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In the pig head tribe.

Wang Zhi suddenly received a series of private chat messages. After reading them carefully, he walked quickly to the leader of the pig-headed man. With a flattering smile on his face, he bent down and said, "My lord, there are more than 30 humans outside the forest to prepare Come join us..."

"But there is a situation. The murderer Lu Yan who killed the soldiers under your command is blocking the only way to enter the mountain. He is very strong and has fierce firepower. Several people who wanted to join us died."

"Now those people are asking us for help, hoping that we can help them clear the obstacles and enter the mountain forest smoothly!"

The small eyes of the bloated leader rolled, and after a moment of contemplation, it slowly said: "Our fighters cannot leave the territory, the only ones who can help them clear the obstacles are you and your companion, I will give you weapons, you Bring me back the murderer's head!"

Hearing what the pig-headed leader said, Wang Zhi's face instantly turned pale.

Lu Yan's vicious reputation has long been spread in the wilderness. Although most of the killings of the samurai team and others were suppressed by weapons, it was also a real and **** record!

Ever since Wang Zhi entered the wilderness, he had never had any conflicts with anyone, let alone murder.

Standing in front of a blood-stained villain like Lu Yan, he probably didn't even have the courage to look up. Even if he was given a gun, he wouldn't dare to trouble Lu Yan!

Large-scale long-range weapons such as catapults and siege crossbows are usually used in siege warfare. In this mountain forest, only the pig-headed tribe is the well-deserved overlord, and there are no other tribes. No such heavy equipment has ever been manufactured.

It is completely impossible to cover and attack Lu Yan with long-range heavy firepower!

"My lord...I, I'm not good at fighting, I'm afraid I'm not Lu Yan's opponent. It's okay for me to die, but I'm afraid it will delay your plan to recruit members. If we die in battle, who can contact the outside world for you? What about it?" Wang Zhi stammered and explained: "And, and you are not worried that we will escape after leaving the forest?"

When the leader of the pig-headed people heard this, his sharp gaze fell on Wang Zhi's face like a small knife, as if he wanted to cut his flesh.

After a long time, it cursed in a low voice: "Trash!"

Wang Zhi's words convinced it.

For the entire pig-headed tribe, Wang Zhi is very important now, and there can be no mistakes.

"My soldiers can't leave the territory, and you can't go charge for me... How should the obstacle be cleared?" The leader moved his body, leaned forward slightly, and leaned in front of Wang Zhi: "Can you solve it?"

Wang Zhiqiang endured the stench coming from his nostrils, suppressed his posture even more humble, and said with a smile: "My lord, I have a way! Those players are far more numerous than Lu Yan, and they were trapped in the forest because of insufficient firepower In addition, if we can give them some weapons, such as flintlock guns, the number does not need to be large, only three of them can turn the tide of the battle!"

"Not only can you break through the blockade, but you may even kill Lu Yan directly!"

Hearing Wang Zhi's words, the leader of the pig-headed man showed a trace of vigilance and suspicion. He suddenly spread his arms and said loudly: "Flintlocks? There are only less than twenty in the entire tribe! They are the strongest in the tribe to dominate the mountains and forests." Help! Do you know how difficult it is to make?"

"It is the most precious treasure in the tribe! Now, you tell me to give it to a group of creatures I have never seen?"

Facing the emotional leader of the pig-headed man, Wang Zhi bit the bullet and continued to persuade him. He had to get the pig-headed man to agree to this matter, because if the group of players couldn't break in, causing the pig-headed man's plan to support the human puppet team to abort, then His role will not be reflected!

An intelligent creature that has lost its value is a delicious tonic in front of the pig head leader.

"My lord, there is a saying among human beings... that you can't bear children, you can't hold wolves!" Wang Zhi said in a deep voice, "If you want to get something, you have to give it first!"

"Those people have already gone beyond the mountains and forests, and they only have one last kick at the door. Wouldn't it be a pity to give up now?"

The leader's expression fluctuated, obviously engaging in a fierce psychological struggle.

After a long time, it gritted its teeth and asked its subordinates to bring three flintlock guns with mottled paint leather and put them in front of Wang Zhi, saying, "Three guns, two packs of gunpowder, and two packs of bullets! I'll give them to you, and you have to make sure they can perform well." It should work! Don't let any unexpected situations happen!"

Wang Zhi nodded again and again, he immediately opened the private chat interface, contacted the player who sent the private chat message just now, and further confirmed the identity of the other party.

After asking several questions in a row, and asking the other party to send screenshots of various directions of the Luyan Safe House and a group photo of the thirty players, Wang Zhicai finally felt relieved and confirmed that the player was really Just outside the mountains!

"Are you the leader of this group of people?" Wang Zhi asked again: "How can you convince me that you won't run away after getting the guns?"

Soon, the other party's reply arrived.

"I'm not the leader of this group of people, I just happen to be familiar with the terrain here, and I'm just acting as the leader of this team for the time being! Right now, I'm surrounded by 30 hungry players, all of whom are waiting to rush into the forest. Go to your shelter and have a full meal! If I get the gun and run away, these players can tear me apart without your help!"

"And since you can give me three flintlock guns, you must have more weapons and more resources. Obviously, the benefits I get from joining your shelter will be far more than just three flintlock guns! I His eyesight is not so short-sighted!"

Seeing this reply, the heart that had been hanging in Wang Zhi's heart slowly let go.


Now those more than 30 players are thinking about breaking through Lu Yan's blockade, who would dare to play tricks, steal guns and escape at this time?

And with the wealth of materials that Wang Zhi released on the world channel, he believes that absolutely no one can refuse such a temptation!

But just to be on the safe side, Wang Zhi separated the three flintlock guns and traded them to the leading player who had a private chat with him and the other two members of the 30-man team.

After doing all this, he began to pray in a low voice, praying for things to go smoothly, praying that the three flintlock guns could kill Lu Yan and make his plan go smoothly!

Outside the mountains.

Among the crowd, including the leading player, three people had a fully loaded flintlock gun in their palms.

Looking at the hot weapon in their hands, many people became excited.

"We have muskets, too!"

"Lu Yan, let's see if you die this time!"

"Fuck him!"

Intense shouts came from the crowd. Looking at the three flintlock guns, all the players seemed to have a collective orgasm.

At this time, the joy of the players holding the flintlock guns is beyond words. Two of them stepped out from the shadow of the tree, raised the gun body in their hands and aimed at the Luyan safe house from a distance. Standing at a distance, ready to shoot.

The flintlock is not very accurate and looks very old, so it needs to be strictly inspected.

Just as the player on the left was concentrating on adjusting the position of the crosshair, he suddenly heard the sound of flesh being pierced. Immediately afterwards, an indescribable pain came from his back and quickly spread throughout his body.

He moved his head stiffly and slowly lowered his head, only to see the tip of a spear appeared on his chest, piercing through the back of his chest and passing through his chest!

He wanted to scream, to howl.

He tried his best to turn his head, trying to see who had sneaked up on him.

Finally, he saw clearly, and what caught his eye was a colorful turban.

Standing behind him was the leading player who had talked privately with Wang Zhi for a long time before and successfully persuaded him to get three flintlock guns.

At this time, the opponent was holding the spear handle in one hand, and the flintlock gun in the Seeing him turn his head, the opponent quickly let go of the spear handle, and directly grabbed the flintlock in his hand with his big hand, Snatch it away!

Immediately afterwards, the leading player moved quickly and aimed the gun directly at another player with the gun, and pulled the trigger decisively.

Tongues of fire spewed out, and within three meters, the steel shot hit the head of the second player with precision, blowing him up instantly!

Within three seconds, the leading player killed the other two gun-wielding players. All this happened so suddenly, without any warning, everyone was stunned.

After a while, someone came to his senses and wanted to pick up the gun that fell on the ground, but before he could do it, the leading player yelled, "Don't **** anyone!"

He aimed the remaining gun with sufficient ammunition at the crowd, and said sharply, "Take it! Take it! Whoever takes it will die!"

Intimidated by the black muzzle of the gun, more than twenty players were really frightened and stunned.

The leading player quickly raised the third flintlock with his foot and put it in the inventory, and then slowly backed away.

"You... what are you doing? Why are you firing at your companions? Didn't you say that you want to ask Wang Zhi for weapons, and we will go into the forest together?" Someone asked tremblingly.

"Break into the mountains, stop joking! I don't want to join the King of the Hill refuge! I just wanted to get some benefits from Wang Zhi from the beginning. As for you... If it weren't for you, how could Wang Zhi be like this? Can you easily trade the flintlock gun to me?" The leader player said as he tore off the colorful turban on his head in an extremely rough action, revealing the eye-catching yellow hair, and opened his mouth wide to show an excited smile :

"I, He Chuan, finally succeeded once!"


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