Armor Frenzy

Chapter 932: Synchronized deceleration

932 Synchronous deceleration

On July 27, 2029, Io Zero advanced to the base.

The sky outside the base had just darkened, and there was still a dark glow on the horizon. A construction vehicle was galloping and drove all the way into the base.

Luo Qi hurriedly jumped out of the construction vehicle, washed his body as quickly as possible, and rushed into the base command room: "Boss, have you started yet?"

Ye Han chuckled: "It's okay, just in time, sit down."

Today is the day when the rail elevator cable arrives at Io Zero. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the project, Beidu requires the advance base to go all out, and there must be no problems.

Ye Han almost lost his gray hair after receiving the order. There are only a few people in the entire advance base, and more than half of them are engaged in research. He can only use two groups of people, and one group of people is permanently stationed in the center of the ground. No matter how bad he thought, Xin Yiheng simply called Luo Qi back to help.

Luo Qi sat beside Ye Han and glanced at the transport ship with its tail on the main screen: "Where is this?"

The pictures on the main screen come from Tianhe and several other spaceships, not only the frontal images, but also the side ones, in two directions.

Ye Han glanced at the time, and before he could speak, Ouyang Ping had already taken the lead: "It's coming."

As soon as the voice fell, a voice came from the speaker: "Base, Kuaijiu arrived at the predetermined coordinates, please instruct."

Ye Hanma put his mouth in front of the microphone: "The base has received it, fast nine keep the speed, fast three, report the position!"

Fast three and fast nine are the abbreviations of fast transport ships. The naming of this thing is quite simple, but every time the transport ship is called, Ye Han will think of ballroom dancing.

"Quick three report, our ship is already in position, ready to capture the tail!"

The screen changed to the end of the cable. Because of the camera angle, the image of the transport ship approaching the cable looked like looking up at the remote-controlled aircraft flying towards the flagpole.

Ye Han whispered: "Quick three, pay attention to your posture, and master the timing yourself!"

"Quick three understand!"

Ye Han frowned and did not speak, the radio fell silent, and several people stared at the transport ship that was constantly approaching the cable.

Luo Qi broke the silence: "Boss, is this okay?"

Ye Han shook his head: "It shouldn't be a problem, the new captain of Kuaisan is very experienced, and the head was specially transferred."

Luo Qi blinked suspiciously: "What kind of experience?" The fast transport ship has only been out for a few months, and he can't think of the sky-defying skills of the most experienced captain.

Ye Han squinted at Luo Qi: "The docking experience, when building the orbital factory and the space city, he is responsible for docking."

"Huh, you are awesome!" Luo Qi immediately admired him greatly.

Space docking has always been a technical task, but the difficulty of docking two ground-to-air spacecraft can only be regarded as ordinary, as long as it can be done with systematic training.

Replacing two low-tonnage light space battleships directly increases the difficulty; if it is replaced by heavy space battleships, the difficulty of docking must increase geometrically. As long as one of the direction, angle, speed, position, and attitude goes wrong It's not a small trouble, the docking fails at light, and the spacecraft is damaged at worst.

The docking difficulty between the orbital factory and the space city is still high for heavy warships. If the shape of the docking piece is more complex, the difficulty will be even higher.

Such a big cow is a strategic presence no matter where it is placed, which shows that Beidu attaches great importance to rail elevators.

A few people waited patiently for a while, and the Kuaisan ship finally approached the end of the cable, and an indifferent voice came from the radio: "The difference in bearing is four, the difference in angle is two, and the left rudder is two!"

"Second left rudder...Left car enters second!"

"The second engine on the right, power 5 for one second..."

A series of steering commands came out of the loudspeaker, and the ship on the main screen kept adjusting the position of the hull, gradually overlapping with the end of the cable, and several mechanical arms protruded from the bottom of the ship, slowly and steadily grasping the pre-movement at the end of the cable. Reservoir hole.

A particularly pronounced exhalation sound came from the speaker: "Okay, the horse is fixed!"

Ye Han also sighed in relief: "It's finally done."

"It's over?" Ouyang Ping sighed for a while, "As expected of a big cow."

The length of the cable tow is more than 24,700 kilometers. The relationship between the ship and the cable is like the handle and the tip of the whip. A slight vibration of the ship, after more than 24,000 kilometers, is magnified. Can become a large swing of the cable tail.

Getting close to the end of the cable is only the first step in catching the tail, and then you must grab the tail before it turns forward.

The picture on the screen switched to the belly of the fast three, and I saw a few mechanical arms grabbing the collar at the end of the cable and pulling the collar towards the belly... The collar is a metal ring specially added to both ends of the cable to fix the cable.

It can be seen through the lens that there is a raised crest of the cable rushing in quickly. If the ship's action was slower, the tail of the cable must have changed direction because of this crest.

The robotic arm quickly pulled the cable tail into the belly of the ship, pressing it firmly against the fixing device inside the ship, and the opened hatch slowly closed to firmly fix the cable tail and the ship.

The hatch was just closed, and the crest of the wave just swung to the tail of the cable. The Kuaisan ship suddenly changed direction without warning, and floated for a distance in the direction of the swing.

Luo Qi's eyes almost didn't pop out: "Isn't it? So energetic?"

Ouyang Ping looked at Luo Qi with slanted eyes, as if he never knew him: "What the hell? That's what Kuai San flew by himself!"

Luo Qi was stunned: "Why are you afraid of breaking it?"

"Then I don't know." Ouyang Ping said.

Luo Qi looked at Ye Han, and at this moment the loudspeaker rang: "Base, we are ready to slow down."

"The base received, Kuai San, you and Kuai Jiu coordinate on your own."

"Kaisan understands...Kaisan calls Kuaijiu!"

"Quick nine received!"

"My ship is going to slow down, you guys stay steady!"

"Quick nine understand!"

"Slow down the countdown, three, two, one, start!"

As can be seen from the screen, the engine of the fast three ship exploded a few flashes, but the horse was annihilated into the invisible.

At the same time, the fast nine ship at the other end of the cable also slowed down and cooperated with the fast three ship's command. The two transport ships were more than 24,000 kilometers apart, but their speed was always synchronized.

With the strength of the cable, it is no problem for the fast nine ships to not slow down, but then the entire deceleration process must depend on the fast three ships. Not only does it take longer to slow down, but the cables will also be tightened by the two ships.

With more than 24,000 kilometers of cables, the elasticity is not a joke. If there is a rebound, it may cause some trouble.

Another, the construction close to Io Zero requires the cables to be loosened, rather than being pulled tightly by two spaceships like a tug-of-war.

Therefore, the two spacecraft must decelerate synchronously to avoid omissions to the greatest extent.

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