Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 966 Sandworm Lord

After leaving Nanye Village, Xia Feng still did not throw away the sandworm. Instead, he put it in his backpack and carried it home.

Uncle Nanye said that the island where sandworms gather is called Sandworm Island, and the beach closest to the island is called Sandworm Bay. It should be very close to the place where he caught this sandworm during his morning run. .

But he didn't see any altar.

To be honest, this story about Sandworm Island is still very bluffing. When ordinary people hear it, they will definitely give up the desire to continue catching sandworms. After all, no matter how delicious the sandworms are, their lives are not important.

If it is really a deep-sea species, I am afraid that few people can compete with it, because for land creatures, the combat effectiveness in the sea will be greatly reduced.

I think back when they were traveling from Colombia to Victoria, they were attacked by the deep-sea species [Dark Green] on the ship. At that time, even with him and Ifrit, the two heirs of the Ancient Stone, it was a lot of effort. Just killed one.

As for the other one, if Skadi hadn't appeared in time at that time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Walking on the way home, Xia Feng couldn't help but think.

At this time, there was no suspense about the sandworm he had caught. It was definitely going to be eaten. It was just a question of what cooking method to use.

What he was really thinking about was whether he wanted to meet the sea monster guarding Sandworm Island?

If he wins, then from now on, he, Huo Yu Xia Feng, will be the sandworm lord.

Of course, if he loses, his body will probably sink into the sea, and there will probably be no chance of rescue.

The servants of deep-sea disasters are an existence that the whole world is afraid of. Because of fear, countries around the world are willing to close the sea.

Unfortunately, he is not afraid.

To him, the deep-sea species were indeed dangerous, but to the sea monsters occupying Sandworm Island, being targeted by a man named Fire Feather Xia Feng might be even more dangerous.

The edge of the cherry blossom forest.

The two-story pavilion stands quietly, and the courtyard is warm and regular.

During this period of time, Bagpipe's farm has begun to take shape, and she will be busy cultivating the soil from morning to night every day.

With the friendly support of Sakurabu-senpai and Minaminomura, they will not be short of food in a short period of time, so they also give Bagpipe Mother ample planning time.

Centered around their house and courtyard, the bagpipe designed the overall scale of the pastoral into a six-pointed star that looked like a magic circle.

According to her prediction, different types of crops will be planted on each corner of the six-pointed star.

Such as fruit area, vegetable area, grain area, flower area, medicinal area, fungi area, and a super large drying area.

Initially, Xia Feng seemed to be looking at the joke, but when Bagpipe and Daidai worked diligently to till the soil until it was soft, and the fences and stone walls were gradually divided, he became silent.

Looking at the diligent and happy beautiful figure of Bagpipe, Xia Feng was willing to call it Terra Li Ziqi.

"Bagpipes, we're back."

Bagpipe straightened up and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Didn't you go for a run? Why did you come back at noon? Really, I thought you were missing."

"Hey, how can I disappear when Feng Bao is with me?"


Seeing him coming back, Bagpipe put down what he was doing, sent Daidai back to the pergola, and washed his hands.

"You should take a rest first and I'll prepare lunch."

Xia Feng put his backpack on the table of the pergola.

"Bagpipe, let's have seafood for lunch."

"Ah? Isn't the village closed to the sea? Where can we get the seafood?"

"Hey, look!"

After that, Xia Feng pulled the big sandworm he caught in the morning out of his backpack.

Bagpipe used to be a soldier in the Northern Military Region. Although the food in the army was good, it was not enough to eat super luxury ingredients like sandworms. Of course, she had never seen such a thing.

"Hey, what kind of monster is this? Are you sure you can eat it?"

Xia Feng gave a thumbs up.

“Not only is it edible, but it’s also highly nutritious. It’s said to be 60 times more nutritious than beef.”

Hearing the word "beef", Daidai in the cowshed in the distance pricked up his ears and felt that the grass he was chewing in his mouth no longer smelled good.

Seafood is like this. Even if you don’t add any seasonings and just boil it with water, the freshness and sweetness of the ingredients are very delicious.

Sandworms were no exception. Since there was no barbecue, Bagpipe cut the sandworms into pieces and added the potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, onions, and peppers sent by Sakurawu to the pot. There was a pot of sandworms. Big stew.

At the dinner table, Bagpipe, who was eating sandworms for the first time, was obviously amazed.

"Wow, Xia Feng, this is so delicious."

Xia Feng said proudly.

"How about it, I didn't lie to you."

"Well, the meat is so tender, it's a hundred times more delicious than lobster and crab."

Compared with sandworms, other seafood is simply the younger brother. Otherwise, its value would not be so expensive in Victoria.

Seeing Bagpipe eating happily, Xia Feng said while holding the rice bowl.

"Bagpipe, let me tell you something."

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Actually, sandworms are not rare on the south coast. If we want to eat them, we may be able to eat them every day."

"That's great, you can catch it every day from now on."

Xia Feng's voice was hesitant.

"Well, although it's not rare, if you want to eat it every day, you may have to take the risk of losing it."

"What's the meaning?"

Later, Xia Feng retold the story about Sandworm Island that Uncle Nanye told him to Bagpipe.

The whole story was basically restored, except that he hid the deep-sea species because Bagpipe didn't understand the deep-sea species. If he told her, he would have to explain to her what a deep-sea species was.

And if you explain what a deep sea species is, it may involve the nightmare incident you experienced before, the culprit of the Victoria incident, and the grievances about the deep scripture teachings.

In the end, Bagpipe must have been confused and voted down his decision.

After listening to Xia Feng's narration about Sandworm Island, Bagpipe's eyebrows gradually furrowed. Based on her understanding of Xia Feng, she had already guessed what this guy was planning to do.

"Xia Feng, is this your plan?"

Xia Feng picked up a sandworm leg and took a bite, then said confidently.

"Yes, I want to be the sandworm lord."

Bagpipe rolled his eyes.

"Return to the sandworm lord and save you. As you are now, you might become sandworm fodder."

Xia Feng put down the sandworm legs and continued to fight.

"Impossible. What Uncle Nanye said is too exaggerated. That sea monster is definitely not that evil. Besides, after so many years, that guy may have died or moved to another location. The current Sandworm Island is about whoever gets there first. First served.”

This statement obviously involves gambling, and it cannot convince Bagpipe.

"What if the sea monster doesn't leave?"

"It's just right that I didn't leave."

Xia Feng rolled up his sleeves, like Luffy preparing to conquer the sea.

"Lend me your weapon. If that guy is here, I'll blast him with one shot."

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