Armor Frenzy

Chapter 939: video conference

The captain of No. 7 was waiting outside for a long time. When he saw Ye Han coming out, he immediately saluted: "Sir, I am the captain of No. 7, Dai Mingxuan."

Ye Han returned the gift: "Hello, hehe, let's not be polite. It's important to get busy first."

Dai Mingxuan also smiled: "Listen to the chief, little Jiang—"

"To!" A soldier floated over.

"Send the chief and the brothers back to the dormitory." After Dai Mingxuan explained, he turned his attention to Ye Han again, "Chief, then I won't accompany you."

"It's all right, I'm busy with you." Ye Han waved his hand and made a gesture to the little soldier surnamed Jiang. The group left quickly, and entered the transport ship living area after undergoing strict decontamination procedures.

Ye Han and his team members stayed on Mi wei zero for more than half a year. After boarding the ship, some people were not adapted to the weightless environment.

Ye Han is such a shame, let Luo Qi arrange the training and get used to the environment first.

Kuai No. 7 is the seventh ship of the fast transport ship. It only takes half a month to travel between the earth and Io, and it will last seventeen or eight days. There is no need to hibernate in such a short time, otherwise Ye Han would have been here long ago. Help the monkeys hibernate.

Ye Han thought that Kuaishou No. 7 would set off soon, but he didn't expect that a carload of vines could not fit the transport ship at all. The spacecraft stayed on orbit for two days. Not only did it receive a large number of carbon fiber vines, but it also used transport boats for low-altitude transport. The orbit sent a batch of sustenance fuel, and this was the time to set off for the return voyage.

After a few days of precipitation, the initial excitement has subsided, but the anticipation in my heart has grown stronger and stronger. At the moment when No. 7 set sail, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Time passed day by day in the dull and monotonous flight. In a blink of an eye, more than ten days passed, and the transport ship was getting closer and closer to the earth.

On August 14, 2029, the speed of the 7th began to slow down. Ye Han was thinking about when he would be able to return to Earth after returning, when the personal computer on his left wrist suddenly shook slightly: "Sir, I am Dai Mingxuan!"

"What's the matter?" Ye Han asked casually.

"Just received the communication from Beiyuezhou, please come to the bridge."

Ye Han was stunned, and immediately climbed out of the sleeping bag: "I'll be there soon, do you know who's looking for me?"

"I don't know... the communication of the headquarters." Dai Mingxuan said carefully.

The Kuaishou No. 7 was affiliated to the Beiyuezhou Transport Fleet. Although the number seemed to be independent, it was actually a sub-fleet of the Beiyuezhou Fleet. Dai Mingxuan had never received a direct communication from the headquarters.

The living area is not big, Ye Han floated into the bridge after a while, and asked Dai Mingxuan, "What's the situation?"

"The news from the headquarters is here for you." Dai Mingxuan said.

Ye Han had a bad premonition in his heart: "Find me a cabin with no one."

"Is the conference room ok?"


"Please come with me, just outside the bridge." Dai Mingxuan personally led the way.

Ye Han floated out and asked, "How far are we from Beiyuezhou? How long is the communication delay?"

Dai Mingxuan said, "Millions of kilometers, with a delay of about ten seconds."

The two floated out of the bridge, and Dai Mingxuan sent Ye Han into a meeting room not many meters away. He didn't even enter the door, and returned to the bridge after saying hello.

Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, don't listen to what you shouldn't listen to. When you reach someone's level, just revealing a little bit of news is a great secret. It's best not to even think about what you know, or you may hear it one day. shouldn't listen.

Ye Han floated into the conference room and waited for the cabin door to be closed before turning on the communication device. After entering the identity code, the communication interface popped up on the screen, and then entered the password to extract the communication content.

Gao Kai's long-lost face appeared on the screen: "Ye Han, contact the headquarters as soon as you receive the communication, I'll wait for you."

Instead of saying anything, let him contact the command? Ye Han's bad premonition was even stronger, but he didn't dare to be slighted, and immediately contacted the headquarters.

Ye Han has been counting down the seconds since the request was sent. Twenty-two seconds later, the screen flashed into two halves, with Gao Kai's old face on the right, and Huo Qiang's older face on the left.

As soon as the screen appeared, Gao Kai asked in a pleasing tone: "Commander, did you say it yourself or I'll come?"

"Go ahead, I'll add." Huo Qiang said.

"Yes!" Gao Kai agreed, "Ye Han, let's hold a video conference to report the situation first. In late June, our space telescope found an alien fleet near Jupiter, and the scale of the fleet is not small. The last time the stars dispatched so many warships was the second expedition there in 25 years."

"The above attaches great importance to this situation and requires the Tiangong to implement 24-hour monitoring. In early July, we determined that the fleet was accelerating around Jupiter. At present, we do not know where their specific goals are, but it is certain, except for the earth. Io, these two places."

Jupiter's escape velocity is 60 kilometers per second. If the alien fleet wants to escape Jupiter's gravity, it must slowly accelerate around Jupiter until the speed reaches the standard.

Gao Kai continued: "Analysis believes that the probability that the enemy's first target is Io Zero is about 66%, and the probability of being the Earth is only 34%, but I personally think that , it's all bullshit, even if it's only 1% possible, it's 100% when the aliens come."

"The situation we are currently facing is very severe. The initial response plan is to first ensure the safety of the earth, and then find a way to protect Io, including but not limited to armed resistance organizations, dispatching fleets and other means. If it is really impossible to keep it... I would rather destroy it. It can't fall into the hands of aliens anymore."

Ye Han's brows were raised high, and a group of **** flew past in his heart.

He stayed on Io Zero for so long, and he could somewhat guess what he was thinking.

When Io first arrived in Earth's orbit, everyone's thoughts were precautions, but after such a long period of contact and cooperation, human beings have obtained a lot of first-hand information on biochemical technology and planetary engines from Io, and Acquiring technology is only part of the harvest. Right now, resistance groups are planting carbon fiber vines on a large scale. Io is becoming the earth's raw material supplier, and this position is irreplaceable in a short time.

If Io is re-occupied by aliens, not only the good technology source and raw material origin will be gone, but the aliens who regain control of Io may also manipulate Io closer to the earth. By that time, Io will It will once again become the sword of Damocles that threatens the earth. Even if the armed forces of all mankind are concentrated, it cannot be the opponent of Starship.

As expected, Gao Kai continued: "Ye Han, you have stayed there for so long, do you have any suggestions, for example, can you send the nuclear bomb to the center of the earth without telling the aliens, as long as you destroy the planet? Engine, even if the aliens **** back Io, we are not afraid!"

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