Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 886 I am very satisfied

Through an evening of study, Xia Feng roughly understood the principle of [Shadow of Falling Cherry Blossoms].

To put it simply, it is a set of martial arts that is perfectly integrated with swordsmanship. Normal swordsmen only focus on the sword, but the most taboo thing when using a sword is distraction.

This kind of focus is fine in a one-on-one situation, but can be an Achilles' heel in a one-on-one situation.

But what Shadow of Falling Sakura needs to hone is to enable you to capture the surrounding situation while focusing on the battle in front of you. Not only must you see it, but also see it clearly. Not only must you see it clearly, but your body skills must also keep up. .

It's like watching Sun Fugui's magic show.

Not only do you have to discern that he is about to hide the cards, but you also have to see clearly that the cards he is hiding are the cards of hearts, and you also have to grab his wrist before he successfully hides the cards and spit at him with a mean smile on his face. His tongue kept him from getting off the stage.

For a period of time after that, Xia Feng was completely immersed in the study of swordsmanship.

Compared with sharpening the sword before the battle in the last swordsmanship competition, I don't know how much more concentration I have to focus on now.

No longer distracted by the operations of the Chamber of Commerce, no longer worried about changes in the situation, and no longer need to speculate on the enemy's intentions, like a practicing hermit, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the practice of swordsmanship.

From sunrise to sunset, even if his clothes were soaked with sweat, Xia Feng still practiced sword practice persistently.

Seeing how focused Xia Feng was, Xiao Yunye, as a mentor, seemed to be vaguely aware of something, because in his opinion, Xia Feng was not enjoying the rapid improvement of his swordsmanship level.

However, Xiao Yunye did not talk much, but seriously taught the swordsmanship to Xia Feng.

Time passed quickly, and with Xia Feng's training day after day, the day for the empire's founding ceremony had arrived.

According to the agreement, he will take all the members of Black Feather to Londinium to participate in this grand ceremony, and everyone is also looking forward to it.

Just like watching the children you raised with your own hands reach the pinnacle of life, everyone involved in this resistance should be happy.

Before setting off, Xia Feng put on his scarf calmly and inserted the Shenyue Sword into its brand new scabbard.

As for the Red Demon Sword, of course he didn't bring it with him, but stood neatly in the southeast corner of the yard.

Just like silently guarding [Shenyue] on the top of the snow-capped mountains.

Afterwards, Xia Feng didn't know which rib he had picked up. Regardless of everyone waiting for him in the car, he said goodbye to every neighbor in Baigui Street.

Finally, he returned to the door of the barbecue restaurant, looked at the bird cage and fish tank and said.

"Xiaogu, Xiaomo, Xiaofengche, I'm leaving, you should take care of yourself."

Ifrit's urging voice came from the car parked on the roadside.

"YoYo, come on, what are you mumbling about."


Turning around, Xia Feng walked down the steps of the barbecue restaurant.

Kuroba's motorcade was very spectacular, and of course, the route was very familiar.

From south to north, the convoy rushed to Londinium as quickly as possible.

Along the way, the traces of the war have disappeared without a trace, and many green weeds have grown out of the once desolate land, moistened by the rain.

After the convoy entered the north, the cities that had been captured by the infected had already restored order and prosperity.

As for Victoria's royal capital, Londinium, which was split in the middle by Xia Feng's last sword, has also completed its post-disaster reconstruction.

The location of the city gate has changed. Starting from the "crack" that runs through the city, roads extend in all directions.

After the crack was filled up, it became a transparent road. In order to commemorate this period of history, Vina personally named the road that divided Londinium in two the Avenue of Light.

It means the journey towards light.

Victoria's brief Dark Ages may seem like a dream to those living in the north, but history needs to be remembered.

This battlefield started because of infected people, but in the eyes of some foreign politicians, it is not so simple. In their eyes, this is a battle for the throne.

It's just that the person who won in the end was Wei Na, so the incident of expelling the infected was amplified.

Wei Na didn't want to explain this. It didn't matter how those old hermaphrodites in foreign countries interpreted it. If you win, you win. No matter how bitter you are, it doesn't matter.

Of course, in this "battle for the throne", both the former King Verin and Prince Werther died.

However, Vina and Nanfeng are not the only pure royal bloodlines left now.

There is also a "theoretical candidate for the throne" who was almost forgotten because he was too mediocre, but he is still alive and well.

This person is Wei Lin's second brother, Wei Nuo.

In this complicated imperial power war, Vino's performance was indeed mediocre, so mediocre that he almost didn't play and only ate melon seeds in the audience.

But in Vino's own heart, he is anything but mediocre.

Everyone pursues different things. What he cares about is not the throne and power, but achievements in the field of literary creation.

Art requires perseverance and external interference needs to be overcome. Even if the Londinium was torn apart in the end, Vino's serialization of "Detective Corgi" has not been interrupted.

Although the deaths of Verin and Werther made him very sad, they also inspired him in disguise.

For artists, inspiration often comes from experiencing extreme emotions.

In this way, with overwhelming inspiration, Vinod opened a new book with great heart, called "Victoria Is Too Real".

However, because the name sounded like a joke, this book was a hit.

When Xia Feng and his party arrived at Londinium, it was already the evening before the founding ceremony.

Just like New Year's Eve, the entire royal capital was filled with an indescribable atmosphere of joy and anticipation.

The car stopped at the central square. As soon as Xia Feng stepped out of the car door, he saw reporters on the square conducting interviews with citizens.

"Auntie, auntie, are you looking forward to tomorrow's founding ceremony?"

"What, I can't hear clearly!"

The female reporter increased her volume.

"I ask you, are you looking forward to tomorrow's founding ceremony?"

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it, I'm looking forward to it very much, Queen Vina is so beautiful."

After interviewing this aunt, the young female reporter stopped another gray-haired man.

"Uncle, what do you think of the series of decisions made by the new empire? Are you satisfied?"

The uncle smiled happily.

"I'm satisfied, very satisfied. I live in Xicheng District. There used to be a smelly ditch in front of my house, which was very smelly in summer. Look, now the smelly ditch has turned into a bright avenue. My wife and I are very satisfied."

The reporter's smile was awkward but impolite.

"Oh, that's really good."

"That's not the case."

At this moment, another old man passing by made a scoffing and very unhappy comment.

"Tch, what's there to be satisfied with? A bunch of guys who got a good deal and behaved well."

This "rebellious" old man passing by seemed to have bad legs and feet, and he was holding a crutch in his hand.

However, when the reporter was about to ask him why he was dissatisfied, the unfriendly old man waved his hands repeatedly and limped away. As he walked, he yelled at the camera following him, "What are you filming? Don't film it." I, in the past I would have made it difficult for you to eat and walk around in circles, don’t you believe it?”

Because of the big change, no one in the square recognized who the lame old man was, but Xia Feng, who was not far away, did.

This man's name is Loba, and he is exactly the northern first-level nobleman whom he hit and killed with his car when he came to attend the Yuan Council.

After such a long time, it seemed that the great nobleman had woken up from his coma, but because he was too seriously injured at the time, he was still disabled.

Lord Loba is naturally dissatisfied, and he is definitely not the only one who is dissatisfied.

Faced with the new empire's decision to abolish the nobility class, those aristocratic gentlemen who are used to being arrogant will definitely not be satisfied.

Having lost all their privileges and property, the "landlords" were suppressed and became civilians. The civilians used their rich life experience to live a better and better life than the original "landlords". This is strange to be satisfied with.

Of course, the more dissatisfied the sour Lord Loba is, the more satisfied the ordinary people will be.

Those ordinary people who had been bullied by him in the past even wanted to put a firecracker in front of his house, and then hold hands and dance in the square.

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