Armor Frenzy

Chapter 807: take the initiative

Ye Han immediately reported his discovery to the flagship, but this was not a big discovery. To put it in a big way, it was barely considered that human beings had a better understanding of aliens, but for the expeditionary force, this discovery was useless at all.

Ye Han didn't expect anything, and the only reason why he chose to report is to remind the top that when dealing with the enemy, try not to use asteroids to hit Io Zero!

That's not to deal with aliens, it's to save them troubles!

At the end of the short episode, from the beginning to the end, Ye Han did not find where the International Fleet was. Although the Third Fleet never counted on the International Fleet, the disappearance of the International Fleet still made Ye Han very upset.

It wasn't until a few months later that Ye Han knew that the International Fleet did not flee without a fight, but turned to Jupiter after the Third Fleet took over Io Zero!

Today's aliens are not only the base of Io Zero. The aliens who stay on Jupiter occupy three of the four Galilean satellites. Only the harsh environment of Io is excluded by the aliens, and the other satellites Aliens were also found, but not as many as on the Galilean moons.

The coalition headquarters believes that the principle of aliens occupying celestial bodies is to see if there is water on the celestial bodies!

Not to mention Europa, the surface of the star is directly an ice shell. Ganymede and Callisto also have a lot of water. These satellites have become the rear bases of aliens!

This situation has aroused the vigilance of high-level human beings. There is a view that aliens use Io to travel through the distant interstellar space, and use Io as a battlefield to fight human beings in several battles. The situation on this planet is definitely not acceptable. Optimistic, it may even be the abandoned child of aliens!

To put it simply, the aliens use Io Zero as a target to attract human attention, and the main force of the aliens stays in Jupiter, and develops the colony planet with all their strength. When humans get Io Zero, the aliens' Jupiter colony will be similar. Once formed, the aliens will be able to continue to invade the earth based on the Jupiter colony.

Of course, it is also possible that the aliens have the idea of ​​​​the three caves of the cunning rabbit, leaving all the people to run Jupiter, so as not to be homeless after the failure of Io Zero.

Although this is only an immature point of view, no one dares to deny this possibility, and human beings cannot bear the consequences of the development of aliens on Jupiter. Therefore, after China decided to take over Io Zero, the international fleet diverted to Jupiter. , one of the tasks is to stop the alien reinforcements; the second task is to destroy the alien infrastructure as much as possible.

In short, you can't let the aliens live too comfortably, you must find something to do for them!

In the next two days, the distance between the fleet and Io Zero was getting closer and closer, and the time for the official start of the mission was getting closer and closer.

The marines on the Yushan all knew the content of the mission. The closer they got to Jue Zero, the heavier the psychological pressure was. Although there was no mental breakdown, anxiety was inevitable.

As a commander, Ye Han didn't have the heart to think about things beyond his powers. The most important job every day was to grasp the emotions of the soldiers.

On June 2, the distance between the Third Fleet and Io Zero was only 30,000 kilometers, and the battle was imminent. However, it was observed that the aliens' defense system was very perfect, and there were no defense loopholes at all. Sending troops to land directly is To die, so Nanzhou decided to postpone the mission plan, the fleet adjusted its direction, and temporarily kept a distance from Io Zero.

It will take at least a year and a half for Io to reach the earth, and the fleet will not be short of three or five days in a hurry.

Immediately, the fleet will report the situation to the northern capital. At this time, the fleet and the earth are on both sides of the sun. Even the briefest communication will take more than an hour to receive an echo. If the time for discussion and research is added, this time limit will still be extend.

As a result, the fleet did not wait for the instructions of the earth, but instead waited for the response of the alien fleet!

Perhaps the Third Fleet was too close and the aliens felt threatened. The aliens split up a fleet, and about 70 alien warships took the initiative to attack and flew aggressively towards the Third Fleet.

The flagship originally thought that the aliens would not act rashly, but I didn't expect them to be so impatient, and they actually took the initiative to attack. , is actually ready to retreat.

While the alien fleet had not yet entered the range, the third fleet took the initiative to open fire and used long-range missiles to attack the enemy first.

Ye Han watched the missile group flying farther and farther towards the enemy ship, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional in his heart.

The Wandering Missile equipped by the Third Fleet is the latest improved version designed for alien warships. It is not an ordinary model used by the First and Second Fleet. Some people even say that the Wandering missile is the first real space missile for mankind. All missiles equipped by humans are just space-improved versions of air-to-air missiles!

The biggest feature of the Missing Missile is that it is combined with the smoke The missile adds a smoke module. According to the radar positioning, the missile activates the smoke canister before entering the range of the thin light, forming a protective smoke screen around the missile. , the smoke screen interferes with the hit rate of the thin light, which improves the missile survival rate and the hit rate at the same time.

Today is the first actual combat of the Missile Missile, and the effect must be tested by actual combat.

The fleet launched 48 stray missiles in one go. After the launch, the fleet immediately retreated. The thrusters installed under the short wings rotated 180 degrees, and the bows of each ship slowly retreated towards the enemy.

A few seconds later, the missile group activated the smoke module, and thick smoke jumped out of the missile body, quickly forming a smoke screen near the missile.

The smoke screen of one missile is very small, but dozens of missiles are combined together, and the smoke screen formed is like a dark cloud, covering its head and facing the alien fleet.

The alien warships dispersed immediately, and while evading, they launched a dense thin light into the smoke screen, almost ploughing the smoke screen from the inside out.

But the aliens thought it was too simple. Even though the fine light was as dense as the rain, there were very few missiles that could be hit by the fine light.

Humans and aliens have been fighting for so long. Although they have not yet figured out the principle of fine light, they are very familiar with the function of fine light. This kind of smoke screen is also a new thing developed for fine light, which has a certain hindering effect on fine light.

The aliens also found that the thin light was not effective, but they did not intend to change their tactics at all, and still kept using the thin light to brush the smoke screen.

The missile hadn't hit the enemy ship yet, but the command thought the time was ripe and launched a second batch of missiles immediately, and a second layer of dark clouds soon formed in front of the Third Fleet.

At this time, the first wave of missiles had approached and locked onto the enemy ship, and began to implement serpentine end guidance. Dozens of missiles were drilling randomly from left to right like dozens of swimming fish, and only the front end of the missile always pointed at the enemy ship!

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