Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 883 Ocean of Joy

The existence of some people can never be forgotten, and this is not hypocritical.

Xia Feng sometimes thinks, if he dies in the end, what will happen to everyone in Black Feather?

What he really wanted everyone to remember was his death, from sadness and pain to regret and remembrance.

Or forget him completely, as if he never existed.

Few people will truly control the world after their death. Even if you have laid out the chess game, reality is full of countless unknown factors.

The so-called death of a well-deserved death is just self-comfort.

It can be seen from this that the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the "revolution" are really great, because they based their deaths on an unknown future.

Some people say that history is written by the victors.

Xia Feng felt that this view was a bit narrow.

History is of course written by the victors, because only those who are alive can be "written", but some things will not be buried just because the losers withdraw.

There is no eternal winner in history. Some things take time to settle. The alternation of life and death, the intertwining of victory and defeat, constitute the world we see today.

The turmoil in Victoria has ended, but not everyone's perspective is wide enough to see the entire country. Most people can only see what is as far as the eye can see.

The war's death toll exceeds a million, officially, but if you include unknown corners, the number is more than double.

At the same time, there is another data that very few people know.

Before the civil unrest broke out in Victoria, the total number of infected people in Victoria was about 4 million.

After experiencing such a cruel war, the total number of infected people has not decreased, but has increased by nearly 700,000. The total number of infected people in the country is now close to 5 million.

Perhaps hearing this number will make people very surprised. Some people may ask, the infected army obviously suffered heavy casualties. Where did the extra infected people come from after the war?

It's very simple. If you think about it carefully, this is a reasonable result.

It is precisely because the war caused a large number of deaths of infected people that more infected people will appear in a short period of time.

Don’t forget why the infected were born.

In fact, after knowing this information, Xia Feng had already vaguely noticed something.

He seemed to have guessed why Verin wanted to kill the infected, and he also seemed to have roughly guessed what Hela had said to Verin.

However, this causal relationship cannot be completely clarified, just like an assembled car that lacks a necessary condition to start.

But with what he knows now, he still can't know.

Yes, he has no way of knowing, and it is difficult to know, because three of the four divine envoys of the [Deep Code] teachings are dead, and those guys may not show up again in a short period of time.

At least they won't set foot in Victoria again.

Happy City.

The opening ceremony of [Eve Turtle Playground] was grand.

In addition to a large number of children who came because "they can get balloons for free", almost all of Xia Feng's old friends in Happy City came.

The accumulated emotions need to be vented, and the shadows of the battlefield need to be soothed. This playground full of innocence is exactly the existence that strongly conflicts with such cruel things.

The second uncle and aunt, Er Gou and Sister Li, and all the neighbors from Baigui Street came.

Xia Feng saw many familiar faces in the happy crowd, some of whom he couldn't name, such as the wine shop owner who sold his out-of-print red wine.

He was happy that these familiar people had survived the turmoil.

Of course, maybe some people who only met once disappeared, but he won't remember them.

The reason for the establishment of this amusement park was just his casual promise to Ifrit, but it was a casual promise, and the hardware facilities invested in it were not bad at all.

Tang Hua was responsible for the construction of the entire amusement park, with an investment of more than 30 million. For a person like him who had no idea about money at the time, 30 million was not a big figure, but looking at it now, this 30 million is really "rich" .

The main entrance of the playground is designed to be full of childlike innocence. The whole thing is a big turtle, and the entrance is the turtle's big mouth.

Above the turtle, there is a huge sign that says "Eve Turtle Playground".

Because the venue is large enough, a square was built in front of the main entrance of the playground. At this time, the number of people watching the opening ceremony in the square can be described as a sea of ​​people.

In front of the main entrance.

Xia Feng was surrounded in the middle and completed the ribbon-cutting ceremony with scissors.

"I declare that Eve Turtle Playground is officially opened!"


Facing the enthusiastic cheers of the crowd, Xia Feng took the microphone and continued.

"Thank you all friends for your support. Happy City is the first city I put down roots after coming to Victoria, and it can also be regarded as my hometown. For me, it really feels like home. In this way, in order to repay the support of my hometown, Friends, I announce that the amusement park will be open for free for one week starting from today. You can play all the items as you like. I, Xia Feng, are here to treat you!"

As soon as these words came out, the cheers were many times louder than before.

"Master Xia Feng NB!!!"

"President Xia is very energetic!"

"Xiaobao, push forward and grab the roller coaster!"

The residents' hearts suppressed by the "dark times" were relieved. The children rushed into the playground with laughter, and the adults were also full of joy.

Xia Feng looked at everyone with a smile.

"Adults, please take care of your children. Children, please pay attention to safety."

"Know it!"

This amusement park belongs to Kuroba's property, so of course everyone at the barbecue restaurant is here to help.

After the business started, everyone was busy. Although there were already hired staff, everyone was still willing to take the initiative to help, and related services still had to be provided.

Langda wore a "ferocious" mohawk and gave balloons to every passing child with a smile.

"One for each person, hold on, don't fly."

Sun Fugui stood on the performance stage.

"Children, you can see clearly, this is a rabbit, right?"


"Watch it, let's go!"


"How about a rabbit turning into a donkey? Isn't that awesome?"

This unique skill made the children dumbfounded, and even the parents accompanying them were fooled into being stunned. This magic was so outrageous.

Fountain seating area in the playground.

Hongdao sat in the shade of the tree with his eyes closed and meditative, with a touch of comfort on his cold face.

Lapland didn't know why she became a "mascot". A group of children chased her and kept tugging on her butt.

"Big white dog, don't run, hahaha."

"Hey, I'm not a dog, I'm a Luper."

"Big white dog, big white dog, big white dog, everyone, catch her quickly!"

As for Guigui and the other little guys, they have gone completely crazy.

Ifrit was like a husky having fun, jumping up and down and pushing to the front of the line every time.

Ergou was like a poor boy who came from the countryside to the city. He had never seen so many amusement facilities in his whole life. Without worrying about anything else, he drank three large glasses of the free orange soda at the amusement park.

Everyone was immersed in the ocean of joy. From this moment on, everyone truly relaxed.

There is no need to worry about unknown dangers anymore. The rising sun in Victoria seems to illuminate every inch of the land and dispel all the shadows.

But no one noticed that after the opening ceremony was completed, Xia Feng quietly left against the flow of people.

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