The latest website: Lu Yan sat cross-legged on the top of the tall city wall. He watched the speeches of many players in the world channel. He could judge that some of these people must be deliberately setting the rhythm and deliberately provoking the gap between him and the bottom players. The opposition between them, so as to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

And those guys who intentionally follow the rhythm may want to use the conflict between the bottom players and Lu Yan to achieve two goals.

One, the low-level players gathered together to break through the camp and kill Lu Yan. In that case, many people could carve up Lu Yan's resources.

Second, facing the siege of many players, Lu Yan felt panic and uneasy, so he began to recruit companions, and those guys with ulterior motives could take the opportunity to join Lu Yan's team.

But no matter if you want to achieve any of these two goals, you need to do one thing, that is, the number of bottom players must be large and the strength must be strong, so that Lu Yan can feel threatened.

And to do this, at least three or four hundred people need to be mobilized.

Although Lu Yan's current firepower in the camp is not particularly fierce, and there are no high-frequency burst weapons like machine guns, but this is a mountain forest, if he wants to resist the attacks of players, Lu Yan can use more than just the weapons he owns That's all, everything in the entire mountain forest will become a means for him to resist foreign enemies.

Maybe it's because the rhythm of those evil-minded guys in the world channel is too strong, or it's also because most bottom-level players lack the ability to think independently. In short, less than three hours after Wang Dongdong finished speaking, Zhu Tou At the entrance of the Human Mountain Forest, a large number of players really gathered.

After a cursory click, there are more than a hundred more players than the number of players who besieged He Chuan before!

These low-level players held homemade wooden spears and self-polished iron swords, and their faces were full of righteous indignation, as if they were about to do a great deed!

"This time, we must kill Lu Yan, the domineering bastard!"

"That's right! He always snatches the best supplies and makes rules for us. If we don't kill him, we will never have peace in the future!"

"Kill kill kill!"

"Kill Luyan, take back our dignity!"

These low-level players cheered, as if they had seen Lu Yan fall at their feet.

They didn't consider at all that even if they could kill Lu Yan, the resources left by Lu Yan would cause a huge battle, and they didn't consider whether other high-level players would become the second Lu Yan. They were just used as pawns by some high-level players to use.

When they go to the battlefield, they are pushed to the front; and when it is finally profitable, other high-level players take action, and only a little leftovers are left in their mouths.

Therefore, there is a reason why most low-level players are so miserable. Their thinking is easily guided by others, regardless of whether there is a deeper operation behind this matter, and they are caught by other people's few words. , mobilized extremely intense emotions, and followed the route drawn by others...

This kind of player, whether placed in a civilized society or in the wilderness, can only be reduced to a stepping stone for others.

A black man stood at the end of the crowd. He glanced at the bustling crowd and nodded in satisfaction.

"Boss, Lu Yan is a top player, and his camp score is very high, with strong defense and Human sea tactics, is it useful for him?" Someone asked beside him.

Hearing the words, the black man said very seriously: "Lu Yan is indeed very powerful, but he also has a shortcoming, that is, he has no companions at all! We only need to surround his camp and continue to fight with wheels. In a few days, he will die Will be exhausted to death."

"His current situation is no better than that of He Chuan before!"

The black man was very confident. Although Lu Yan rescued He Chuan, He Chuan was seriously injured, and he would definitely not be able to help Lu Yan fight in a short time. In this way, even if there were a lot of weapons and firepower in the camp, there were not enough people to come If you use it, then the firearm will not fire automatically, which is equivalent to a decoration!

The team members next to him nodded, agreeing with the leader's opinion very much.

The black man looked at the sky. The sun had slowly set to the west. It was already around five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky would be dark in two hours.

"Wait a little longer, there are still players on the World Channel who want to join..." The black man said softly, "At seven o'clock, we will start heading towards Lu Yan's camp, taking advantage of the darkness, we may be able to take him down in one fell swoop! "

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