Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 912 Believe in Miracles

Midsummer in Dongzhou is still very long, and the temperature has reached the hottest period of the year.

After Dr. Chang Teng came back, the hospital opened as usual. The residents of Gulan Town were looking forward to the stars and the moon for Chang Teng, who finally came back.

Before Nagato's arrival, there was no medical clinic in Gulan Town. Residents took care of minor illnesses on their own. For serious illnesses, they had to go to Aomori County or rely on so-called charlatans passing by.

Of course, Nagato is also very popular in Gulan County. After all, everyone wants to have a good relationship with the only doctor in the town.

Xia Feng, who was in recuperation, never went to the facade near the street again. He usually only stayed in the yard and the small house behind.

For patients who needed to be "hospitalized", Nagato did not arrange them in the backyard. He arranged them elsewhere for reasons such as his wife's pregnancy inconvenience.

As the injury recovered day by day, Xia Feng felt that he no longer needed to be so careful.

He never wore a mask again, because no one in the entire Yingwu family except Yingwu Qianye had seen his true face, and he had a feeling.

Sakurawu Qianye couldn't "betray" him, there was no reason, he just felt that way.

Although Xia Feng said there was no need to be cautious, Chang Teng was still very cautious. During the business period of the past month, not a single patient who came to seek medical treatment was allowed to enter the courtyard.

One day at dusk.

As the sun sets, golden brilliance shines on the yard and on Xia Feng's face on the wooden chair.

After finishing his diagnostic work for the day, Dr. Nagato closed the door and came to the courtyard.

A bamboo cup was handed to Xia Feng.

"This is herbal tea, which clears away heat and moisturizes the lungs. I just prepared it for someone else and left a cup for you."


Xia Feng took the bamboo cup. The medicinal tea was sweet in the mouth, with only a hint of bitterness.

The two of them sat together under the cherry blossom tree in the courtyard, staring at the sunset.

Once upon a time, they had looked up at the same sky in distant Victoria, but at that time, they were not in the mood to appreciate the beauty of dusk.

Destiny is so wonderful, no one can predict their future.

"Xia Feng, actually I have always had a question, maybe there is some gossip."

After getting along for a while, Chang Teng also omitted the word "adult" when he addressed Xia Feng. Calling him by his first name was more cordial, which was also Xia Feng's request.

Hearing something in Chang Teng's words, Xia Feng looked confused while holding the bamboo cup.

"What do you want to ask?"

"Oh, it's no big deal. I just want to know, is that bagpipe lady your lover?"

In the past, Xia Feng might have spit out the medicinal tea, but this time, he just laughed freely.

"Haha, you misunderstood, we are not lovers, we are just very good friends."

Chang Teng took out a roll of native cigarette from his arms, lit it and took a deep puff.

"Would a friend do this?"

"Of course."

Xia Feng always had a smile on his face.

"As long as they are friends I recognize, they will definitely protect them from wind and rain without any regrets. I believe the same is true for Bagpipe."

If such words had come from someone else, Chang Teng might have thought they were just words for the occasion, but when Xia Feng said this, his tone immediately contained unabashed envy.

"I'm really lucky to be your friend."

"I'm not lucky. In fact, I have caused a lot of trouble for my friends."

"Trouble each other, that's what friends are."

Nagato is obviously a person of temperament, and it is better to do some things than to say them.

Regardless of salvation and gratitude, Xia Feng has actually regarded Chang Teng as a friend.

Naturally, he would not hide anything from his friends.

"Nagato, do you know why the Sakurawu family wants me?"

The wanted notice of the Sakurawu family only stated the characteristics of "Zhang San" and did not state what crime this person had committed. This was something Nagato had always wondered about, but he had never taken the initiative to ask Xia Feng.

"If you would tell me, of course I'd love to know."

Xia Feng's voice was understated.

"Because I killed Frey."

Nagato was stunned and didn't react for a moment. For him, even though he had stayed in Victoria for so many years, he still didn't know who Frey was.

At this moment, when it comes to Frey, Xia Feng has no resentment, only comfort.

"Frey is Victoria's former military chief and the top executive of the empire's order to kill the infected. After the empire was overthrown by Vina, he fled to the Eastern Kingdom and became a major general of the Sakura Takeshi family."

Xia Feng said it in an understatement, but the amount of information in this sentence was simply explosive in Chang Teng's ears.

Having settled in Dongzhou, he was most aware of the influence of the Yingwu family, and killing their important generals was almost equivalent to challenging the entire Dongzhou with one person.

At the same time, the person Xia Feng killed was not just a major general, but also the former Victoria Chief of Military Affairs, the man who once commanded an army of millions and was under one man.


Chang Teng's shocked reaction was within Xia Feng's expectation, but when he mentioned these things now, he didn't mean to show off, just as if he was calmly telling some of the past.

"After leaving Victoria, I first went to Longmen, and then entered the east coast of the Yan Kingdom. After spending many days, I finally found the ship coming to the East Kingdom. After arriving in the East Kingdom, I spent two months investigating and finally locked in where Frey was hiding. The most likely Sakura Takeshi."

Nagato swallowed.

"Then what."

Xia Feng sat on the bench and calmly stared at the sunset on the horizon.

"Then I won the appreciation of Master Yingwu Yun with my excellent sword skills, and successfully entered the Yingwu family. At the birthday banquet of the master Yingwu Shanxiong, I hacked to death Frey who came to celebrate his birthday in front of all the guests. Then I was seriously injured, kidnapped the eldest daughter of the Sakurawu family, and escaped from the mansion."

This is not a complicated story, but to Chang Teng's ears, it is as thrilling as a martial arts novel.

However, when he realized who the person who told this past incident was, he was not so shocked. The great things this young man had done were beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Nagato opened his mouth, but swallowed the words as soon as they reached his lips.

In the end, he just asked softly with a somewhat complicated expression.

"If you die like this, will you regret it?"

Xia Feng leaned on the chair with a calm expression.

"If I die like this, I will regret it and be reluctant to let go, but I will never regret it. If I were given a chance to choose again, I would use the same method to kill Frey, right where he thinks he is his backer. Before Sakura Takeyama's eyes, he chopped him into pieces with one knife."

After listening to Xia Feng's story after coming to the East Kingdom, Chang Teng took a deep drag on his cigarette. For him, this was unimaginable.

As for why Xia Feng wanted to pursue Frey at such a serious price, Chang Teng no longer knew, and at the same time, he did not intend to continue to ask.

"I understand now why you want to live an ordinary life."

"Yeah, I'm tired."

Ordinary life, ordinary life, this is the life trajectory that most people take for granted.

But for a certain group of people like them, it is a bit of a luxury, even if they are far away from the disputes.

Chang Teng is holding a cigarette butt, his face is weathered and thin.

"You have a serious ori disease."

Xia Feng nodded lightly.

"I know."

Chang Teng was obviously not as open-minded as Xia Feng thought. He threw the cigarette butt to the ground and stamped it out, sighing heavily.

"I sometimes think that maybe we infected people shouldn't leave any descendants."

"There is no so-called right or wrong in the world. Everything must follow the parties' own choices. Otherwise, no one has the right to interfere."

After hearing Xia Feng's words, Chang Teng stretched out his rough palm. On the back of his hand, shocking Originium crystals were already floating on the surface of his skin.

"That's what I say, but there is something wrong."

"Are you worried about your wife and children?"

At this moment, Nagato seemed to have aged ten years.

Perhaps except for Xia Feng, he had never talked about this topic with anyone, including his wife.

"I don't know how long I can live. Maybe I won't be able to see my child learn to walk. Maybe I won't hear his first words. Oriosis worsens with no pattern. Maybe I won't even have the chance to witness his birth. nothing."

At this time, Nagato's wife called from inside the house.

"It's time to eat. What are you two talking about? Come in and wash your hands."

With the setting sun on the horizon, my wife's call came like a dream.

A palm patted Chang Teng's shoulder, Xia Feng smiled, and his firm voice echoed in his ears.

"You will see it. Believe in miracles."

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