Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 877 Winter passes and spring comes

Xia Feng had a dream.

This dream was very long, so long that it seemed to exceed his life so far.

The scene in the dream was very strange, as if it was neither his original world nor the world of Terra.

Mountains, rivers, forests, wilderness, everything seemed to be there, but something was missing. He made friends with many people and made enemies with many people.

It seems like a martial arts world, like a piece of history, with grudges and grudges pointing to the end of the world.

Occasionally, a horrific natural disaster came to the edge of the forest on his way. No one seemed to know what such a thing was, but he knew it.

"May I have your name?"

"My name is Tullerman."

"Do you know what you're holding?"

"I don't know, I just picked it up."

"This is the Source Stone."

"Origin Stone?"

"Yes, this is a mysterious ore formed in natural disaster areas. It contains huge energy. It seems to be omnipotent and can even push cities to avoid natural disasters."

"Ah! So powerful? What other uses does it have? Can you tell me more?"

"Of course. After knowing this, your name will be remembered by the world forever. Tullerman, this era is the Originium technological civilization that started with you."

Terran calendar year 1094, Victoria, spring.

When Xia Feng woke up from his dream, it was already two months after the end of the dark age.

The medical department on the second floor of Black Feather Grill.

When he opened his eyes in bed, his field of vision was inexplicably narrow.

Of course, people will feel this way as long as they see things with one eye. At this time, Xia Feng only opened his left eye, and his right eye was wrapped with white gauze.

The window on the second floor was open, and the curtains printed with floral patterns swayed gently in the wind. Xia Feng remembered that Nancy had chosen these curtains.

The sun was shining brightly outside, and the soft spring breeze blew in from the outside. Vaguely, he seemed to hear the noise of children downstairs outside.

"Ergou, do you know how to do it?"

"Come again, I found the trick."

"Tch, I guess you still can't catch it."

"No way, come again."

At this time, a car seemed to be parked in front of the barbecue restaurant, and the sound of the door opening and closing was heard, accompanied by Lapland's lazy voice.

"Brother ACE, what are you having for lunch today?"

"I bought potatoes and beef at the market, let Snow Monster Four arrange it."


Listening to these familiar voices, Xia Feng felt very relieved in the hospital bed on the second floor.

After lying down for a while, his body, which was so limp that he had no strength at all, gradually regained his mobility. He sat up and subconsciously shouted softly.

"Ah Guang, Ah."

As soon as the words came out, his expression froze, and his eyes dimmed.

Yes, he didn't lose his memory or have a memory disorder. He remembered everything.

After a while, the name changed.


The news of Xia Feng's awakening instantly caused the entire barbecue restaurant to erupt in cheers no less than when the Imperial Military Headquarters announced its total surrender. Of course, it was the former Imperial Military Headquarters.

After Dr. Kane and Hemmer finished the routine examination on Xia Feng, everyone who couldn't wait to see him finally poured in from the door, filling the not-so-spacious medical department to the brim.

Faced with everyone's flurry of greetings, Xia Feng just smiled quietly.

Seeing that Guigui's eye circles were a little red again, he reached out his hand and gently touched her little head.

"Be happy, I'm not fine."

Guigui was really happy to see Xia Feng wake up, but seeing his appearance at the moment, he still couldn't hide his sadness.

Turtle's voice was so low that he seemed ready to shed tears at any moment.

"But...your eyes."

Xia Feng laughed easily.

"So that's what happened. It doesn't matter. You may not know that the reason why people have two eyes is to deal with this kind of accident. One is enough to see things, and the other is a backup."

Turtle's little face, which still had red eye circles, showed a hint of uncertainty.

"Is it true that one of the two eyes of a person is a spare?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, cover one and see if you can see everything clearly."

The innocent turtle immediately followed suit and covered one of them with his little hand.

"Yes, you can see it, but it's a little uncomfortable."

"It's uncomfortable because you haven't gotten used to it yet. It will be the same when you get used to it."


Later, Froststar placed the red scarf that had been mended again on his bedside.

"I fixed it for you. I added some things."

This scarf shows a little rabbit on it, but it is different from the crooked pattern last time. This time, the little rabbit is smiling happily.

Xia Feng looked at Shuangxing with a smile.

"Thank you, I like it very much."

Nancy placed a cup of brewed health tea next to Xia Feng's bed and whispered.

"Miss Wei Na said that if you wake up, let us notify her as soon as possible. I just called her. She is very happy to know, but because she is too busy, she may not have time to see you."

Xia Feng's expression was like that of an awakened person who had no desire to be happy and had seen through the world of mortals.

"It doesn't matter, she must be very busy now, after all she is the king now."

Later, everyone felt relieved when they saw that Xia Feng was in pretty good condition.

Snow Monster No. 4 promised to make a complete meal for him tonight, so Brother ACE had to rush to the market to purchase.

Ifrit also had to pull out the barbecue grill that had been sealed before to avoid being exposed to the summer wind.

In order not to make Xia Feng, who had just woken up, too tired, everyone quickly left the medical department and went about their own business.

After the people left, the second floor fell into silence. A breeze blew in front of the window, and the trees on Baigui Street had already grown green leaves.

In the room, only the red knife remained.

Standing in front of Xia Feng's hospital bed, Hong Dao said directly.

"Hulai is dead."

Xia Feng's expression did not change, and he just responded gently.


"Lihao is dead too."


"Verin is dead too."

When Wei Lin was mentioned, Xia Feng's eyes finally flickered.

"Did Vina kill her?"

"No, she drank the poisoned wine herself."

"Is it."


Later, Hongdao told him some things that he thought Xia Feng should know. Of course, two months had passed since he was in a coma.

After Londinium was breached, the Central Army was aware of it. Then, the Southern Military District used the moving city of Notting as a formation, forcibly broke through the defense line, crossed the Central Army and attacked Londinium.

Afterwards, the Imperial General Military Headquarters fell, and news of Wei Lin's death spread. At this point, the belief that supported the Central Army's desperate fight collapsed.

After the war, according to subsequent statistics, more than 700,000 infected people lost their lives forever from the beginning to the end of this battle.

Those people failed to see Victoria after her rebirth.

Listening to Hong Dao's report, Xia Feng remained extremely calm.

After saying that, Hong Dao also breathed a sigh of relief. For the living, the dark age has passed.

"Then I won't disturb you anymore. You can take a rest."

The moment Hong Dao turned around, Xia Feng finally asked a question.

"Where's Frey."

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