the south gate respectively.

When the infected army exuding a strong murderous aura rushed into the city, the military police and noble private soldiers who had already arrived instantly lost their fighting spirit. If they surrendered a little slower, they might be dead.

Soon, a black flag was raised on the city wall of Foley City. From the firing of the first shot to the end of the siege, the whole process took less than an hour.

The residents of Fulai City have never seen such a huge battle since they were born. It is simply more shocking than the war blockbusters in the movies.

Of course, as shocking as it is, you still have to be afraid.

When they knew that the army that destroyed the city were infected people gathered in the south, they all went home and secluded themselves, not even daring to open the curtains.

The mayor of Foley City directly announced his surrender without any resistance. As for the local nobles, no one could be found.

As the saying goes, a monk who can run away cannot run away from the temple. The army of infected people will not kill them all, nor will they burn them all, but they still have to do it.

After the news of the successful breach of Foley City spread back to Canaan City, the second batch of infected people who had finished their rest also entered the south, totaling nearly 500,000 people.

This was the crude tactic used by Xia Feng to sweep across the north.

With the elite team as the vanguard, they capture the city step by step, and the follow-up troops follow step by step. If the empire is slow to respond, it will sweep through most of the north like locusts.

However, although the Imperial Military did not expect the offensive of the infected to be so fast, they responded equally quickly.

The failure of the Northern Military Region was unexpected, but apart from the Northern Military Region, the reserves that the empire had begun to assemble long ago were not a display.

These soldiers are retired veterans and can enter the battlefield with a little training.

At the same time, the empire will still recruit a large number of new soldiers. According to the emergency wartime plan, it only takes a week for the new recruits to complete the minimum basic military training.

In the evening, Penguin Logistics returned information.

Two troops have already started moving from two directions in the direction of Londinium, with a total strength of 300,000.

These two troops are not the Central Army, they should be the reserve forces for separate operations.

This situation was completely within Xia Feng's expectation.

Without hesitation, he quickly ordered the elite 250,000 infected people in Fulai City.

"Leaving this city to our compatriots at the rear to take over, we continue to move northeast and strive to capture the city of Fork, 60 kilometers away, before dawn."

Xia Feng still didn't know why the Northern Military Region had not taken action. He guessed that there must be some problem with the military.

Faced with this situation, he could even imagine Frey jumping up and down with anxiety.

Now that the fire has started, he has no scruples, so let this prairie fire burn even more fiercely.

Until this burst of flames completely dispels Victoria's eternal night of winter.

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