Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 964 Digging three feet into the ground

Penguin Logistics is indeed the world's top intelligence organization, but when Vina called the emperor, she was rejected.

The reasons given by the emperor were very professional, so professional that they were not humane at all.

According to the purpose of Penguin Logistics, as long as it reaches a cooperative relationship with a customer, it will never sell any customer information, including but not limited to assets, force, personnel, whereabouts, etc.

Of course, it sounds like he is very trustworthy, but in fact the emperor is also pretending to be professional.

There are so many countries and regions in the entire world of Terra, including Colombia, Bolivar, Rembiton, Kazdaele, Victoria, Letania, Casimir, Syracuse, Minos, Vaivan League, Lateran, Sargon, Kjerag, Sami, Ursus, Yan Kingdom, Longmen, and Eastern Kingdom.

Trying to find a very low-key person from so many countries with different national conditions, different cultures, and different scientific and technological backgrounds is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Even professional couriers with penguin logistics all over the world can hardly guarantee that they will be found.

Dongguo, south coast of Xichuan.

The wind is gentle and the sun is shining, and the waves are playing.

Xia Feng didn't know anything about what happened to Victoria. What he was most concerned about at the moment was whether the creature that emerged from the sand in front of him was his sandworm.

"Feng Bao, dig this thing out quickly, don't let it escape!"


Qiu Lang, a creature that stands at the top of the food chain, naturally has no fear. Feng Bao raised his tail, stuck out his big butt, and dug hard into the sand pit with an efficiency comparable to that of an excavator.

Originally, the creature that was suspected of being a sandworm had already re-entered the ground upon seeing the situation, but within a few moments, it was pulled out by Feng Bao, who was digging three feet into the ground.

Nanno Village, Sorata's home.

Uncle Nanye frowned and watched the dying strange creature in the center of the living room for a long time.

In the end, as a senior sailor, he gave a professional judgment.

"Yes, it's a sandworm."

After receiving the affirmative answer, Xia Feng's face lit up.

"Very good!"

This sandworm is about half a meter long and covered with a hard carapace with yellow and blue patterns on it, making it look like a mutated lobster.

However, although sandworms and lobsters both have carapace, they are still very different upon closer inspection. The biggest difference is their "feet".

Lobsters have large claws and several pairs of very small legs, but sandworms have four pairs of regular, symmetrical legs and no claws.

The sandworm's legs are very strong and the total weight even exceeds the body. Moreover, the sandworm's head has a thick and short tentacle, which is said to glow at night.

In addition, the biggest difference between sandworms and other seafood is their size.

Uncle Nanye said that the sandworm he caught was only a larvae. If it were an adult, it would be close to one meter in length, and its meat quality was incomparable to that of lobsters and crabs.

To Xia Feng, sandworms are no strangers to creatures. Once in Victoria, he was an "upper-class" person who ate all kinds of delicacies from all over the world, and sandworms were also Ifrit's favorite.

However, although he had eaten charcoal-grilled sandworm legs at that time, he had never seen a live sandworm because sandworms were so rare.

The value of sandworms is very expensive, almost to the extent that there is no market for it. This is a fact that everyone in Victoria's former aristocrats and wealthy people knows.

Wild living sandworms are very rare. Xia Feng expressed his sympathy for the unfortunate experience of this sandworm, then wiped the tears flowing from the corners of his mouth and said.

"It's actually a live sandworm. I'm getting a big bargain this time. I heard that this thing has super nutritional value. I'll take it back to Bagpipe to try it later."

After saying that, he looked at Nanye Shimoda again.

"Uncle Nanye, I'd like to see you share it. Why don't you cut it up and keep half of it for roasting at night?"

Xia Feng's surname was not Nanye, and he was naturally not from Nanye Village, so the one-month sea closure order announced by the village chief had no impact on him.

Of course, for the villagers, the so-called sea closure only means that they are not allowed to fish at sea, and seafood can still be eaten.

However, Uncle Nanye hesitated when faced with Xia Feng's proposal to split half of the money for the meeting.

"Fuutarou, I advise you not to eat this kind of thing."

"Huh? Why don't you eat?"

"this thing"

"Is it poisonous? No, I've eaten it before in Victoria."

Uncle Nanye shook his head.

"No, sandworm meat is not poisonous, it's just that this kind of thing is quite evil on our coast."

Later, Nanno Shimoda specifically explained to him what the so-called "evil sect" meant.

To be honest, if Xia Feng hadn't believed in Uncle Nanye's character, he would have thought that the old guy was making up stories to lie to him, and deliberately wanted him to give up the sandworm so that he could stay and drink.

According to Minamino Shimoda, creatures like sandworms are very rare even in the Eastern Kingdom, which is surrounded by sea.

How rare is it? Let's put it this way: except for the villages around the southern coast of Nishikawa, inland people have almost never seen it, let alone eaten it.

Yes, sandworms only live on the south coast of Xichuan. To be precise, it is an isolated island very close to the coastline.

A hundred years ago, the ancestors of the villagers of Nanye Village, just like him, accidentally discovered sandworms in the sand on the edge of the coast, and then they searched nearby.

Unfortunately, apart from that one sandworm, there are no others of its kind.

A few years later, villagers caught individual sandworms on the beach one after another. It was not until finally that they realized that these sandworms were all female and came to lay eggs on the beach.

This reproduction method is somewhat similar to that of sea turtles. The difference is that the estrus and egg-laying periods of sandworms vary. There is no precise time and no uniformity.

This method is obviously more advanced in evolution. It can choose the time of mating and laying eggs independently, which is something that many marine creatures cannot do.

Laying the eggs in coastal sand rather than in the sea is supposed to prevent the eggs from being eaten by predators before they hatch.

However, subsequent investigation revealed that there was a deeper meaning.

Because sandworms are so fragrant, after a joint search by the villagers of Nanye Village at that time, an isolated island was finally found less than 2 kilometers away from the coast.

This island is too small to have any natural resources, so it has been ignored by the villagers who went to sea before. However, the villagers discovered it after they got really close to the island.

It turns out that this island is the base camp of sandworms!

Seeing the sandworms "all over the mountains and plains" on the island, the villagers drooled with excitement. If the island is completely conquered, then future generations of Nanye Village will have inexhaustible sandworm meat to eat.

However, just as the villagers were slowly approaching the island and preparing to disembark and start fishing, a huge black shadow emerged from the sea without warning.

Then, the huge waves set off by the black shadow mercilessly swallowed up the villagers' boats.

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