Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 952 Nanwan Town

In the morning, the sun rises high in the sky, scorching the earth.

Away from the coastline, walking on the mountain road to the town, Xia Feng and Maruyama kept chatting.

"Maruyama, have you ever heard of a tractor?"

"What's mopping? I only know how to mop."

"It is a mechanical agricultural tool that can be used for farming, harvesting, or pulling heavier things."

Maruyama had obviously never heard of tractors, but as the descendant of a master builder, he also had a superb understanding of tools, and he could probably understand the type of thing Xia Feng was talking about.

"I've never seen that kind of thing, but I heard that the large fishing boats of the Nishimiya family have mechanical net pulling equipment. Fishing nets weighing tons can be pulled up effortlessly, which is stronger than the pulling force of an ox."

"Oh, it's a machine, of course."

"It's really amazing."

"That's not impressive. If it's powered by Originium, not to mention tons of fishing nets, even a huge city can move on land."

Maruyama's smile was awkward but impolite. His expression was like saying, "Keep blowing, I'll listen."

The people of the Eastern Kingdom knew about natural disasters and the existence of ore disease, but it was obvious that they did not know the true power of the Source Stone.

Of course, there is nothing strange about this, let alone making fun of them.

Without the shepherd who first discovered the secret of the Origin Stone, I am afraid that today's world's technological powers would still be on the road of exploration, and the explosive rise of the Origin Stone technology system would have to retreat for who knows how many years.

Xia Feng believes that as countries around the world gradually resume maritime interactions, within a few years, Dongguo’s technological level will be lifted.

But the price is that the tripartite form will inevitably collapse.

As transportation, communications, technology, energy and other issues are effectively solved, no force will give up power due to lack of ability. In the small Dongguo, a family must have the final say.

Along the way, Xia Feng and Maruyama talked nonsense all over the world, and the relationship between the two also became very familiar.

Unlike the older generation in Nanno Village, Maruyama is a young man with relatively "avant-garde" thinking, so he can understand most of the unheard things that Xia Feng said in his own way.

Gradually, he also discovered that the mobile city-state mentioned by Xia Feng seemed to be true.

"Fuutarou, are there really dozens of high-rise buildings in Victoria?"

"Of course. Hey, please don't call me Fuutarou. Uncle Nanye called me randomly. My name is Xia Feng, Huo Yu Xia Feng."


Maruyama thought about it for a while, and the topic suddenly became strange.

"By the way, Xia Feng, are you married?"


"Then that girl you live with?"

Xia Feng took out the kettle and took a sip.

"Oh, that's my sister, her name is Fire Feather Bagpipe."

Maruyama seemed to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard that Xia Feng was not married, and then he said solemnly.

"Xia Feng, I think you are a very good person, with a good temper, good looks, and knowledge. My sister is getting married this year. Do you want to consider it?"


Xia Feng wiped his mouth.

"Hey, do you people in Nanno Village like to be matchmakers so much?"

Maruyama did not mean to joke, but was very serious.

"It's not a matchmaker. The person I'm talking about is my biological sister. She is very beautiful. Apart from her somewhat straightforward temper, she should be a good match for you."

"Ahem, I'm not planning to get married yet."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. I'm not forcing the marriage, but she has been clamoring all day long to get married, and she doesn't like the men in the surrounding villages. How about you try to get in touch first?"

Xia Feng made a decisive move.

"Forget it, I am very self-aware, so don't waste your sister's time. It's impossible."

Instead, Maruyama was making peace with himself.

"This person can't just rely on his own imagination. If you think you are bad, maybe in the eyes of others, your shortcomings are all your strengths."

"Maruyama, it's really inappropriate."

"How do you know it's inappropriate when you haven't even met?"

"Farewell, I like peace and quiet."

"Okay, then you two can go to a secluded beach to hang out, chat, and watch the sunrise and sunset. If it's really not suitable, you can just be ordinary friends at the worst, you say."

At this moment, Xia Feng felt that Maruyama's ancestor was not a carpenter, but a salesman.

Faced with Maruyama's enthusiastic promotion of his biological sister, he was speechless to refute.

"Ahem, let's talk about it later."

"Okay, it's settled then."


This was the first time in Xia Feng's life that he was forced to go on a blind date. How should I put it, although it was embarrassing, it felt quite fresh.

Yes, men should get married when they are college students, and women should get married when they are college students. This is the life of ordinary people.

Of course, it is impossible for him to marry a girl from Nanno Village. If his friends from as far away as Victoria come to see him next time and find a bunch of little dolls running around on the ground, they will probably be laughed out of their minds.

After walking on the mountain road for a whole morning, we finally arrived at this magical town.

This is the only town around the entire south coast of Xichuan. To put it more seriously, it is called a trade hub. The name of the town is Nanwan Town.

A few decades ago, Nanwan Town was not a town, but was called Nanwan Village. Its population was about the same as Nanye Village, with only a few dozen households.

As time progresses, villagers in surrounding villages gradually pursue quality of life, such as food diversity, nutritional balance, including clothing, pendants, farming tools, production materials, etc.

When there is demand, there is a natural need for interaction. Exchange what you have for what you don’t have. After a back and forth, trade is born.

From a geographical point of view, Nanwan Village belongs to the center of the entire south coast of Xichuan. It is close to the villages near the sea and not far from the villages in the mountains.

The most important thing is that the carriage in the Xichuan inland can barely reach here. The world focuses on you.

In this way, due to the huge flow of people, Nanwan Village became Nanwan Town, and even a commercial street was subconsciously formed. Of course, the so-called commercial street is similar to a night market.

Here, you can not only see the specialties of all the villages on the entire south coast, but also buy "high-end" products from the inland, such as apple candy, a unique folk snack in Dongzhou.

Although the total number of villagers in a dozen villages on the entire south coast is not as large as that of a large inland town, as long as there is a market, there will be merchants, even if the market is very small and the profits are very small.

In order to survive, there are always people who will try.

After walking into the town, Xia Feng was a little disappointed looking at the dilapidated commercial streets.

How to put it, if it were placed in Victoria, with the size of this town, it would be called a village.

However, he is not here to buy a house, but to buy the raw materials for building a house. Regardless of whether the cat is black or white, a cat that can catch mice is a good cat. As long as he can get what he needs here, it doesn't matter how simple it is.

Along the way, they drank all the water. Under the leadership of Maruyama, they first went to the well in the town to fill the water.

The people on the south coast of Xichuan are simple and simple, but as the saying goes, those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black. With the intervention of inland businessmen, the people here have also become more profit-oriented.

When we came to the well, two large water tanks had been filled with well water.

Just as Xia Feng was about to start filling the bottle with water, a shirtless man next to him stopped him.

"Hey, I've never seen you before. You're not from the town."

Xia Feng replied honestly.


"No? Then you have to pay for water."

"Oh, how much?"

"The normal one is 2 coppers, the cool one is 5 coppers."

“What’s normal and what’s cool?”

The man guarding the well had a piece of foxtail in his mouth.

"What's in the water tank is ordinary, and what's freshly drawn from a deep well is cold."

"How many cold hits can 5 coppers make?"

"Whatever, how much can you pack?"

"But I just want a kettle."

"That's also 5 coppers. You can drink enough first and then fill it with water."


Xia Feng took out 5 copper coins.


After putting the money into his pocket, the man guarding the well crossed his legs and touched the bucket tied with a rope beside the well with his mouth.

"Okay, you can fight it yourself."


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