Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 921 I don’t think it’s good

The riverside was full of laughter and laughter.

Because Xia Feng seemed to like "joking", everyone in the caravan also relaxed.

"Hey, little brother, if you leave such a nice place like Victoria and come to Dongguo, have you kidnapped someone else's daughter?"


Another middle-aged man corrected.

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about? That's not called running away, it's called elopement."

Even the caravan leader believed in this hasty conclusion.

"Little brother, this girlfriend of yours is so elegant and generous. She looks like a lady to everyone. I really deserve you."

Faced with everyone's teasing, Xia Feng, who was as shameless as a city wall, naturally enjoyed it.

Just when he was about to add fuel to the fire and jokingly said, "Of course, buddy, I'm very talented, and this woman insists on running away with me," he suddenly caught sight of Bagpipe's livid face.

"Ahem, you misunderstood, we are just pure friends."

The crowd continued to boo.

"It's harmful and you still don't admit it."

"No matter what, even if you run away, a man must be responsible."

The topic suddenly came to a man's favorite part. Although there was no harm in it, Xia Feng estimated that vulgar words such as "cook the raw rice first" might pop up soon.

In order to prevent Miss Bagpipe from going crazy, he stopped the topic at the right time and forcibly moved it elsewhere.

At this time, everyone was basically full and full, and the sky had already turned dark.

Xia Feng asked tentatively.

"I haven't slept for a few days, can we take a nap?"

The caravan leader nodded.

"Of course, you can just sleep next to the campfire. I will call you before setting off."

"What about the goods?"

"Don't worry, we will be on duty in shifts."

Having said this, the bearded uncle who had just teased him lifted the corner of his clothes, revealing the machete shining brightly on his waist, and said confidently.

"There are a lot of bandits in this wilderness, but don't worry, with us here, the thieves are asking for trouble when they come."

"Uncle, are you very good at martial arts?"

"What uncle? Just call me Brother Nakamura."

Afterwards, the man who called himself Nakamura boasted about his heroic deeds without any secret.

According to Nakamura himself, he once participated in the Hakuno Samurai Tournament when he was young and won first place. Unfortunately, he did not become a military commander of the Sakura Warrior Family and only served as a squad leader in the army.

He went to the battlefield and fought with the soldiers of the Nishimiya family. Later, due to an accident, his calf was injured. The sequelae left after the injury prevented him from running long distances on foot, so he could only take the bounty from the Sakura Takeshi family and retire. .

As he spoke, Nakamura lifted up his trouser legs and showed Xia Feng the scar on his ankle.

It is said that the scars on a man's body are medals. Nakamura is obviously very proud, but he doesn't know that if the scars on Xia Feng's body are exposed, everyone will be shocked.

After lying down on the straw mat, Nakamura's bragging continued.

"Little brother, you should have heard of the Samurai Tournament in Baiye Town."

"heard about it."

"How about it, do you want to take part in it? Men need to experience something to grow."

"Oh, Brother Nakamura, you are right."

The bagpiper next to him couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted.

"Hey, I don't know if he has participated in any White Wild Samurai Competition, but he has participated in the Victoria Swordsman Competition and won first place."

The female voice of the bagpipe was very recognizable, and the people nearby who were just getting ready to take a rest became interested again.

"Swordsmanship competition? I've never heard of it, little brother, so you know how to swordsmanship?"

In order not to be too ostentatious, Xia Feng kept the Shenyue Sword in his bag without exposing it. Now that he had become the center of attention again, he quickly laughed.

"Hey, don't listen to this woman's nonsense. I got first place, but I was only last. I was just trying to make up the numbers."

Everyone was amused again.

"Haha, I didn't expect that your girlfriend also likes to joke. You two are such a perfect match."

At this time, the caravan captain, who had been looking around the carriage, returned to the center of the crowd with a torch.

"Okay, let's stop talking. Take the time to rest. We will be on the road again before dawn."

Night, no wind.

Xia Feng lay flat on the straw mat. Through the sparse leaves above, he could clearly see the silver moon and the stars in the sky.

The sound of gurgling water from the river is heard in my ears, and the smell of charcoal from burned firewood is mixed in the air.

Of course, in addition to these, there were also the snoring sounds of men lying here and there. The caravan traveled for two days and one night, and everyone was exhausted.

At this time, Bagpipe and Fengbao were lying on both sides of him. The night was getting darker, fatigue gradually came over, and Xia Feng also closed his eyes.

Hopefully this sleep will soothe his body.

Xia Feng was very tired, so tired that he almost fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes. His body was reminding him that he needed to rest.

But just before sleep was about to completely invade his brain, another nerve stirred him to open his eyes again.

Opening his eyes together with him was the bagpipe beside him.

There was no doubt that both of them felt this silent strangeness.

This is a danger signal.

Without any warning, just as Xia Feng and Bagpipe opened their eyes, Feng Bao, who was sleeping beside him, also pricked up his ears.

The next second, the sound of sharp arrows cutting through the air came from above.

"Swish swish swish!"

In the dark jungle, dozens of crossbow arrows came quietly, leaving no time for the caravan members who were already asleep to react.

The tranquility of the night was broken instantly.


The sound of arrows piercing flesh was heard, and then screams pierced the night sky.

Xia Feng, who was lying like a dead fish, jumped up from the straw mat like a carp.

Even though his chest was numb from the huge movement, he still didn't hesitate.

"Damn, I really saw a ghost."

Because he was closest to the bonfire, he pulled out a burning log and threw it in the direction of the arrow in the jungle, shouting loudly at the same time.

"Enemy attack!"

The moment before the arrow was hit, everyone in the caravan was still asleep. Xia Feng's two words woke everyone up from their chaotic thoughts for the first time.


Without having time to check the casualties of the team members, Xia Feng immediately rushed to the last carriage with the bagpipe and wind treasure.

It was late at night, the enemy had ranged weapons, so they had to get away from the campfire immediately, and the last carriage had their luggage with weapons in it.

While running, Xia Feng couldn't help but look back at the river.

Most of the caravan members who had just fallen asleep had already stood up. Some had been hit by arrows, and some had already drawn out their machetes.

It seems that this is a standard "bandit robbery of the caravan".

The caravan leader had said before that manpower would be left on duty to guard the carriages, but now it seemed that the so-called guarding had no effect.

There are only two possibilities.

Either the person on guard fell asleep.

Or it's already cold.

Stumbling back to the last carriage, sure enough, there were two bodies lying on the ground.

The technique was very professional, and the arrow was shot into the nerve center of the back of the neck, killing him with one blow.

"His grandma's, so unlucky."

Pulling off the luggage from the carriage, Xia Feng couldn't help but curse while flipping through the Shenyue Sword inside.

Bagpipe's weapon was relatively easy to find. The strange-looking spear-shaped weapon was wrapped in linen and kept on the edge of the carriage.


At this moment, Feng Bao let out an anxious roar.

The moment Xia Feng pulled out the Shenyue Sword from his luggage, three black figures suddenly shot out from the other side of the carriage.


Xia Feng only saw a long knife reflecting the cold light coming towards him. He gritted his teeth and subconsciously raised the Shenyue Knife to block it.

If he were asked to evaluate the power of his sword at this time, he could only use one word to describe it.

Very bad and embarrassing.

Because the internal injury in his chest has not healed, and he has been recuperating for two months, his current strength is not even as good as that of the reckless man on the roadside.


There was a crisp sound, and Xia Feng felt his wrist go numb from the shock. The Shenyue Sword flew away from his hand and rolled to the river with a clanking sound.

The first person to use the knife was obviously very happy to find that Xia Feng was a weakling. The two accomplices behind him did not hesitate and were ready to cut down the man who lost his weapon.

However, one "wind" fell, and the other "wind" was not vegetarian.


The linen covering the gun was ripped off by the bagpipe, and with a "click", the gun made a mechanical sound.

"Secret shot!"

The seemingly bulky and huge weapon seemed weightless in the bagpiper's hand.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The lightning-like three consecutive attacks were carried out without any delay, and blood mist instantly burst out from the chests of the three enemies, and then they were blown away like sacks by the huge explosive force.

After killing three people in an instant, Bagpipe did not let down his guard and immediately looked around the carriage.

"Xia Feng, how are you?"

Xia Feng, who stuck out his butt and picked up the Shenyue Sword that fell by the river, looked depressed.

"Gan, I don't think it's good."

Fengfeng, what's wrong with you? Fengfeng, don't stop!

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