Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 864 Welcome to Londinium

No one knows what the miracle Xia Feng is talking about is.

Even he himself was not sure what kind of miracle he would need to turn the tide of the war.

If Wei Lin can be killed, the momentum of the Central Army will definitely be hit. This has nothing to do with revenge.

In the past, this move might have been useless. The change of thrones is inevitable in history. No one can live forever, and no one can rule forever.

The new king will issue new national policies, and the army's obligation is only to fulfill them and defend the legitimacy of the throne.

To put it simply, as long as the person who inherits the throne is "reasonable", the soldiers will continue to fulfill their loyalty. If Verin died in an accident at some point in the past, as long as Werther or Vino succeeds, everything will be business as usual. .

In other words, Verin exchanged her life for a country free of infected people.

But now, the situation has changed subtly. In addition to Werther and Vino, another orthodox successor has appeared, and this person is here.

Is Verin's decision to expel the infected people right or wrong?

At this point, there is no need to discuss this matter anymore. Since the positions are different, the answers cannot be unified.

The only thing that is certain is that Wei Lin's decision has led to the current chaotic situation. Of course, in order to protect the king in their hearts, the Central Army will not give up, but what if the king in their hearts is no longer there?

The infected proved to the Empire with blood and death that we will not be expelled easily.

At the same time, this is not a so-called rebellion, nor is it a challenge to the majesty of the empire. Someone who inherited the blood of the previous king also fulfilled the responsibilities that a king should have.

Looking at Victoria, infected people and ordinary people have lived together for decades. Although there is discrimination, such a tragic conflict of positions has never occurred, and the trigger of this conflict is not on the side of the infected.

From an objective perspective, a new concept was born because of this tragic war.

Throughout history, Verin is actually the "rebel", while Verina has always adhered to the will passed down by successive kings.

"If Wei Lin dies, there is a high probability that the Central Army will give up resistance, and the protection will be meaningless, and it will be in vain."

This is not a complicated logical relationship. Everyone understands the principle of "capture the thief first".

Seeing Xia Feng's determined expression, Yin Hui narrowed his eyes.

"If you go to Londinium now, you will die. If you die, the mental impact on the infected will be the same."

"I want to try."

He must do something. The current situation is no longer "safe" at all.

Hundreds of people die on the main battlefield every second. If it does not stop, the conflict between the infected and ordinary people will escalate to a level that can never be resolved because of this war.

If all the forces of both sides are consumed by time, the tragic result will be deeply engraved in history. Even if Veena finally replaces Verin and becomes the new king, the conflict will be difficult to resolve.

This kind of victory is definitely not what everyone wants to see.

This is not Wei Na’s ideal hometown, nor is it the life that Bagpipe longs for, nor is it the world he wants to change.


Tiny raindrops continued to fall, and there was a faint sound of thunder from the sky.

This is the first rain in Victoria this year, and it also represents a signal that winter has passed. At the same time, this seasonal rain is even colder than a heavy snow.

The three wolf brothers and the Yeti team held their weapons blankly.

"Brother Feng, let's go with you."


Hong Dao stood in front of Xia Feng.

"I'll go with you."

Xia Feng shook his head gently.

"No, I can do it alone."

Hong Dao was a little excited, and he held Xia Feng's shoulder with one hand.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Are you afraid of killing us? Do you think we are afraid of death?"


Xia Feng lowered his head, glanced at his bracelet, and said calmly.

"I'm not going to die, nor do I plan to die. I can move forward and retreat alone, and you may hinder me."

"Xia Feng!"

"Stop talking, there's no time."

Xia Feng raised his head and scanned the faces of each of his companions.

"You go and meet Wei Na, don't be impulsive, wait for my news, Wolf, give me the Origin Stone."

"Brother Feng."

"Don't worry, give it to me."

Taking a metal suitcase filled with Origin Stones from Lang Da, Xia Feng smiled at everyone in the rain.

Everyone could see that this smile was a little sad.

Then, he turned around and left decisively.

On the plain, a lone figure walked around the main battlefield and ran quickly towards Londinium City.

While running, Xia Feng carried the suitcase with one hand and wiped the rain off his face with the other hand.


A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, standing out among the dark clouds.

The cold rain soaked through his clothes, and the biting cold made his senses somewhat numb. However, this feeling did not make him feel any strange. Instead, he felt very calm inside.

Determination to die?

This kind of thing makes no sense to him.

If he died, everything would come to an abrupt end and it would also represent his incompetence.

Travelers throughout history have not changed the world, not even a country, and they cannot even change the fact that the Rhode Island operator Vina lost her hometown in the voice record.

This is ridiculous.

If those two guys Zhang Yuan and Xia Ran find out, they will definitely laugh out loud. Even the Ergou next door to the barbecue restaurant will laugh at him and say, "Old Xia, you are too inferior. I thought you were quite powerful." of."


Because of the intense running, Xia Feng's breathing became rapid. Recalling the familiar faces in his mind, the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised slightly.

If his life ended abruptly here, to be honest, it would be quite strange.

However, he still felt a little unwilling, because there was a scene that he wanted to see with his own eyes no matter what.

That is, Vina's heartfelt smile after protecting her hometown.


A thunderclap interrupted Xia Feng's misty thoughts. As he ran unknowingly, he had already crossed the Central Army's position far, far away.

During the heavy rain, a huge city wall appeared in sight.

Someone once said that this city wall was built by the first kings of Victoria to remind future rulers to protect their homeland no matter what.

To be honest, he no longer knows who is the real guardian between Wei Na and Wei Lin.

He is not God, he will not only do the right thing, no matter who is right or wrong, he will now cross this wall.

However, the city wall blocking him at this moment is probably the strongest, most severe, and most dangerous challenge in his life so far.

Even if today is the 30th day of the black and white twins' cycle, even if he has enough source stones in his hands, it is still dangerous.

Holding a metal box in one hand, Xia Feng stood alone under the tall city wall.


With another flash of lightning, the dark sky was illuminated.

On the city wall, including Tianhuo, there were many five members of the [King's Staff]. Bai still wore a fox mask, so no one could pry into the expression under the mask.

Next to the [King's Staff], hundreds of people in black didn't make a sound, as if they had merged with the heavy rain. Judging from their costumes and weapons, they should be the Dongguo people under Frey.

Under the city wall, the rain washed away the golden armor, and the firm will to fight was unshakable.

If the Central Army is the sword of the royal family, then the force guarding Londinium at this moment is the skin of steel that will never betray the royal family.

More than 5,000 elite members of the Royal Knights guarded the city gate of Londinium. 5,000 pairs of eyes that looked like death were locked tightly on the tiny Xia Feng.

Raising his head, Xia Feng calmly stared at the towering city wall.

"Is this a trap?"

A smiling female voice came from the city wall.

Although he was laughing, there was an indescribable coldness in this voice, colder than the cold rain in front of him, coming from the dark deep sea.

Hela stood on the city wall, holding a strange blue curved sword in her hand.

"Xia Feng, welcome to Londinium, your tomb."

At this moment, on both sides of Hela's body, there were at least more than 200 humanoid creatures wearing black robes standing on the city wall.

The reason why they are called creatures rather than people is because their body proportions are completely different from normal people.

There is no doubt that these "things" are unique products of the [Deep Canon] teachings, special species from the deep sea.

In addition, there are two men dressed in different costumes next to Hela.

One of them has a strong build and his skin is a strange dark blue color. The other one is slightly thinner and holds a huge black long bow in his hand.

Both men wore the familiar "octopus" pendant around their necks.

If your guess is correct, these two men are existences of the same level as Hela, the divine envoys of the [Deep Code] teachings.

In order to "welcome" him, the lineup on the city wall was really spectacular, but among the many powerful enemies, the only one that made Xia Feng's pupils shrink was a petite figure.

Long black hair, bare feet, slender white arms, and that black dress.

Although she looked like a harmless little girl, what was contained in her pupils at this moment was so profound that it was suffocating.

This was the aura of a strong person, so powerful that even in the heavy rain, not a drop of raindrops wet her hair.

She is the most powerful divine messenger in the [Deep Canon] teachings, and her name is Black Snow.

On the city wall, Hela looked down at Xia Feng below, with a calm smile on her face.

"Heir to the Black and White Twins, it's a pity that you can't change anything. Goodbye."

Facing this city wall that even the gods could not shake, Xia Feng's eyes revealed a hint of relief.

Yes, how could Weilin be killed by him so easily.


He threw the metal suitcase on the ground, and the crystal Origin Stones inside scattered out.

Slowly pulling out the Shenyue Sword, Xia Feng was surprisingly calm at this moment.

"How will you know if you can change it or not if you don't try?"

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