Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 950 Deep in a dream, heading towards death

This night, a bizarre collective sleepwalking incident occurred in Nanno Village.

It is simply unheard of for someone to sleepwalk and lead a team.

Fortunately, this is a "no man's land". If it were a tourist attraction, it would definitely have a very bad impact. The biggest impact is that no tourists would dare to spend the night here in the future.

Late at night, the villagers walked out of their homes and wandered into the sea like little turtles that had broken their shells.

But the greatest blessing among misfortunes is that this dream that leads people to death was shattered at the last moment.

Afterwards, Xia Feng asked Uncle Nanye what the situation was.

Minamino Shimoda's answer was that Minamino Village had lived on the south coast for generations and had never encountered such a strange thing.

But at this point, Nanno Shimoda fell into deep thought again, with a very solemn expression.

Obviously, Nannomura has not experienced such strange things, but it does not mean that he has not experienced it himself.

The first time he drank at Uncle Nanye's house, Xia Feng forgot many things after getting drunk, but he still remembered one thing.

Minamino Shimoda is not someone who has never seen the world. When he was young, he once participated in an expedition fleet and reached the mysterious sea where no one has touched.

There are some things that Nanno Shimoda is not sure about. Since he is not sure, he doesn't want to say it out, so as not to cause unnecessary panic.

As the most experienced sailor in the village, Minamino Shimoda finally called this strange phenomenon "the blessing of the sea god", saying that it was a kind of unconscious worship guided by the gods, so as to alleviate the panic of the villagers.

The villagers in Nanye Village are basically uneducated, and most of them don't even know the words. This inconsistent explanation was easily accepted by everyone.

Only Xia Feng knew it very well.

Returning Poseidon's blessing is just fucking nonsense.

This is not a blessing at all, but outright murder.

Just when he woke up after soaking in the sea water, he vaguely saw the black shadow falling into the deep sea through the moonlight. At the same time, he also felt a special aura.

This aura was slightly different from what he had encountered before, but tracing back to its origin, it was actually the same.

Just like cantaloupe-flavored ice cream, chocolate-flavored cones, strawberry sundaes, and vanilla sweets, these things have different flavors, but in the end, they are all desserts with the same origin.

The black figure that just fell into the deep sea had a similar aura to the enemy he encountered before.

If I guessed correctly, it should be one of the servants of the deep sea disaster.

Even if something like this happens, the villagers of Nanye Village have nothing to do but comfort themselves, pretend that nothing happened, or treat it as some bullshit blessing.

Dragging their wet bodies, the villagers dispersed from the coast and went home to continue sleeping.

In the night, Bagpipe walked next to Xia Feng.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Xia Feng turned around and showed a relaxed smile.

"Of course it's okay, what about you."

"I'm fine, my clothes are just wet."

Compared with the villagers, he and Bagpipe were the two people who entered the deepest water. At this time, Bagpipe's clothes were all soaked and his hair was stuck together.

Seeing each other's embarrassed looks, Xia Feng cheered optimistically.

"Okay, let's go home. Although our home is very simple now, we can make a fire."


Leaving the beach and walking back, the noise gradually faded away and everything returned to silence.

Xia Feng and Bagpipe walked side by side, neither of them speaking.

In my mind, the horrifyingly real dream just now lingers, like a memory that happened before.

At this time, the faint sound of bagpipes came.

"Xia Feng, were you dreaming just now?"

Xia Feng is very frank.


"Then what did you dream about?"

He dreamed of many beautiful things and saw many people in his dreams that he wanted to see again.

Even a dream is beautiful enough.

"I dreamed of the ideal world I expected."

The dreamer from the deep sea may have read his memory and showed what he expected most in the beautiful dream he constructed, because only in this way can he be firmly trapped in the dream and die.

At the same time, it was precisely because the dream was so perfect that it revealed its flaws.

Because life is different from dreams, what is lost cannot be recovered, and regret is a frequent visitor in life.

The road to kingship is destined to be accompanied by blood and sacrifice. He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of losing, so he does not want to take another step.

Choose to live in seclusion on the south coast and become an "ostrich".

Bagpipe is a person with a big heart. If an ordinary girl experienced such a terrifying nightmare, her legs would be so frightened that she would be so scared that she would be shivering under the quilt when she went home.

But at this moment, she was concerned about a strange blind spot.

"Hey, don't make it unclear. What did you see in your dream?"

Xia Feng coughed lightly.

"Well, it's nothing, just a few good friends going out for a boat ride and traveling."

"Then what?"

"Then, we went to an island."

"And then, what did you do on the island?"


Recalling the way Weina looked in her wedding dress in her dream, even a shameless person like him couldn't help but feel short of breath.

This is like a gangster who shouts to fight and kill all day long. If you throw him into a bloody battlefield one day, he will be scared to the point of weakness.

"I didn't do anything, just eat and chat."

"Then am I in your dream?"

Xia Feng almost choked on his saliva.

"Ahem, yes or no, it should be yes."


The long "Hmm~" sound from the bagpipe made Xia Feng feel nervous, as if he had done something wrong.

In order to cover up his embarrassment, he immediately changed the subject.

"Don't keep talking about me. What about you? What happened in your dream?"

Unexpectedly, she suddenly mentioned herself. Bagpipe was stunned at first. Then, as if she recalled what happened in her dream, for some reason, she suddenly became extremely nervous and her tongue was tied.

"Is it my dream?"

"Yeah, what were you doing in your dream?"

"I, I, I, I, I, I, I. It's nothing."


Bagpipe immediately lowered her head, but because of the darkness of the night, no one would notice her panic.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Xia Feng chuckled.

"What's wrong, Miss? Did you have some shameful dream? Hehe, it doesn't matter. It's all a dream anyway. I understand."

"I understand your size!"


Bagpipe threw out an angry kick and kicked Xia Feng hard on the butt.

Rubbing their buttocks, Xia Feng and Bagpipe reached a consensus.

From now on, no one will ask anyone what they experienced in their dreams.

It was a dream, and it was just a dream. Some scenery can only be witnessed by oneself, and some emotions can only be experienced by oneself, whether it is the expectation in the dream or the disappointment after waking up from the dream.

They are all precious memories that belong to you alone.

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