Armor Frenzy

Chapter 796: Alternative thinking

The captain really didn't study the situation in Africa very much. He really wanted to contact the Djibouti base for a little help, but he just thought about it.

The order given to him by the Djibouti base is to take the White Nile River, change the route without authorization, and even change to a route that cannot be walked. What a bad impression does this have on his superiors?

Death is not the way to go.

Although the Chinese plan has some changes, the general direction along the White Nile River remains the same.

After making a new plan, the convoy turned around immediately, found a fork in the south and drove in quickly.

Before the outbreak of the insect plague, this area was a large area of ​​farmland, and the villages were crowded with roads.

After the pest disaster, the farmland is barren. In recent years, large areas of tropical plants have grown, and it seems that there is a trend of returning to the original forest.

However, there is still only the prototype of the forest, and the old roads have not been completely submerged, so the convoy was able to go south smoothly.

At this time, the captain had realized that even if the armored vehicle left the road, there was still a rural dirt road to go, and there was no need to give up the armored vehicle at all.

Fortunately, I didn't continue to go east along the road, otherwise how embarrassing would it be to find that there was no need to abandon the armored vehicle?

At this time, Ye Han didn't think about it that much at all. The broken road in the past kept flashing in his mind. He firmly believed that it was the work of aliens, and he believed that there must be more aliens. hand

So is the convoy turning south unexpectedly, or is it in the hands of the aliens?

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became. He always felt that there seemed to be a pair of peeping eyes hidden in the darkness, and alien traps might appear at any time in front of the convoy.

Ye Han also understood that he shouldn't be so sensitive, and even he himself felt that he was going crazy, but he couldn't control the thoughts in his head. It was not that he could control his brain without thinking.

In this way, the convoy went all the way to the south under Ye Han's suspicion. Soon after, it finally dawned, and the flying ants that had been hiding overnight reappeared, but the number was far less than yesterday, and it was unknown where the main force of the flying ants went.

The infrasonic cannon drive was still very effective, and the convoy was able to continue southwards, finally arriving at Lake Albert just after six in the morning.

The moment he saw the lake, Ye Han thought of Jingshui Lake again, and couldn't help but guess what kind of bugs were hidden in the lake.

According to the experience of Siberia, 80% of the lakes are dominated by giant ant larvae. Even if there are no giant ant larvae, there must be other messy bugs. In short, the possibility of nothing in the water is infinitely close to zero!

If it was a shallow White Nile River, even if there was something in the water, it wouldn’t be too dangerous, but this is a lake, and the lake is quite deep, even if the giant ants can’t see this place, the aliens can still make such a big one. The lake has been idle?

Absolutely impossible!

The U.S. military has already started to contact the Space Fleet. Although Liu Bin's English is a bit of a knife, he can understand a little bit, so he couldn't help but ask, "Captain, when will the ship be airdropped? The Americans are called the fleet."

"Immediately." Saying that, Ye Han turned on the radio, "Call Longshan at 671, please answer when you receive it."

"Longshan received it, please speak."

"Longshan, our department has arrived at Lake Albert, requesting an airdrop of ships,"

"What lake Ai? Isn't it the White Nile?"

"Lake Albert... Forget it, let's locate the coordinates directly. Also, ask Chief of Staff Gao what ship was dropped."

"Understood, it has been arranged."

"Also, I ask the fleet to bomb Lake Albert!"


"Ah what, alright, alright, you immediately transfer the call to Chief of Staff Gao!"

"Yes!" The communications soldier let out a long sigh. Talking to this guy was really stressful. What a communications soldier I am, who knows where the ghost lake is?

Ye Han quickly heard Gao Kai's voice: "Ye Han, what's the situation?"

Ye Han reiterated his previous experience and his worries: "I asked the fleet to bomb the lake to see if there was anything in the water."

"What if there is?" Gao Kai asked.

"Then ask the fleet to cover and make a way for the fleet." Ye Han replied without hesitation.

Liquid is difficult to compress, so the power range of underwater explosions is larger than that on the ground. If the lake is bombarded with heavy artillery, the bugs near the explosion point will definitely not run away.

"No, don't you just want to expel the bugs? Do you still need the fleet bombing?"

Ye Han raised the tone suspiciously: "Do you have any other way?"

"What do you mean? It's so simple. Don't you have an American infrasound gun there? That thing works well in the water."

Ye Han was stunned, and vaguely felt that he had seen it somewhere. It seemed that some kind of whale was using infrasound waves to find a mate: "Is that American thing waterproof?"

"Can't you just let them get a few sets of waterproof ones?"

Ye Han had a black line on his face: "Who am I? They have to listen to me!"

"Why don't you listen? How can they get better with bugs in the water?"

"Okay, don't talk about those useless things, relying on everyone to run, microwave guns must not work, is there any other way?"

"Other tricks? It's okay, I'll help you think of a way, isn't it just to expel the bugs, let's see if there are any bugs in the water first!"

The communication was suspended, Ye Han turned his head to look, the Americans seemed to be done.

Liu Bin has been waiting by Ye Han's side. Seeing that Ye Han has stopped talking, he immediately leaned up and asked, "How's the"

"It will be airdropped in a while, just wait..." Before the words were finished, a cannonball fell from the sky and slammed into the lake water. Waves more than ten meters high rose into the sky, with the muffled sound of the explosion and the howling that ripped through the air. The mixture is together, shocking and boring.

The high water column crashed down, and more than a dozen giant insects that could not be named also fell into the water, making a thud.

"How is it? Are there any bugs?" Gao Kai asked.

"Can it be? There are still quite a few." Ye Han said helplessly.

"Okay, I see, you wait to receive the equipment."

"You don't need to sell it, what kind of equipment is it?"

Gao Kai laughed: "I'll add a set of sonar for you!"

"Ah? Is it useful?"

"It goes without saying, there must be!" Gao Kai said, "If the frequency is adjusted, it can be used as an infrasound cannon. Even if the frequency is wrong, it's fine. It's loud, and the insects will definitely die if they dare to approach."

"Just kidding, can bugs kill sound?"

"Why can't it? The son used for acoustics has been tested. He was disabled for a short time in 1780, and he was killed and injured in a short time in his early 200s. The sound intensity was 240, and the overpressure was 1 MPa at a distance of 1 meter, and he would die in five seconds. , can't shake the worms to death, or drive them away?"

"Really so powerful?"

"You gave me the real word. Haven't you ever seen a warship turn on an active sonar to shake a fish to death? The Americans have done a better job in this regard. Dolphins and whales commit suicide when they have nothing to do with it. It should be because of the American sonar!"

"I'll wipe, is this okay?"

"Just put a hundred hearts... the airdrop has started, you wait to receive the equipment."

I used to know that there is a Nile River, but after looking at the map in the past two days, I realized that there are several rivers with the Nile... The only feeling after reading it is that Uncle Hei is really lazy.

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