Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1022: desperate

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In the communication, Albert's eyes widened, as if you were sick, and he refused politely: "Impossible!"

Ye Han was not discouraged: "Don't be so heartless, either I won't pay you back, I just came to help me..."

Albert shook his head and said: "It's not that I won't help you, and I can't draw a single battleship here. You should call your fleet back to support."

Ye Hanxin said that if the fleet can come back, I still need to be cheeky to beg you?

Thinking like this in my heart, I changed the subject: "How is your situation there? Is it convenient to disclose it?"

"It's inconvenient," Albert said sternly, "I still have to command the troops, that's all."

Before Ye Han could speak, Albert cut off the communication.

Ye Han looked at the communication interface and sighed. The Albert fleet must not be able to count on it, and his own fleet would not be able to come back for a while, I am afraid that there is no chance to reverse the war situation here.

Thinking of this, Ye Han calmly looked around, found Luo Qi and opened a separate channel: "Luo Qi, don't come here, I have something to tell you."

"Master, you said." Luo Qi lowered his voice subconsciously.

"Immediately arrange for a few people to check the landing craft. After checking, let them stay on the boat and be ready to evacuate at any time."

"Master?" Luo Qi's eyes widened in shock, "Are you going to withdraw?"

"Be prepared." Ye Han said.

"Understood." Luo Qi said, "I will arrange it right away."

Ye Han's switching frequency: "Xiao Yuan!"

"Here, teacher, are you calling me?"

"Bian Ge!"

"What's up?"

Ye Han repeated what he told Luo Qi: "The two of you hurry up and make arrangements, and make sure that everyone has a place."


"Go ahead."

The order was issued, and preparations for the evacuation of Ganymede started quietly.

The battle is still going on, and the lasers continue to clean up the servants who surround the base. However, the enemy's reinforcements are continuous. The position in the east has just been destroyed by the laser, and a large group of light insects has emerged in the west. Unable to suppress the firepower of the enemy.

At 17:06 on May 26, 2030, at this time, the Dead Sea was riddled with holes by the fine light from the noble army. All the servants on the ship were killed and injured, and the broken hull was like a dying beast. .

Four minutes later, the keel of the Dead Sea was cut by a thin light, and the battleship slowly collapsed after holding on for more than two hours.

Ye Han, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, was sinking like water, and his body was filled with low air pressure.

He had always thought that the battleship was the most reliable fortress for the landing troops, but in less than twenty-four hours since the landing, two fortresses had fallen under the madness of the noble army.

Perhaps because they were worried about the retaliation of the coalition forces, the Dead Sea had just collapsed, and the noble army in this direction fled in a hurry, leaving nothing but dead bodies and footprints on the commanding heights that were originally covered with light worms.

Ye Han quickly called up the satellite image and found that the enemy in the direction of the Dead Sea was moving in the direction of the Sea of ​​Trees.

He screamed badly in his heart, his heart seemed to be grasped by an invisible big hand, clenched and loosened fiercely, and then clenched and released again.

Ye Han has experienced many battles over the years and nearly lost his life several times. With his psychological quality, this kind of emotion should not have appeared at all.

But the current situation is different from before. The eight transport ships that landed on Ganymede were three in the inner layer and five in the outer layer. The inside was a triangle, and the outside was covered with a pentagon. Any battleship inside was next to each other. Two outer battleships.

And the Red Sea happens to be the Dead Sea and the Sea of ​​Trees!

The Red Sea was blown up by a nuclear bomb, and the Dead Sea was destroyed by the enemy. In this direction, only the Sea of ​​Trees was left for independent support. If the Sea of ​​Trees were to follow in the footsteps of the Dead Sea, the three warships in this direction would be lost. It will be self-defeating without attacking, and all the remaining battleships will face the enemy's double attack!

The situation has reached an extremely bad point, Ye Han quickly ordered the troops to fire, and after a while, a batch of artillery shells fell on the head of the moving enemy, causing most of the enemy's casualties.

However, the enemy replenished faster. After a while, a large number of enemies emerged from the underground bunker, filling the gap.

Then the situation became serious. The noble army gathered a large number of troops in the direction of the Sea of ​​Trees. Countless light insects launched a frantic long-range attack on the Sea of ​​Trees. The dense light cut the Sea of ​​Trees like a knife cutting meat.

Liangshan and Lishan carried out key strikes on the enemy's arrangement. The enemy suffered a lot of casualties, but the replenishment was faster, and the noble army soon found that there was no need to abandon the direction of the Dead Sea, and re-arranged a large number of troops in the direction of the Dead Sea. , attacked from the side and the rear, making the situation of the Sea of ​​Trees worse.

The enemy's position faced by the Sea of ​​Trees was unprecedentedly large. It was seven kilometers long from left to right. The lasers from space tried their best, but the noble army's position was easy to destroy and easy to restore. More than one kilometer was destroyed, but as soon as the laser was removed here, the enemy came back again, and the Sea of ​​Trees still faced so many enemies.

The situation was irreversible, and Ye Han was forced to order the abandonment of the Sea of ​​Trees.

At 18:22 on the same day, the guard battalion evacuated the Sea of ​​Trees.

At this time, the Sea of ​​Trees can still hold on, but there is no point in continuing to defend.

Not just the Sea of ​​Trees, as long as Sea of ​​Trees is destroyed by the enemy, it is only a matter of time before the remaining battleships fall.

Not much time left!

After Ye Han left the Sea of ​​Trees, he didn't go anywhere, and fell directly behind the Sea of ​​Trees. Before his feet landed, the armor detected a significant increase in the radiation intensity.

There was a faint glow in the row of holes not far away, and you didn't need to ask to know that the radiation came from the ground.

The three landing craft were also parked here, and Ye Han strode into the landing craft: "One regiment, two regiments, guard battalion, all units immediately count the personnel, organize troops to board the boat, and leave Liangshan from the mountain, immediately launch artillery shells, and cover the landing craft to take off!"

"Yes!" Many voices said in the ground and the air were busy at the same time.

Liangshan and Lishan immediately fired nuclear shells, and the landing points of the dozen or so shells happened to include the enemy's encirclement.

At the same time as the projectiles were fired, the electromagnetic artillery fired at full force, throwing a large number of projectiles on the enemy's head at the fastest speed.

At the same time, the troops withdrawing from the landing craft also placed the remaining nuclear mines near the landing craft.

The movements of the Airborne Division caught the attention of the servants, but no servants stopped them, and none of them wanted to evacuate with them... It was useless to think about it. How could Ye Han care about outsiders at this time?

After more than 100 seconds, the electromagnetic cannonball landed, and the cannonballs fell on the head of the noble army, initially weakening the enemy's firepower.

Three minutes later, everyone entered the landing craft, and all the landing craft were ready for lift-off.

Four minutes later, the nuclear artillery shells landed and fell one by one on the enemy's position, just in a circle around the base. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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