Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 881 The cloudy day turned into a sunny day

Because of Styx's interference, the fact that Xia Feng should have died was reversed. Now, his life is imprisoned by an invisible shackle, and there can no longer be any deviation.

From today on, he can no longer draw out the black power.

Because in that case, the operation cycle that was finally frozen would resume flowing, and he would die because he could not withstand the power of infinite expansion.

Unable to use the black power, he seems to have become an ordinary person.

Of course, his current state is anything but ordinary. He is still an infected person, and his body that has been transformed by the black and white twins is still very strong.

It was as if he had been reset by the white power. Even without the black power, his physique, agility, reflexes, and endurance were also excellent. Coupled with the swordsmanship taught to him by Master Xiao, he was at least a four-star operator. standards.

But having said that, for the sake of safety, it was best for him not to fight now, let alone get excited.

In order to prevent the black power from being drawn out again, he needs to be calm. It is best to find a temple and cultivate his mind to become a monk.

Of course, that is an ideal state. In fact, it is impossible to become a monk, even in this life.

Because there is one more thing he must do.

In order to show his determination not to become a monk, Xia Feng ate a complete meal specially made for him by Snow Monster No. 4 that night.

In the lobby on the first floor of the barbecue restaurant, all the members of Black Feather were sitting at the table, toasting and drinking.

"Cheers to celebrate Xia Feng's recovery!"


Ifrit asked Xia Feng tentatively.

"YoYo, can I keep my barbecue stove by the door? I want to reopen."

Xia Feng smiled.

"Of course, it was because the weather was too cold before, but now the spring is coming, you can do whatever you want."


"Ifrit, I have another piece of good news to tell you."


"From today on, you are the owner of Black Feather BBQ Restaurant. This restaurant was originally opened for you. Now, I want to officially give it to you."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions were stunned.

Only Xia Feng kept smiling. He raised his glass again and shouted.

"Come, cheers to celebrate Ifrit becoming the owner of Black Feather Grill!"


Xia Feng always kept a faint smile. He praised every dish and drank every time he raised his glass.

Ifrit was immersed in the good news of becoming a boss and whispered happily to Hemo next to her.

"Hemo, Hemo, I have become the boss, does that mean I have the final say in the barbecue restaurant from now on?"

Helmer touched her head lovingly.

"You still have a lot to learn."


Looking away, Hemo secretly glanced at Xia Feng, who was always smiling.

She had noticed that there was an emotion hidden under Xia Feng's seemingly relaxed expression, which had been present since he woke up.

In order to make the atmosphere as joyful as possible, everyone then found various reasons to celebrate and toast.

For example, Wolf's bald hair before growing up has returned to a mohawk, Sun Fugui has learned new tricks, Turtle's little windmill has awakened from hibernation, and so on.

However, no matter what reasons everyone used to celebrate, Victoria's rebirth was never mentioned.

Perhaps, this great victory celebrated by the whole country is not something worth celebrating for everyone in Black Feather.

Because, compared to the bustling barbecue restaurant before, there were two empty seats at the dinner table.

In late spring, the whole of Victoria is full of life.

In two months, the entire country has emerged from the shadow of war, including the bloody traces on the battlefield, which have also merged into the soil with the sprouting flowers and plants.

Vina took over the country as king. First, the Imperial General Military Department took over the reorganization.

The old General Aumon resigned from the position of commander-in-chief. The newly appointed commander-in-chief of the Southern Military Region was a deputy commander who had outstanding performance in the resistance war and whose qualifications and personal abilities were very suitable.

The commander-in-chief of the Northern Military Region was taken over by Sirif, an old friend of General Gleeson and General Aumont, which was considered justifiable.

As for the commander-in-chief of the Border Defense Military Region, Medes has made it clear that he has no face to continue serving as commander-in-chief. However, in order to stabilize the country that has just experienced a war, he still chose to fulfill his duties loyally and make meritorious deeds.

As for the Central Army of the Empire's most trusted military region, there are no suitable candidates for the time being.

The former commander-in-chief Witte, also the royal brother of Verin, had died heroically in the final battle.

Some people say that Nanfeng is more suitable to serve as the commander-in-chief of the Central Army. After all, he has pure royal blood flowing in his body.

This is indeed a good idea, but the task Wei Na gave Nanfeng is much heavier than this.

At Weina's insistent request, Nanfeng served as the military commander-in-chief of the empire, becoming the person who controlled the four major military regions under one person.

Decisions for the new empire came one after another.

First of all, Vina canceled the establishment of infection concentration areas. Now infected people can apply for a Victoria citizenship certificate just like ordinary people.

Of course, the conflicts over the past few years will not disappear so easily. In order to facilitate governance, the new empire established multiple infected cities in the south, including the mayors who were infected.

Infected people can enjoy the same treatment and policies as ordinary people, and their own cities also need to be developed and maintained through their own efforts.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Na made another subversive reform.

She canceled the existence of the Imperial Yuan Parliament and changed it into the [National Assembly]. All members were selected from citizens from all walks of life and classes, including infected people.

These people will represent the people and participate in future discussions on national decision-making.

Not only that, the banning of the Yuan Parliament has another meaning.

From this moment on, Victoria's aristocratic status, which had lasted for hundreds of years, disappeared forever.

There is no distinction between high and low in the status of all citizens, and everyone is equal.

Some people say that after overthrowing the decadent empire, the new Victoria was still a monarchy. So is it possible that similar events will still happen?

Of course, this possibility does exist, but no country's political system in the world is objectively perfect.

Rather than worrying too much, it is better to give the new king more trust.

After all, she would risk her life for her people and her hometown, wouldn't she?

With the rise of the new empire, the weather in Victoria changed, but this time, it turned from cloudy to sunny.

But for some people, the sun is a bit harsh and will wither them.

The new empire abolished the aristocracy, which meant that hundreds of aristocratic families in Victoria were about to face "unemployment."

Because of the previous inaction of these noble men, the empire showed no mercy to them. The fiefdoms of the major nobles were recovered, factories and other private enterprises were seized, and large deposits were also frozen.

From this moment on, the good days of these "local emperors" who spend all day looking at people with their nostrils in their own fiefdoms are over.

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