Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1036: successful landing

The crazy continuous nuclear explosions completely suppressed the arrogance of the aliens. Not only did the explosion destroy the aliens' positions, but it was not because there were too many casualties. It was the ground that was bombarded by the nuclear explosions. The soil and dust cover the sky, Ganymede's gravity is poor, and the falling speed of the sediment is super slow, like a sand cloud blocking the sky and the ground.

This thing is much denser than a sandstorm. Regardless of whether it is a naked eye insect eye or a radar electronic eye, it has no ability to penetrate the sand cloud. Even if the aliens spare no expense, it is useless to see the target.

However, the position of the paratroopers is still too high, and it still takes some time to land, which is much longer than the landing time of the sand cloud!

"There must be another wave of cover." Ye Han said this, and did the same. After finding that the sand cloud began to fall, he immediately gave Duan Zhiyang an order to make up for the knife.

The battleship headed by Beihai immediately launched a wave of missiles and continued to cover the airborne landing with a 12-ton nuclear explosion.

There is no need for a multinational fleet in this round. Their nuclear bomb yields are too high. Let them smash another wave. Maybe it will affect the airborne soldiers.

Dozens of missiles drilled directly into the falling sand and exploded after a short while, and clusters of bright light flickered faintly under the cloud of sand, like lightning recklessly crisscrossing the cloud.

The falling sand cloud vacated the air again, continuing to cover the soldiers in the air.

Seeing that the altitude was almost there, Xiao Yuan decisively ordered to speed up. The soldiers started their flight bags one after another, and changed from falling to flying obliquely. They approached Airport No. 1 from all directions, and almost fell into the crater against the top of the sand cloud.

The crater looks unremarkable from the outside, and you can't see any steepness, but the inside is different. In order to build an airport here, the aliens almost hollowed out the inside of the mountain. In addition to the top of the crater, there is a steep **** below. All are almost vertical cliffs.

Due to the bombardment of the nuclear bomb, at least half of the crater was wiped out by the explosion, leaving only the jagged edges, just like a giant sawing off the crater with a rotten saw, leaving countless jagged black spots. The stubble, if it weren't for the thick root of the crater, maybe even the most basic ring could not be seen.

After the soldiers flew into the crater, they immediately made a 180-degree turn, turning the superman-style straight flight into the opposite direction of the front and back of the feet, using the method of changing their posture to decelerate with all their strength, even if the height fell straight, they would not care, It was not until the inertia was completely cancelled that he twisted and hovered above the airport and slowly fell into the crater.

In order to enter the crater as soon as possible, the soldiers are very fast, and the diameter of the crater is less than one kilometer, and the diameter of the airport is even lower. If they can't slow down in time, they will hit the mountain wall head-on.

It doesn't matter if you hit it, but as long as any airtight structure on the armor is damaged, it is difficult for the people inside to survive.

Ye Han's heart was in his throat, and it was not until the last fighter successfully slowed down that he put his heart back in his stomach.

In the past, half of the airborne battalion was able to fly into the crater, and it was said that the half that flew into the crater would also lose 30% to 50%.

Nothing else, the flight bag is too difficult to control, and most paratroopers can only carry out simple flights. The way of flying into the crater can definitely be classified as extreme flight. Even if Ye Han is a pilot, it is difficult to face this situation. Can't say for sure.

Not to mention ordinary fighters, the hovering action alone requires fighters to have an extraordinary sense of balance and rigorous training. There are more than 2,000 people in the entire division, and less than three have mastered the hovering skills. digits.

However, with the biochip, it is not a dream to accurately grasp the flight attitude, everyone is a flight expert.

The fighters who landed vertically were quickly engulfed by shadows, but the bottom of the pit could be seen through footage on the battleship and armor.

The giant ship blown up by the fleet led by Ye Han was still blocked in the depths of the airport. Xiao Yuan and his soldiers fell directly to the section of the giant ship. There were hundreds of meters away from the section, and the armor detected high levels of radiation residue.

However, this radiation is far less than that of nuclear waste, and the armor can be blocked even if the strength is increased several times.

Xiao Yuan and the soldiers did not pay attention to radiation at all. Everyone's energy was on the ground they were about to land on. Any place that might hide the enemy was the focus of attention. Only those soldiers who were particularly sensitive would glance at it from time to time. radiation intensity.

The cross-section of the battleship has been burned beyond recognition by the high temperature, the ice-white insect shell has been burnt to black, and the place where the edge of the cross-section is in contact with the cliff is full of strange-shaped rocks. Half of them fell on the section and the other half remained on the cliff. Just by looking at them you can tell they are solidified lava.

As long as the soldiers lowered their heads, they could see a large number of scorched battleship fragments scattered under their The uneven bulkheads were like ruins that had been broken down for countless years, revealing a gloomy feeling.

Xiao Yuan chose the landing site at the center of the section. The ground here is relatively flat, and there are few bulkheads nearby, which is suitable for the rapid gathering of troops.

He announced the location of the landing field immediately, and the soldiers at the bottom immediately adjusted their heights. After the coordination, a dozen soldiers gathered together and descended at the same speed at the same height, becoming the first wave of landing personnel.

After the soldiers landed, they immediately raised their rifles, lowered their muzzles after confirming that there was no danger, and cautiously searched forward to open up a safe area for their comrades behind them.

Just after walking a few steps, another wave of people landed, and a dozen people immediately joined the vigil.

It was like this, one after another, and after a while, all the more than 200 people in the entire camp landed safely in silence.

Xiao Yuan looked around for a week after his feet landed: "Liangshan Liangshan, our department has landed safely, please instruct!"

Ye Han replied in person: "Liangshan received it, proceed as planned, be careful, it's over!"

"The first one arrives, it's over!" Xiao Yuan's thoughts moved, and he called up the map stored in the biochip, and clicked the mark on the map. The entrance was in front of Xiao Yuan's left, "The first line is the front, the second line is in the middle, and after the third line is broken, go ahead!"

The soldiers were immediately divided into three parts according to their respective affiliations, and the company walking in the front was also divided into three parts, left, middle, and right. The soldiers heard that they were walking up and down, and put all the front of the team into the alert range.

This scene fell into Albert's eyes, and he suddenly became angry, and then Ye Han received a communication from Colonel Jason: "Mr. Teacher, I guarantee that there are no enemies on the ground, and the boys trapped in the ground are stunned every second. After suffering casualties, your troops will only encounter the enemy after they go underground. Please hurry up with your troops. Also, one battalion is really too few... Also, I don't want to command your troops, I just send You make a request!"

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