Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 932 The Magical Dog

Matomaru is gone, Sorata is gone, and the empty coastline has turned into the world of him and Bagpipe, oh, and Fengbao.

Of course, the so-called good friends are like this. Even if it is just each other, even if they don't talk, there will be no embarrassment or restraint.

On the contrary, they both felt motivated, confident, and full of hope for their new lives.

Because it was already dusk when they arrived yesterday, Xia Feng and Bagpipe simply packed their luggage before starting to carefully examine the nearby terrain.

Since we plan to live there for a long time, we naturally cannot "camp" every day, let alone build an open-air stove with stones and eat around the fire every day.

What is home? If you want to call it home, you must first have a house to protect yourself from wind and rain, to eat and sleep. This is the foundation of building a home.

Xia Feng stood at the edge of the forest and looked around the surrounding scenery. In fact, in his opinion, this area was all similar.

The mountains are far away, and the woods along the coast are not dense. The distance from the beach is about a hundred meters. Of course, the ebb and flow of the tide must be taken into account.

"Bagpipe, can we just stay here?"

"What's okay?"

"Make peace."

"How to install it?"

"Nonsense, of course it's building a house."

Bagpipe leaned down and grabbed a handful of gravel.

"Cover with sand?"

Not to mention, Bagpipe's slightly sarcastic question really stopped him.

This is not playing house, nor is it building blocks, nor is it a virtual game that simulates construction. At least for now, they do not have the raw materials and tools to build a house.

Do we need to cut down trees on the spot? Most of the trees here are coconut trees, and they vary in thickness.

Xia Feng waved his hand.

"Forget it, we'll talk about it later when we build the house. We don't bring much food. At least we need to make sure we are self-sufficient before we consider the next arrangements."

"That's right."

That's the idea of ​​bagpipes.

Today is only the second day after they arrived on the west coast. It would be too hasty to rush to build a house and settle down before even understanding the surrounding situation.

Just like graduates who come to a strange city to find a job after graduating from college.

For you, the first priority is definitely not to find a house, but to find a job, because a job can support you and prevent you from starving to death in your newly found house.

Then, determine the final stable residence based on the work location and a gradual understanding of the city.


Bagpipe took out the paper and drew a simple map centered on their location that would need to be gradually improved in the future.

Xia Feng once watched Bei Ye's wilderness survival. Although their current situation is not as miserable as in the movie, it is at least somewhat similar.

So first, they need to find a stable source of food and calculate the difficulty and approximate quantity.

Bagpipe handed Xia Feng an initial state map with the starting position and direction marked.

"Leave it to you, let's go."

Xia Feng took the map.

"Where do I go from here?"

Bagpipe waved toward the shoreline.

"You first walk west along the beach today, record the special areas, and then see what ingredients are easy to obtain."

"how about you?"

Bagpipe picked up her spear that had been re-wrapped in canvas and looked at the woods behind her.

"I won't go too far. I'll first check out the edible wild vegetables and fruits in this forest."

The bagpipe's division of labor was very reasonable, and Xia Feng immediately set off obediently.

In order to take care of him when he was in danger because his injury had not yet recovered, Bagpipe specially asked Feng Bao to go with him.

The air at the seaside is very fresh, the beach is soft, and the sea breeze blows. To describe it in one word, that's it.


Xia Feng was carrying an empty backpack and holding a map in his hand. He was humming a little tune and started a leisurely "exploration" with Feng Bao.

More than 1 hour later.

The mood was very pleasant, but soon, as the sun rose higher and higher, the leisurely mood changed.

The current season is still midsummer, the beach is too empty, there is no shade from the trees, and the beach is too hot at noon.

Even if there is a sea breeze, Xia Feng still uses the map to fan the wind.

"Fengbao, are you hot?"


Feng Bao couldn't speak, but from the way it kept sticking out its big tongue and hissing and haha, it seemed that the majestic Autumn Wolf had become a stupid dog.


Xia Feng threw his backpack on the beach and then took off his upper body clothes.

"No, it's too hot. Whatever, let's go for a swim in the sea first."

"Woof woof!"

Xia Feng, who had taken off his clothes, had no strong muscle lines on his upper body. On the contrary, his body was covered with horrific black scars.

The penetrating wound on his chest has long since scabbed and healed, but the black traces of the raging black power will never be eliminated and may remain with him for the rest of his life.

Of course, this is not a painful memory for him. For him, there has never been any bitterness or hatred in his life, and there will never be any unsolved knot in his heart.

Because if he had, he would have changed, just like he would have traveled thousands of miles to the East Kingdom to kill Frey with his own hands.


Jumping towards the waves, the cool water immediately eliminated the heat, making his whole body feel cool and his heart soaring.

Xia Feng's swimming skills are not very good. In his original world, he would only swim in the swimming pool during vacation. But now he is in the sea. For safety reasons, he is not confident enough to swim too deep.

"Feng Bao, be careful, don't choke on the water."


Fengbao can't choke on water, and it used practical actions to demonstrate to Xia Feng what it means to be inferior to a dog.

Fengbao has been living in the mountains and forests before. Yesterday was the first time it came into contact with the sea, so it didn't swim very well. But in just one day, it adapted to swimming in the sea.

Dr. Nagato once said that the autumn wolf is an animal with very powerful hunting skills. The most important thing is that it can catch fish.

At that time, Xia Feng didn't seem to understand the meaning of catching fish.

He thought that catching fish was to wait for the fish to approach the shore and then suddenly dig down with his paw. Obviously, he was too young.

Feng Bao, who is galloping in the sea at this moment, can only be described in one word.

Dragon in the water.

Compared to where they settled, this beach was not smooth. On the contrary, there were many rocks and corals in the sea.

Because of the sparse population, the entire south coast is basically in a primitive state. Even under the water near the coast, there are a lot of marine life inhabiting it.


With a sudden movement, Feng Bao disappeared on the distant sea.

Xia Feng stood where the water level was just above his waist, shouting worriedly in the direction where Feng Bao disappeared in the distance.

"Feng Bao! Where have you gone?"

However, the sea was empty and no sound responded to him.

Half a minute later.

Just when Xia Feng thought that Feng Bao had been taken away by a shark, finally, a huge dog's head appeared on the surface of the water.

Xia Feng wanted to scold Feng Bao for being so naughty, but the next second, he saw something in Feng Bao's mouth.

Later, when he saw what it was, the worry on his face turned into joy, and the words of reprimand turned into praise.

What Feng Bao was holding in his mouth was a precious ingredient that he was very familiar with.

Its name is, Lobster!

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