Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 919 Simple folk customs

After meeting Bagpipe at the goldfish stall in the night market after shopping, Xia Feng did not mention the encounter with Sakura Wuyun just now.

Because this has no meaning to him now. From now on, Dongzhou, Yingwujia, and Zhang San will all be in the past tense.

"Have you bought everything?"

Bagpipe held up a big package and said with a happy smile.

"Hey, I bought a lot, oh, it's so heavy."

After hanging the package on Feng Bao's body, Bagpipe leaned down and touched its head guiltily.

"Feng Bao, thank you for your hard work."


Fengbao, who works hard and never complains, has no dissatisfaction.

Standing up straight, Bagpipe looked at Xia Feng who had both hands empty and asked.

"What about you, have you bought the map?"

Xia Feng proudly took out the map from his sleeve and waved it in front of Bagpipe.

"Of course I bought it."

"How much?"

"5 silver."

Hearing this price, Bagpipe almost punched Xia Feng, the "taken advantage of".

"Huh? A broken map costs 5 silver. I only spent about 5 silver to buy so many clothes."

Xia Feng calmly put the map away.

"Harm, you don't understand, the truth is that you should be noble."

"Tch, there's no difference between a map and a map, as long as the markings are accurate."

"I told you you don't understand."

"Tough talk."

Xia Feng did not admit the fact that he was "slaughtered" at all, and then changed the subject.

"It's too late today, why don't we stay in the city first."

After running around for many days, even the bagpipe was a little tired.

"Okay, let's find a hotel."


Now they have plenty of time. At the same time, Dongzhou, the theoretically most dangerous place for him, has become the safest place with the death of "Zhang San".

That night, he and Bagpipe went to the hotel to book a room, and it was a room.

Bagpipe, who was born in the military, didn't mind at all that men and women slept in the same room. Of course, although it was one room, there were two beds, and Feng Bao was sleeping and snoring in between.

the next day.

Because of their relaxed mentality, they slept until very late before getting up. This sleep relieved the fatigue of the journey and laid the foundation for the next journey.

After a simple wash at the hotel, Bagpipe started picking out clothes to wear today.

For her, perhaps it was because she had been wearing military uniforms and plaid skirts before, which suppressed a woman's beauty-loving personality for too long. Now she is very keen on dressing herself up.

It is a woman's nature to love beauty. Even Vina, who was a gangster at the time, would go to the mall to choose clothes that she liked.

Xia Feng didn't feel impatient at all when he saw Bagpipe comparing her new clothes to her body. There was no doubt that being able to show such a gesture in front of a man meant that she regarded him as her "best friend".

This is an affirmation of his personality and a great trust, he thinks so.

"Xia Feng, does this look good?"

"Well, it suits you very well."

"Is the color too bright?"

"No, it matches the color of your hair."

Bagpipe, who couldn't make up his mind about the two pieces of clothing, pursed his lips.

"But I still think."

"Don't hesitate, I won't be able to tell what color it is under the raincoat anyway."


The raincoats that Dr. Nagato specially prepared for them were very practical, but obviously as a doctor, Nagato only took care of the sun protection and summer heat, and did not take care of the little girl's love for beauty.

After that, Bagpipe no longer wore the rustic coir raincoat, but instead put on a beautiful skirt like a vacation.

Now Xia Feng believes that their trip is indeed like a vacation. The only difference may be that he will not come back, but will stay wherever he likes the scenery.

There is a lot of food, plenty of water, reliable companions, and obedient dogs.

With everything ready, Xia Feng opened the door of the hotel and waved his hand.

"Let's set off towards a beautiful new life!"

The bagpipe also raises its arms high.

"Let's go!"

After leaving the hotel, they didn't find the carriage that went directly to Xichuan, but they quickly found a caravan that was passing through Dongzhou Prefecture to rest and go to Nohara Town to sell fabrics.

After asking the caravan boss for details, Xia Feng immediately took out the map he bought yesterday and soon found Nohara Town at the junction of the east and west.

Xia Feng looked at the caravan boss.

"Brother, we are going to Nohara Town. Can your motorcade take us?"

The boss of the caravan is a strong middle-aged man. His skin is tanned from traveling around for many years.

"It's possible, but my carriage is limited. There's no other way. I need to collect money."

"no problem."

Later, the price given by Boss Shang was also very kind.

"I will charge you 3 silver for horse fodder. If you need food and water, you will pay 1 silver more."

"We have food and water ourselves, and the price is no problem."

"Well, we will stay in Dongzhou Prefecture for one day. We will set off early tomorrow morning. It will take about seven days to get all the way to Nohara Town. By then, you will take the last carriage that is not full, and it may be a little crowded."


The communication with the caravan went smoothly.

The folk customs of Dongfang are simple and honest, and most of the hard-working people are kind-hearted. They will never turn a blind eye if they can help others when they go out.

After staying in the hotel for another day, before the sun rose the next day, Xia Feng brought the bagpipe and wind treasure to the place where the motorcade was preparing to set off.

The caravan's carriage was not as exquisite as the Sakurawu family's carriage. It had no seats and was covered with straw, but fortunately it was still clean.

In order to take care of them, the caravan captain deliberately did not load too much cargo into the last carriage, leaving some extra space for the two of them and the dog.

Of course, Xia Feng felt that the biggest reason might be because there was a "pretty" man called Bagpipe, oh no, there was a girl.

Just like that, as the sun rose, the caravan with a total of more than ten carriages began to set off.

Most of the goods on the car were pieces of cloth, as well as a small amount of tea and grain. Although these items did not seem to be that valuable, based on the economic level of the Eastern Kingdom, they were considered light luxuries.

Of course, in addition to the coachmen, there are also some escort experts in the caravan.

As long as you leave the town and enter the mountains with no villages or shops, there will still be many robbers and bandits.

The people of the Eastern Kingdom are quite simple if they are honest, but in this country that advocates force, the thugs who cannot afford to eat are also very vicious if they are violent.

Obviously, due to problems with the social system, the cost of crime in Dongguo is very low or even costless.

After grabbing and running away, except for the possibility of being killed by the victim, the gangster has almost no worries, unless there is a large-scale criminal organization with extremely vicious methods that seriously affects the ecological balance of a certain place. As the ruler, Sakura Only the Wu family might send military generals to lead troops to attack.

Along the way, the carriage creaked and bumped slightly, and Xia Feng lay on his back on the straw, which was quite comfortable.

Bagpipe took out the kettle.

"Xia Feng, do you want some water?"

"Not thirsty."

"Eat something?"

"Not hungry."

"Eat candy?"

"Well, you can have one of these."

The convoy set off early in the morning and traveled for a whole day. After the sun set, the air gradually became cooler.

An experienced and professional caravan like this would never travel during the day and rest at night, nor would they go in to rest at every inn they passed.

Because he was familiar with the business, ordinary people could get lost on routes with a map, and the caravan could reach its destination with its eyes closed, so the speed on the road was also completely high.

In this midsummer season, nights are obviously more suitable for traveling. Only when they are too tired can they let the horses rest and the whole team rest in place.

Xia Feng enjoyed this leisurely journey.

However, as time went by, the sun rose in the east and set in the west, rising and setting again, and his expression gradually changed from comfortable to calm, and from calm to dull.

Eventually, the sluggishness turned into pain, and then the distortion occurred.

He felt that what he was following was not a caravan, but a rapid march by the infected in Victoria to counterattack the north.

Now Xia Feng finally knows why there are so few ghost tribesmen, because if they have enough tribesmen, they will definitely be able to conquer the world of Terra.

Damn, are you really going to stop resting in order to be on your way?

Xia Feng sat up in disgrace from the carriage and shouted to a middle-aged brother in the car in front.

"I said, don't you all need to eat?"

The eldest brother's honest voice came.

"I've had it many times on the road."

"Then the horses must eat grass."

"The horses have eaten too."

"Then you don't have to sleep?"

The middle-aged brother sat on the carriage in front and touched the back of his head.

"Oh, I'm not very sleepy yet."

Xia Feng still refused to give up and spoke hoarsely.

"Then the horse will be sleepy, right? What should I do if it's exhausted?"

"Oh, don't worry, our horse is a special breed. It will stop when it gets tired."

After these explanations, the elder brother thought that Xia Feng was admiring the perseverance of their caravan, so he gave a thumbs up and said a very philosophical saying.

"As long as you don't stop, the road beneath your feet will continue to stretch."

Seeing his eldest brother's positive expression, Xia Feng collapsed.

Like the weakest player in the group, he had to admit that he was tired, very tired.

In the past, he would not have cared about this fatigue, but now his injuries were only superficially healed, but internal injuries still existed, and he began to feel tightness in his chest again.

And because the road was getting bumpier and bumpier, he barely slept for two days and one night, and his buttocks were almost bruised.

But he was exhausted, and some words were still difficult to say directly. Although he was already a little confused, his dignity as a man still allowed him to find a substitute.

With his head stiff, he pointed to the bagpipe next to him and blurted out.

"Brother, my girlfriend is tired."

Bagpipe, who was interacting with Feng Bao, raised his head.

"I'm okay, I don't feel too tired."

After saying this, she realized the blind spot in Xia Feng's words just now.

"Wait, who is your girlfriend? Don't talk nonsense."

Xia Feng, who was sleepy, tired, with backache, no longer cared about his slip of the tongue.

He said to the eldest brother in the car in front of him in a very contradictory way, which was both arrogant and humble.

"My female friend is tired. She has traveled for such a long time. I hope everyone can stop the car and have a good rest. Of course, I don't mean anything special, it's just a suggestion, a rational suggestion."

The eldest brother in the car in front was obviously a little dull. Only now did he realize that Xia Feng was a little tired.

He grinned sheepishly.

"Haha, that's it. It doesn't matter. I'll go talk to the captain and we should be able to rest, hehehe."

Then, the eldest brother raised his voice, and his rich voice echoed throughout the convoy.

"Captain, the little brother behind said his girlfriend is tired!"

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