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Lu Yan aimed his gun at Abe Dongming's back and pulled the trigger straight away.


An extremely explosive gunshot sounded, and a half-meter-long tongue of flame spewed out. The steel ball in the gun barrel burst out of the air instantly under the powerful driving force generated by the burning gunpowder. In the heart of Abe Dongming!


The corner of Lu Yan's mouth curled up a little.

However, this slight arc hadn't completely turned into a smile, and the next moment, something unexpected happened.

The steel ball landed on the back of Abe Dongming's heart, and there was no muffled sound of bullets piercing flesh and blood, but an extremely crisp and loud sound of iron objects colliding!


Abe Dongming staggered and was almost knocked to the ground by the force of the steel ball, but the steel ball didn't shoot into his body, but bounced out after touching his clothes as if it had hit something hard.

He has armor in his clothes?

Lu Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses in an instant.

Abe Dongming suddenly turned his head, looked in the direction of the bullet, and met Lu Yan's eyes instantly.


Abe Dongming let out a roar, and flew towards Lu Yan at an extremely fast speed. The long knife in his hand shone with a menacing light, full of death.

The wooden door of the secret passage can't resist the attack of the long knife at all, and Lu Yan can't continue to retreat to the shelter at this time, because in the case of poisonous gas, once he is suffocated, he is doomed to die!

Without any hesitation, Lu Yan opened the wooden door and jumped out. At the same time, he took out the excellent-grade spear that was used in the Void Ruins from his backpack.

Close combat is not Lu Yan's strong point.

But with the blessings of the wall of the wilderness, the halo of the hero, and the fish scale armor, Lu Yan's combat effectiveness at this time is also very different from when he first entered the wilderness.

His strength, speed and other basic attributes are already 1.5 times that of an ordinary adult, and coupled with excellent equipment, if he is allowed to meet the black brother trio now, there is no need to play a sneak attack from behind, even if it is a frontal attack Melee can also crush them!

But so far, Lu Yan has never fought against a real master...

Facing Abe Dongming, Lu Yan was confident but inexperienced.

The piercing light of the knife was coming along with the cold wind, Lu Yan shot decisively, and the spear pierced Abe Dongming's chest like a viper.

In hand-to-hand combat, spears have an advantage over knives.

Before Abe Dongming's knife fell on Lu Yan's body, the spear would pierce through his chest first.

At the same time, the little white dragon and the beast-shaped guard also roared and rushed out, attacking the other two remaining enemies, fighting for a one-on-one chance for Lu Yan.

Facing Lu Yan's deadly spear, Abe Dongming had no intention of exchanging wounds with him. He turned the blade to the left, pushed the spear aside, and at the same time rolled his body close to the ground like a ghost , slashed at Lu Yan's ankle again.

This is the move he used to kill the strong hunter of the West Coast Alliance, very vicious and vicious!

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Lu Yan quickly turned the tip of the spear and landed at his feet, colliding with the blade, abruptly stopping this sinister knife.

"Somewhat capable..." Abe Dongming stood up with a sinister sneer, as if his blood was boiling and his body temperature soared because of the continuous battle, he tore off his shirt.

Lu Yan narrowed his eyes and saw bandage-like things wrapped around Abe Dongming's body, and as Abe Dongming cut off those bandages, a steel plate tied behind his back fell to the ground!

No wonder the shot didn't go in just now...

"This steel plate is two centimeters thick and weighs 14 kilograms! It can prevent me from being attacked from behind, but it also has a great impact on my speed..." Abe Dongming put the steel plate into the inventory and changed it to two-handed knives Looking at Lu Yan in a straight posture: "You can't stop my second strike!"

Lu Yan was expressionless, and said softly: "Try it!"

He quietly activated the aura of the hero, and the spider web-like **** lines that only Lu Yan could see quickly spread to a range of 12 meters around him, and the position where Abe Dongming was standing was naturally within this range.

Although it was in the pitch black night, Lu Yan could see very clearly that streams of blood energy continuously rose from the blood streaks and penetrated into the opponent's body.

It's like... bloodthirsty snakes!

At this time, Abe Dongming suddenly felt palpitations and anxiety. He looked at Lu Yan standing in front of him, and the indomitable momentum in his heart seemed to be slowly weakening.

He began to panic, feeling small.

And Lu Yan's figure seemed to have grown a lot taller in his line of sight, giving people the illusion of being invincible!

"No, what sorcery did you cast on me?" Abe Dongming's eyes widened. He was keenly aware of the changes in his body. For a samurai, courage in battle is even more important than fighting skills!

If you lack courage and willpower, you will not have the speed and strength to swing a knife!

It will also become timid in battle!

This is very deadly!

Facing Abe Dongming's questioning, Lu Yan's answer was a silent blow!

He raised his spear and charged towards him like a gust of wind. Abe Dongming raised his long saber stand to block it, and the spear pierced the blade, causing a pain in his jaw due to the shock.

Facing Lu Yan's spear, Abe Dongming had a better way to deal with it, and he could even find an opportunity to fight back.

But for some reason, his heart kept hinting to him, don't try to fight back, don't try to use the knife, this spear is very dangerous and may be fatal!

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Lu Yan's stormy attacks came down. He didn't know any fighting skills, so he just used his spear to poke at the vital position aimed at Abe Dongming, but with the blessing of powerful physical attributes, these attacks were extremely heavy and powerful.

After resisting several times in a row, Abe Dongming felt that his arms were about to be On the other side, the two who were fighting with the little white dragon and the beast-shaped guard saw that Abe was at a disadvantage , one after another found an opportunity to get away and run wildly, trying to support Abe Dongming and forcibly kill Lu Yan.


Lu Yan poked out a spear again, and Abe Dongming took two steps back. At the same time, he released the spear with his left hand and held it in the void. A rusty scimitar appeared in his palm.


Lu Yan waved down the air towards the two people who were rushing towards him with a blank face.


"Die, die, die!"

A shrill ghost cry echoed through the night sky accompanied by the waving of a long knife. This sound was creepy, as if you were in the coldest hell.

The bodies of the two who had stepped into Lu Yan's aura suddenly became stiff, and their expressions were dull. Soon, one of them slumped on the ground with a thud, his face full of horror, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in the world.

The other person looked crazy, his eyes were red, and he jumped on the "comrade" next to him like a wild beast, biting wildly!

Lu Yan turned his head and stared at Abe Dongming with a scimitar in his hand, with a sinister smile on his lips.

When Abe Dongming saw this scene, his eyebrows jumped wildly. At this moment, he no longer had the intention to hunt and kill Lu Yan.

The only thing he wanted to do at this point was to escape!

run away now!

Tread Tread!

Abe Dongming staggered up, and fled away from the refuge at the fastest speed in his life.

But the next moment, he froze.

He rubbed his eyes hard, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

Giant wolves came rushing from all directions, and had already surrounded the entire area of ​​the refuge!


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