Armor Frenzy

Chapter 787: walk in silence (2)

The news shook the world.

Anyone who knows a little bit about the spider hole, it is not difficult to infer that the water spray point is the exit of the spider hole, and the scope of the spider hole is shocking to everyone.

The situation is so unbelievable, but the situation in the hands of China and the United States is highly consistent, and it is not difficult to infer the most reasonable inference. Although this conclusion is shocking, the old saying is good, eliminating all the impossible, and the rest will not matter. How unbelievable must be the truth.

It doesn’t matter if it’s just like this, the key is that this is just a spider hole in the Morobida area. According to cia’s intelligence, Cannesu, Waba and Mdazait Kleisoma have all found aliens infested, If there are spider caves of similar size in these areas... How big should the aliens' underground base in Africa be?

This is only the area where alien activities have been discovered. The intelligence agencies of various countries are convinced that there must be aliens in Africa that have not been discovered by humans. The intelligence agencies believe that the aliens that have been discovered only account for one-third of the total number of aliens in Africa. One to one quarter!

There is no evidence to prove this conclusion, but the intelligence agencies of various countries believe that this is a relatively conservative speculation, and the actual number of aliens may be higher than the estimated number.

The high-level officials of the various countries who heard the news almost collapsed. Does this mean that Africa has been controlled by aliens? To turn a whole continent into a bridgehead for aliens to attack the earth, the aliens are really good plan.

This is only the situation in Africa. There are still a group of aliens in South America. If the aliens occupying South America also use this method to develop quietly, it means that the aliens have driven two solid nails on the earth. !

This is simply a thorn in the eyes of the entire human race. If we let it go, once Io arrives, a large number of aliens will use Africa and South America as a springboard to invade the earth in an all-round way.

The endless swarms have already devastated human beings. If aliens add another foot, the consequences will be disastrous.

The alien command and the swarm are like a modern army of a big country, while the swarm without alien command is like the tribal army of prehistoric times. There is absolutely no comparison between the two.

In view of the severe situation, China and the United States immediately launched urgent consultations on the alien issue. In addition to the member states of the Al Qaeda Group, the participants also included second-tier countries including Maozi.

The current first echelon is only China and the United States, and other countries have one count as one, and all start in the second line.

The participating countries expressed their opinions at the meeting, conducted a comprehensive assessment of the issues of Africa and South America, and reached an agreement as quickly as possible - even if Africa and South America were wiped off the earth, the aliens cannot be allowed to develop, and must be launched immediately. Effective military operations to completely annihilate aliens hidden all over the world.

However, it is easy to make decisions, but it is not so simple to mobilize the army. It takes time for soldiers, equipment, supplies, transportation, etc., and it is impossible to win this battle by relying only on quick-response troops.

The Space Fleet is definitely the fastest-deployed force on Earth. Just after the meeting ended, China immediately issued an assembly order to the Space Fleet, and the fleet that was always in combat readiness left the port immediately and assembled over Africa at the fastest speed.

The fleet stationed on the Tiangong was deployed in only two hours, and the battleships on the International Space Station were in place more than ten minutes earlier than the Tiangong fleet.

As for the main force of the fleet stationed near the moon, it is not so fast. Whether it is the Beiyuezhou fleet or the international fleet, it takes more than 40 hours to fly to the earth.

Through this fleet deployment, both China and the United States feel that the main force of the fleet is too far away from the earth. Once the earth needs a fleet, only the few warships in low-Earth orbit are not enough. The proposal to build a synchronous orbit base is quietly put on the agenda.

The situation in Africa has stirred up most of the world, and Ye Han and others who were trapped in the spider cave are still struggling to survive, measuring the submerged cave slowly with their footsteps.

Ye Han took the team for more than three hours. He had mastered the balance between the speed of travel and oxygen consumption. He went in the wrong direction several times in the middle, and pressure was the only guiding light for the team.

However, the situation is deteriorating. The mud wall has been soaked in water for several hours, and it has begun to soften. The mud was still very solid when he left the armored vehicle, but by this time the ground has become much softer, and every time the soles of the feet land, they feel obvious sinking.

The situation became more and more serious, Ye Han kept beating drums in his heart, and after only three and a half hours, the oxygen that could have been used for four hours was used up, and a new oxygen tank had to be replaced.

The visibility in the water was too low. Only Ouyang Ping, who followed Ye Han, saw this scene. He looked at the oxygen display that he was about to bottom out, and persisted for another two minutes before changing to a new oxygen tank.

The only good news is that the team has reached the upper level of the cave with a depth of only seven meters from the depths of the cave with a depth of fifty meters. Both Ye Han and the soldiers in the team believe that it is only a matter of time to get out of the cave.

Ye Han suddenly found a blurry figure lying on the ground in front of He was shocked, but he still moved forward at the same speed as before. After taking two steps, he could see that it was indeed a person, but the posture was very strange, with four limbs. He bent slightly, raising his arms in front of him as if to hug something.

He couldn't help sinking - that person's posture is often seen on drowning people, and that person didn't move when he faced Ye Han, which has explained all the problems.

Ye Han walked to the man, raised his hand and grabbed his arm, pulling the man in front of him, and saw the Stars and Stripes on the armor at a glance.

Ouyang Ping also realized that something was wrong, he walked over to Ye Han and took a look: "American?" This was the first sentence he said after leaving the armored vehicle.

"Yeah." Ye Han nodded, "It's been a while."

The reason is very simple. The armor worn by American soldiers is the Army version, and the oxygen reserve can be used for an hour. Unless you leave before the oxygen is exhausted, you will never live now.

"Do you still have him?" Ouyang Ping asked.

Ye Han sighed: "If you encounter it, take it on... The armor was taken off for him and tied to the back with a rope."

The armor is heavy and cannot float in the water, so wearing it like this will inevitably increase the unnecessary weight. And the density of people is similar to that of water, and the weight will not increase after taking off the armor. If not, how could Ye Han let a corpse drag the team down?

Ouyang Ping agreed, called the soldiers behind him, and took off the armor of the victims.

The suffocated expression was very ugly. Even the soldiers who were used to seeing life and death felt their livers tremble after seeing it, and silently sent the body to Liu Bin.

It's not that the soldiers are cowardly, but seeing this corpse, they can't help but think of the fate of not being able to get out of the spider cave. This corpse is still being collected by someone. If everyone is trapped in the cave, what will it be like in the end? result?

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