Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 904 It wants me to live

Xia Feng, who woke up in the cave, no longer had an accurate concept of time.

He didn't know how long he had been asleep, but it must have been at least two days since he was separated from Bagpipe, because it was bright again outside.

The wound showed symptoms of infection. The knife wound was turned outwards, red and swollen, and the surrounding skin was painful.

As for the penetrating injury on his chest, he had given up on checking it. Even if he took off the tightly tied clothes now, it couldn't be sterilized, so he might as well just stand firm.

Although he looks very embarrassed now, there is still something to be thankful for in this predicament, that is, he has made a good friend out of nowhere.

That's right, it was the original owner of this cave, the big gray-black wolfdog.

Judging from the current behavior of this dog, the owner of this cave has changed. There is no doubt that he has become the owner of this cave and the owner of this dog.

"Siha, Siha~"

The big wolf dog stuck out his tongue and moved closer to Xia Feng, but now he was in no mood to respond.

The remaining half of the little wild boar had obviously begun to rot. In order to prevent mosquitoes and flies, Xia Feng gritted his teeth and raised his arm to throw the piece of meat out of the hole.

As for the fresh hare brought back by the big wolf dog, he had no appetite for it.

"You can eat it yourself."


Xia Feng leaned weakly in the cave and touched the huge dog head in front of him.

"I'm sorry for robbing your home."


"Don't worry about me. You can eat it yourself. I won't live long. If my friends don't come to me, I will die within a few days."

It is impossible for animals to understand human language, but dogs can read human emotions.

Dogs and wolves are different. Regardless of their predatory abilities and habits, the biggest difference between dogs and wolves is that they are very afraid of being alone.

Obviously, this big wolfdog has no owner. It has been living alone near this cave. Although it was broken into the "doghouse" by a stranger, it was obviously more happy than afraid.

"Bah Liu, Bah Liu~"

The big wolf dog licked Xia Feng's face. Seeing that Xia Feng had no reaction, it left the hare and ran outside from the hole.

The rain outside the cave was still heavy. After regaining some strength, Xia Feng moved to the stone at the entrance of the cave and drank some rainwater.

To him, replenishing water is more important than food. If the rain stops, it will be difficult for him to drink water.

After drinking the water, Xia Feng lay flat on his back in the dry area of ​​the cave.

Accompanied by severe pain all over his body, time passed hard. According to the current trend, the infection of the wound will become more and more serious, and he will definitely become weaker and weaker.

In the evening, the sky outside became dark and the rain stopped.

After the rain stopped, the cave began to become damp and cold. At least until the sun rose tomorrow, this coldness was difficult for him to endure as he continued to have a fever.

late at night.

Xia Feng was shivering from the cold. Half asleep and half awake, he could only curl up as much as possible, but as long as the movement range was slightly larger, it would involve the inflamed wound, which was very uncomfortable.

Finally, a warm and soft object leaned into his arms in the darkness, and the furry touch relieved his tormented heart.

Leaning closely against this heat source, Xia Feng's shivering gradually stopped and he finally fell asleep.

I don’t know how much time passed, but it was getting bright outside.

"Bah Liu, Bah Liu~"

Feeling a wet and hot licking sensation on his cheek, Xia Feng opened his eyes in a daze, and what he saw was a huge dog head.

Unknowingly, he had become accustomed to the company of this big dog. At the same time, he also knew that this big dog was keeping him warm with its body temperature when he fell asleep.

As soon as his brain came to his senses, severe pain immediately came from the inflamed wound.

Xia Feng gasped in pain, but still managed to squeeze out a smile, and put his weak palm on the big dog's head to touch it.

"Are you worried that I won't wake up?"


Looking aside, he suddenly saw many things that were not there originally placed next to the big dog.

There are dead fish, bitten duck eggs, branches with leaves, unknown plants, and fruits attached to the plants.

Beyond that, there were even a few potatoes with teeth marks on them.

Seeing these things, Xia Feng almost burst into tears.

Obviously, these things were all brought back by big wolf dogs.

During the day and night he was in a coma, the big wolf dog caught fish, dug out duck eggs, and bit plants. As for the potatoes, he must have stolen them from a nearby farmhouse.

Because he didn't eat hares, the big wolfdog used his limited intelligence to take back all the food types he thought he could eat.

Looking at the food piled up in the cave, Xia Feng became a little dazed for a moment, and his thoughts jumped. At this moment, he actually experienced a feeling that he had only known the meaning before, but could not empathize with.

That is the feeling of being rescued by strangers when an infected person is helpless, suffering from illness, and everyone wants you to die.

Only at this moment did he truly understand how important Black Feather's existence was to those desperate infected people.

The big wolf dog did not regard him as an enemy, but regarded him as its master in the company of loneliness. This kind of emotion is far more pure than the human heart.

In the eyes of the big wolf dog, it just wants its owner to live without asking for anything in return, it just wants him to get better.

The corners of his eyes were a little moist. Seeing the big wolf dog sticking out its tongue in an honest manner, Xia Feng's already somewhat pessimistic attitude changed.

He had saved many people, and he understood very well the desire to save others. He didn't want the big wolf dog to keep guarding him when he lost his breath, and he couldn't even imagine Bagpipe's loss after seeing his body.

His left eye showed a look of survival.

He wants to live, this time not only for himself, but also for the people who are trying to save him!


After touching the big wolf dog's head, Xia Feng sat up and stretched his weak palms towards the pile of food.

Xia Feng first caught the fish of unknown species.

Compared with wild boar and hare meat, which are difficult to swallow, the nutrients of fish meat should be more easily absorbed by the body and easier to digest.

The fish didn't smell spoiled. It must have been caught by the big wolf dog late last night.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

He simply scraped the fish scales with the Shenyue knife, opened his mouth, and Xia Feng bit the plump fish body.

"Crunch, crunch, crunch!"

The tender fish meat is indeed much smoother in the mouth than other meats, and it can be easily swallowed by chewing a few times.

In order to avoid parasites and potentially poisonous internal organs, Xia Feng only ate the outermost meat of the fish. Although it was not much, the nutrition and energy provided were enough for him.

After eating the fish, he picked up a light yellow fruit of an unknown plant.

This thing looks like a small mango, with a smooth surface and a refreshing smell.

Most of the fresh plant fruits are non-toxic and can provide scarce water, which is very important for him who is temporarily unable to leave the cave to find water.

Opening his mouth, Xia Feng took a big bite of the fruit.

"Click, click!"

This "mango" should be ripe, juicy, sweet and delicious.

Watching Xia Feng gulp down the food, the dog next to him opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, as if he was very happy.

"Woof, woof woof!"

Several "woof woof woof" sounds were heard in Xia Feng's ears, and the chuunibyou that penetrated deep into his bone marrow automatically translated them into "is it delicious?"

Xia Feng swallowed all the pulp in his mouth, wiped his mouth, and gave a thumbs up.

“It smells so good!”

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