Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 870 The Final Song

When you risk your life to save others, others will try to save you in the same way.

At first, Xia Feng only rescued Skadi who was detained by the Security Bureau after the sword competition.

But counting this time, it was already the third time that Skadi had saved him.

Silver-white long hair flashed across Xia Feng's eyes. Looking at Skadi "falling from the sky", Xia Feng was completely stunned.

The last time he saw Skadi was at the barbecue restaurant. When she left, she made it clear that she was going to Kjerag.

Now Kjerag has been controlled by Yin Hui, and Yin Hui, who has completely become the lord of the snow mountain, did not stabilize his rule, but rushed to Victoria with his elite subordinates.

Although Kjerag is an extremely closed country, from Silver Gray's actions, Skadi has noticed that something big may have happened to Victoria.

The distance from Kjerag to Victoria was too long to be measured with precise figures, but she finally caught up, within a second.

Seeing that everyone rushed to Londinium at the last moment, Xia Feng would be lying if he said he was not moved. However, the current situation was obviously not a passionate counterattack, and he could not help but be moved.

There was no time for pleasantries, Xia Feng quickly said to Skadi, who had just arrived.

"Diti, be careful of that woman!"

Skadi's expression seemed to never change. She didn't make a sound, she just nodded slightly.

Then, she rushed towards the flying black snow again with her giant sword in hand.

This is not the first time that Skadi and Kuroyukihime have fought against each other. Skadi had saved him from Kuroyukihime in Sami.

But no one knows the true outcome of that battle. Obviously, no one on either side was killed by the other.

Skadi is a deep-sea hunter. With his strong strength, he also has combat experience specifically against deep-sea species, which can be said to be perfect restraint.

But there are still limits to so-called restraint.

Just like a lion on the African grassland can prey on a bison that is larger than its own body, this is the restraint of body structure and hunting experience.

But if the opponent is also a bull king that transcends the conventional, then superior attack power, defense power, and agility can also make up for the natural restraint relationship.

After sending the black snow flying with one sword, Skadi raised his sword again to catch up.

As the black snow fell to the ground, the giant sword swung down fiercely.


The ground cracked instantly, and Kuroyukihime's petite body collapsed into the soil, but the giant sword was caught with her palms exactly as it was.

Because of the huge force, blood flowed from the corners of Kuroyukihime's mouth, and the wound on his armpit that had been stabbed by Xia Feng also burst open.

There was no trace of hesitation or pity in Skadi's eyes, which was undoubtedly similar to Kuroyuki's.

The hunter always wants to kill the prey, and similarly, the prey always wants to switch positions with the hunter.

Seriously injured, Kuroyukii quickly adjusted to the fighting state. As the strongest divine envoy recognized by the [Deep Canon] teachings, although she is not good at dealing with deep sea hunters, she will not be afraid.

Afterwards, the two men fought fiercely.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Huge collision sounds came one after another, fists and feet intertwined, giant swords tumbled, and the two people's duel "earth shook the mountains", making it impossible for others to get close.

On the other side, Kuroba's companions who arrived also fought with the Royal Knights.

Judging from the number of people, although the Royal Knights had been severely damaged by Xia Feng before, the number of people surviving in the position in front of the city gate was still more than 3,000.

Everyone in Black Feather is the best among the best. Not only can one fight against a hundred, but everyone can stand alone.

But facing the Royal Knights, who are top-notch in terms of quality, equipment and loyalty in the empire, to be honest, a dozen people are still too reluctant.

Fortunately, Frost Star's ice spells can divide the battlefield within range, and a dozen people can form a flexible formation, which can be temporarily dealt with.

But if you want to completely annihilate the opponent and cross the city wall, that is a complete fantasy.

From the side, Yin Hui's special skill [True Silver Slash] has ended.

After this move, at least nearly 80% of the Dongguo Assassin Group died under the sword energy, and less than 20 people survived.

These 20 people are undoubtedly real masters. They did not cower in the face of heavy casualties. Perhaps the word "escape" has never been in their family motto in Dongguo. Even if they die, they will die before completing their mission. in process.

After the True Silver Slash, Yin Hui's chest heaved violently. This ultimate move beyond the limit was undoubtedly very exhausting.

Holding the sword in one hand, the other hand reached to the collar and unbuttoned two buttons.

Then, he continued to face the remaining Dongguo assassins with his sword in hand.

In the center of the open space under the city wall, Guigui hugged Xia Feng's waist, and his little hands were already covered in blood.

"Windmill, you are injured!"

"It's okay, cough."

Xia Feng quickly took a quick look at the situation on the battlefield. Not surprisingly, he was very pessimistic.

There is still a black flame in his left eye. The black power will not subside on its own on the 30th day. It will continue to consume the nearby Source Stone energy that can be absorbed. Finally, the Source Stone energy will be exhausted and it will begin to consume him. body of.

Until finally his body reaches the critical point of death, white power will emerge from his right eye, dispelling all pain and returning to the original state.

Enduring the overwhelming pain in his body, Xia Feng gritted his teeth and said.

"Guigui, do you still have the Origin Stone?"

Almost all of Black Feather's Origin Stones were distributed to the infected army, and what Langda gave him just now was the last box he saved.

Upon hearing his words, Turtle immediately reached for his backpack.

"There is one last one, but you"

"Brother, it's okay. Give it to me."

He must not stop now. If the white power appears, it will be too late. Within the 30th day of the black and white twins, he must...

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

At this moment, a string of twisted laughter streaked across the battlefield, interrupting Xia Feng's thinking.

Hela's sword had been thrown to the ground. She covered the wound on her broken arm with one hand and stared at Xia Feng with a crazy expression.

"Are you very touched that your companions are here? Hahaha, but unfortunately, they are as overestimated as you are. In order to save you, everyone will die here, and no one can cross the wall of Londinium! "

Hela's voice was very arrogant, but to Xia Feng's ears, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Because the previous battle with one against four was too intense, he needed to focus all his attention on the opponent who was close to Chi Chi.

Until now, he noticed something he had overlooked.

Led by Hela, the defensive force in Londinium was 100% prepared in advance to deal with the infected resistance's plan of "capture the thief first".

There were many forces involved in the defense up and down the city wall, so many that Xia Feng almost forgot "them".

For some reason, the [King's Staff] never made a move, but in addition to the [King's Staff], there was a group of people on the city wall who did not make any movement.

Xia Feng raised his head sharply.

On the city wall, there were at least more than 200 "people" wearing black robes, neatly unbuttoning their clothes.


Dozens of huge boxes were pushed down on the edge of the city wall, and the crystal round objects inside poured down, as if forming a waterfall flowing down from the city wall.

There is no doubt that these things pouring out of the box are Source Stones!

With the "waterfall" of Origin Stone pouring down, Hela's crazy expression, her voice drifted into Xia Feng's ears.

"You can't change anything. Victoria's mission is finally coming to an end. All infected people will die, and their deaths will become the prelude to the end. Now, you and your companions will become the first in this holy war." A note."

Three updates.

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