Armor Frenzy

Chapter 752: Intervention preparation

After James left, Zhuang Bo's expression changed immediately. After thinking for a while, he asked, "Ye Han, what do you think of this?"

Ye Han was stunned for a moment, thinking, why would you ask me about such a thing?

But when Zhuang Bo asked, he couldn't help but answer, and his mind immediately turned around a few times: "The Yankees came here at this time, obviously wanting to use us as spearmen, and let us send troops to help."

"It's up to you to say, I ask your opinion!"

"I have no opinion." Ye Han immediately shook his head, "Whatever the commander tells me to do."

Zhuang Bo glared: "Go aside, don't be poor with me, just say whatever you want."

"This... If it's not necessary, let's just leave it alone and let the Yankees fight the aliens."

Zhuang Bo sighed: "If only it were that simple."

A question mark appeared in Ye Han's eyes, and Zhuang Bo said with a frown, "Americans are coming here at this time, and the situation ahead is 80% more troublesome than we thought, otherwise the Yankees would not be able to give us a chance to intervene in African operations."

Ye Han was puzzled: "You mean..."

"Intervene when it's time to intervene. Such a good opportunity cannot be ignored." Zhuang Bo said.

"Why?" Ye Han was surprised.

"Do you want to pick peaches without working hard? How can there be such a good thing?" Zhuang Bo asked back.

Ye Han blinked his eyes vaguely: "I seem to understand."

"It's good to understand, you can do it when it's time to do it... Ye Han, tell me, how do you think you should intervene?" Zhuang Bo asked very seriously.

He is the commander of the navy, and it is certainly no problem for him to command a fleet or even several fleets to deal with the enemy at sea, but when it comes to the tactics of the army, he is a bit blind, except for those specious things he saw on TV, just Only know how to play beach landing.

There is a specialization in the art industry, and war will kill people, and you can't just rely on imagination.

Are you ready to step in?

Ye Han was not mentally prepared at all. After thinking about it, he replied: "With the conditions of our base, we can take a transport plane to the advance base, or we can fly directly to the accident site for airdrop. I personally prefer the second option."

"Are you going to get ahead of the Americans?"

Ye Han nodded: "Come sooner rather than later, or just stay put. Since it's moving, you should be direct."

"That hole swallowed two groups of people, are you sure?" Zhuang Bo asked.

"No problem." Ye Han is confident, "I can't guarantee anything else, but it's not one or two times with the aliens."

Zhuang Bo nodded: "The idea is good, but you just said that the Yankees want to use us as gunmen. If you really grab the Yankees, wouldn't you let the Yankees be the gunmen?"

Ye Han was at a loss for words, and grinned embarrassedly: "I'm impulsive."

Zhuang Bo continued: "There is no problem with the plan of airborne, but the timing must be grasped, that is, it can't be ahead of the Americans, and it can't be much later than them. Do you understand what I mean?"

Ye Han seemed to have realized something: "You mean to be a little behind on purpose and follow the multinational army to make soy sauce?"

The corner of Zhuang Bo's mouth twitched: "It means the same thing."

"Yes, I know... uh, this must be timed, and I need the assistance of the Space Fleet."

Zhuang Bo waved his hand: "You don't need to tell me this, you can contact the fleet yourself, but there is one more question I must remind you."

"Sir, sir."

"The issue of command." Zhuang Bo said, "You also know that we have independent command and can ignore the orders of the Americans, but the North Capital and Washington have an agreement. If we participate in African operations, we are obliged to cooperate with the Americans' actions. ."

Ye Han's whole person is not good: "Cooperation? How to cooperate? Isn't this changing the soup or medicine?"

Not accepting the command of the U.S. military in name, but cooperating with the U.S. military’s actions, doesn’t that mean indirectly accepting the U.S. military’s command?

Zhuang Bo said solemnly: "What exactly is the meaning of this depends on how you understand it. In a word, if it is reasonable, you should listen to it or not, and if it is unreasonable, you should not hear it. It's that simple. What you do depends on your judgment. ."

Ye Han smiled bitterly: "It's better for us to get ahead of the Americans!" The reason why he came up with the idea of ​​rushing to the front was that he didn't want to mix with the multinational forces.

If it is one's own troops, the combat effectiveness will be greatly increased, but multinational troops are not monolithic, and it is not an exaggeration to say that each has its own plans. When you get together with them, you may be sold if you are not careful. .

"Don't even think about it." Zhuang Bo vetoed, "I don't know what's going on in that cave. Be honest with me, boy."

Ye Han nodded in frustration, and Zhuang Bo asked, "When are you going to leave?"

"Let's prepare first, the Yankees will take a dozen planes together, and they will definitely land at the forward base first, organize the troops, and then run to the place. No matter what, we will not be able to reach the place until noon, and maybe we will have to delay it until the evening. We have time to take it slow. Wait... People and cars get on the plane first, when there is news and when to leave, it will be too late."

"You kid can hold me!"

Ye Han smiled: "It's okay, the Americans have come to the door. I'll go straight to that James and ask them when they get there."

Zhuang Bo also smiled: "You kid, you have a lot of tricks, okay, let's do it like this, and remember the lessons of Siberia."

"Don't worry, Chief!" Ye Han solemnly assured.

Zhuang Bo nodded: "Go."

Ye Han saluted and left, and notified the troops to gather as quickly as possible.

There is only one squadron led by Liu Bin in the base. Since arriving in Djibouti, the four combat groups have been doing nothing. Their daily task is to train and retrain. After a few days, they adapted to the hot and dry local environment.

The team members were training as usual today, under the scorching sun on the playground. After receiving Ye Han's order, Liu Bin, who had been idle for more than a month, couldn't believe his eyes. He immediately issued the combat readiness to the soldiers in training. Order.

The soldiers were stunned for a moment, then suddenly woke up and rushed to the barracks in a swarm.

A few minutes later, the soldiers who changed into their tights ran into the warehouse where the power armor was placed, and put on the armor as quickly as possible. Eight minutes after the order was given, everyone dressed up and rushed to the airport in armored vehicles. The assembly was completed within ten minutes.

The two transport planes with their tail hatches wide open were preparing to take off. Liu Bin organized the troops to check the equipment. After everything was ready, all the troops boarded the aircraft and stood by.

At the same time, Ye Han also contacted James and inquired about the US military's combat plan with the help of a translator.

James' answer was beyond Ye Han's expectations. The aircraft group led by Thomas did not plan to land at the forward base at all, but flew directly to the place where the incident occurred.

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