Armageddon: Shelters Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 160: attack! A chaotic tribe of pigheads!

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After this episode, Lu Yan had a better understanding of the strength of the Wild Hunter team.

They didn't stay here for too long, they just turned over the weapons on the pig-headed man and moved on.

The weapons equipped by this "corpse picking team" are a stone axe, a spear, and a flintlock gun. Lu Yan didn't ask for any spoils, and the extremely poorly crafted firearms made by the pig-headed man could not arouse his interest at all. interest.

With this thing, you have to worry about exploding the chamber at any time!

The group went deeper and deeper into the forest, and except for the unlucky "corpse picking team" before, Lu Yan and the others never encountered any enemies, not even a wild beast.

Half an hour later, they arrived near the pig-headed tribe very smoothly.

It was a city wall surrounded by steep mountain walls on three sides. Relying on natural dangers, there was only a gap in the east, and the tall wooden pile wall of the city wall was built in that direction. Although the city wall had collapsed in many places at this time, it had already There are many pig-headed people who are doing restoration work, and I believe it will not take long for this city wall to be repaired.

"The terrain chosen for this city is very exquisite! Surrounded by natural dangers on three sides, only a small part of the troops need to be allocated to defend the city gate, and the effect of one man guarding the gate and ten thousand men not being able to open it can be achieved! If it wasn't for the blue moon that fell yesterday Zhichao, I am afraid that if we try to break through this fortified city, the success rate is only 1%!" Lu Yan rubbed his chin, feeling a little grateful for the natural disaster that came last night.

Pig-headed creatures have strong vitality, strong resistance to poison, and are well-equipped and numerous. If Lu Yan didn't have [Life Crystal] in his hand, he really couldn't think of how to deal with these monsters for a while!

"Surrounded by natural dangers on three sides, this kind of terrain has both advantages and disadvantages! The advantage is that when they encounter an attack, they don't need to bear huge pressure, and only need to guard against enemies from one direction! The disadvantage is that when they can't resist the enemy's attack, they will die. They can only be blocked in the walled city, and there is no way to escape!" Kadilov smiled: "They will be wiped out by a wave!"

Lu Yan and Kadilov looked at each other, showing understanding smiles.

Soon, they found a high ground a few hundred meters away, where they could observe the whole picture of the pig-headed tribe. Then, Lu Yan carefully took out the life crystal that was the size of a watermelon. Accidentally drop it and cause a runaway accident!

[Split into 50 units! 】

Lu Yan split more than 1,000 units of life crystals into 20 small crystals of 50 units and only the size of an orange, and then stuffed two of them into the little white dragon's claws, pointing at the pig-headed tribe in the distance Said: "Go!"

Xiaobailong activated his camouflage ability and soared high.

In the blink of an eye, it had reached the sky above the city wall, its sharp eyes fixed on the bottom, and after locking on to two large objects, it swooped down instantly and let go of its sharp claws.

The two life crystals were like cannonballs, hitting a watchtower and a catapult impartially!


The pig-headed people who were transporting the wooden piles to the city wall for emergency repairs suddenly heard an extremely dull sound coming from behind them, like the sound of a big tree being uprooted.

Immediately afterwards, a horrified and shrill scream sounded over the tribe.

"The watchtower is resurrected! The tide of the blue moon is not over yet!"

Dozens of pig-headed men who were repairing the city wall turned their heads at the same time. They saw a desperate scene. In the center of the tribe, the twelve-meter-tall watchtower was slowly pulling its "leg" out of the soil. It stood up like a giant, threw the pig-headed man who was standing on the observation deck at the top of the tower high into the air, let it fall to the ground in a free-fall posture, and then stepped on it heavily!


The pig-headed man in leather armor instantly turned into a lump of flesh.

What is even more desperate is that the large catapult that was tens of meters away from the city wall also started to move at this time. The two ropes on its body were wrapped around the stones next to it like arms. Immediately afterwards, the axles on the body began to Rotating independently, the bow arm is instantly tightened!

call out!

A stone catapult weighing hundreds of catties was launched, and it hit the city wall like a meteor. Several pig-headed men standing on wooden scaffolding were unable to dodge. , and was photographed abruptly on the city wall in an instant!

Blood splashed and slowly flowed along the city wall.

The two behemoths were revived, and immediately launched an indiscriminate attack on the surrounding creatures. Relying on their huge size and weight advantages, they are almost unstoppable. Those pig-headed men who are like small tanks are vulnerable in front of them. Like bugs.

The turmoil in the tribe quickly attracted the attention of the leader. He walked out of the castle with his bloated body, and when he saw the two [dead creatures] raging in the tribe, his face immediately showed an expression of shock, anxiety and fear.

It looked up at the sky, but didn't see the blue moon, and said in a trembling voice: "The blue moon has are new dead things resurrected? The rules, the rules have changed ?"

The leader couldn't believe his eyes. According to decades of experience, when the blue moon disappears, those dead things will die completely, but now, the sun is scorching and the snow is melting, but he jumped out of his camp again. Two monsters!

Do not…

Not two!

There was a sharp eagle cry in the sky, and three seconds later, a thick fruit tree and a wooden house were revived again in the huge pig-head tribe. The four monsters ran rampant, and those pig-head warriors who tried to resist them were easily pierced Body, torn into pieces!

A dozen pig-headed warriors knocked down the watchtower with heavy hammers, but in a blink of an eye, its shattered body reorganized again and stood up unscathed.

The leader trembled all over, its eyes turned blood red, and suddenly looked at the shivering young player hiding in the corner, it grabbed the opponent's neckline, and roared angrily: "It's all your fault! It's all your maggots' fault!" !Ever since you came to this land, even the rules of previous disasters have changed, **** you!”

The young player was shaken wildly by the leader. He felt that his body was about to fall apart, and his spirit was about to collapse. Seeing the ferocious pig's head less than five centimeters away from his face, his psychological defense completely collapsed.

"I can...I can help you solve this disaster! I can help you kill these monsters!" the young player screamed.

Looking at the chaos in the pig-headed tribe, Lu Yan asked Xiao Bailong to take two life crystals again.

Ten seconds later, the tall city gate of the pig-headed tribe burst, and two stone beasts barged in with extreme violence, roaring loudly!


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