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After the pig-headed leader appeared, a pig-headed warrior who looked like a guard dragged the two Homo sapiens out of the prey, and brought them to the leader as if they were presenting food.

What happened next was something Wang Zhiyong would never forget!

The leader of the pig-headed man grabbed one of the Homo sapiens and smashed the head of the Homo sapiens a few times with something like a large spoon, smashing the skull and exposing the **** white brain inside.

The leader grabbed the spoon and ate the brains of Homo sapiens just like humans eat monkey brains.

Wang Zhi, who had witnessed all this with his own eyes, suddenly felt his stomach turn over, and he vomited crazily!

"Eating the brains of intelligent creatures will make my thinking more sensitive..." The pig-headed leader noticed Wang Zhi's reaction, and said in a dark voice: "It seems that you are smarter than those hairless monkeys!"

"I don't know what your brain smells like?"

Hearing the words of the pig-headed leader, Wang Zhi fell into an ice cellar, and his face became as pale as paper.

"Hahaha..." the leader of the pig-headed man laughed loudly, and he slowly sat on a stone platform, his tone became calm: "Just kidding with you, it seems that your courage is as small as your size!"

"I heard that you can find the murderer who once killed my people?"

The leader of the pig-headed man asked, Wang Zhi raised his head tremblingly, he took a quick look at the opponent's state, and found that the leader seemed to be very different from those low-level pig-headed fighters.

The temperament of those pig-headed warriors is tough and brutal, and most of their eyes are occupied by killing and greed.

But the pig-headed leader in front of him, although it looks bloated, obese and disgusting, it does not have the temperament of a pure killer, and the divine light in its eyes is full of agility and wisdom. A wise man!

"Yes... yes!" Wang Zhi's voice trembled, and he nodded again and again: "I know his identity and exact location! If you want revenge, I can take you there right now!"

"The matter of revenge can be put aside for now, let me answer some doubts first..." The leader of the pig-headed man was silent for a long time, and then asked again: "You guys, what is it?"

Hearing what the pig-headed leader said, Wang Zhi was taken aback for a moment.

Obviously, for indigenous creatures like pig-headed people, the players participating in the survival game are completely unfamiliar to them. Perhaps humans have appeared in the wilderness once, and there were also ancestors of humans and pig-headed people There have been conflicts, but with the end of the last game, the end of civilization, and the update of the version, the memory of these indigenous creatures seems to have been cleared!

For them at this time, human beings are a brand new species that suddenly appeared in the wilderness!

"We are human beings, a top-level intelligent species... We were brought into this world by an unknown force..." Driven by strong fear, Wang Zhi tremblingly revealed most of the information he knew to the pig-headed leader. Only some small details are hidden.

After listening to Wang Zhi's words, the leader of the pig-headed man shot a palpitating light in his eyes, as excited as a senior gourmet seeing the most delicious food!

"There is such a thing! A group of advanced intelligent creatures in a difficult survival period!" The pig head leader laughed: "This is an extremely precious resource!"

"Resources?" Wang Zhi asked tremblingly.

"Yes! Their brains are the most precious tonic, and the knowledge they possess can also make our tribe's strength grow by leaps and bounds!" The pig head leader's eyes lit up: "I have decided to catch humans back! As many as possible Capture humans back!"

"Your army is very powerful. I can lead the way for you. I will surely capture many human captives in a short period of time!" Wang Zhi had a flattering smile on his face, and he vaguely felt that his actions seemed to be "betrayal of human beings". suspicion.

But in the face of survival, what is this?

Taking refuge in monsters is only for better survival...

People don't kill themselves...

Wang Zhi comforted himself with this statement.

"Because of [Law of Territory], my people cannot leave this forest for the time being, because our tribe's comprehensive strength is only a first-class ethnic group!" The leader of the pig-headed man shook his head and rejected Wang Zhi's suggestion, "I want you to pass some way, to lure your fellow clan into the forest on their own initiative!"

"I will also support you and build a human-centered group, you recruit members! We will provide you with survival and development resources, and you must obey all my orders!"

"You have wisdom and advanced knowledge, and you can ignore the [Territory Law], which is the best..." the pig-head leader said, and glanced at the collared coyote running around in the camp. Its face There was a weird smile on his face: "Partner!"

Wang Zhi understood what the pig-headed man meant. The other party wanted to help him develop a team of players to serve the pig-headed tribe!

However, although the other party's words sound nice, the actual meaning is very obvious, that is, they want Wang Zhi to be a dog for the pig-headed tribe!

An obedient dog!

"I can give you weapons, food, and shelter! But I want you to capture more humans for me as supplements! I want you to use your knowledge to upgrade my group to a second-level group and expand the territory Let’s increase our range of activities!” The pig-headed leader waved his Soon some pig-headed warriors dumped a large amount of prey, knives, axes, ores, and other items in front of Wang Zhi.

These things piled up into a hill in front of Wang Zhi!

And at the moment when he saw these things, the only trace of entanglement in Wang Zhi's eyes was completely wiped out, completely replaced by greed!

I'm afraid I won't be able to get these resources in my lifetime!

But now, as long as he agrees to the other party's conditions, he can immediately get a much higher starting point than most players in the wilderness!

Even Lu Yan, the Revenant Hunter team, and Yao Qi are probably not as rich as themselves!

In the face of power, status and interests, what is dignity? What is morality?

Uncontrollable ecstasy appeared on Wang Zhi's face. He knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to the leader of the pig-headed man: "Thank you! Thank you, Sir! I will do my best and be loyal to you! I will be your most loyal lackey!"

As advanced intelligent creatures, human beings are the absolute overlords on Blue Star!

But at this time, Wang Zhi resolutely abandoned his dignity as a high-level creature, and bowed his head to the pig-headed man whose intelligence level was obviously inferior to his own.

Seeing Wang Zhi's reaction, the pig-headed leader showed a satisfied smile.

After knowing Wang Zhi's identity, he has never mentioned anything about Lu Yan and revenge, but immediately put all his focus on using the power of human development. From this point of view, the pig-headed leader It is indeed not the kind of stupid, easily swayed by emotions.

It can clearly distinguish the key points of things, and knowing what to do first is the most beneficial to the development of the race!

In other words, it is very intelligent and structured.

And in the face of such a creature, what is the chance of Lu Yan's victory in attacking the pig-headed forest?


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