Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1038: no bragging

One Regiment... Three Regiments... Two Regiments... Division Direct Forces...

The airborne division dropped Ganymede at a rate of one battalion every seven minutes. The first battalion landed and the next battalion followed immediately. No more than two battalions of paratroopers were in the air at any time, and the personnel were extremely dispersed and at different heights, even if Aliens attack suddenly, and there will be no casualties.

The first thing that any battalion does after landing is to immediately enter the wreckage of the giant ship and vacate the limited airborne field.

The multinational fleet finally expressed a little satisfaction with Ye Han's actions, but still expressed indignation at the slow action of the Airborne Division - the troops have all descended, but what does it mean to stay in the giant ship and do nothing?

At this time, the last wave of paratroopers had drilled into the giant ship. After the soldiers jumped into the shaft and landed freely for more than ten meters, they briefly activated their flight bags and drilled into the first fork accurately and quickly.

Ye Han landed on both feet lightly and asked loudly, "Where's Xiao Yuan?"

Luo Qi immediately stood up: "I'll find it!"

"Come here!" A figure flew out from the depths of the giant ship and landed in front of Ye Han, "Master, why are you here?"

"You are all down, why can't I come?" Ye Han glared at Xiao Yuan, "Have you figured out the situation?"

"Basically, it's clear." Xiao Yuan said, "All cabins have been checked, there are no enemies and no bugs, and all the passages have been watched. I am going to seal the secondary passages, leaving only the main passage. ."

"Is there anything unusual?" Ye Han asked worriedly.

"No exception." Xiao Yuan said affirmatively.

Ye Han sighed: "No problem is the biggest problem."

Several people showed unexpected expressions, some were unclear, some were thoughtful.

Ma Hui whispered: "Master, you are saying that the enemy should not abandon the giant ship, right?"

"Yes." Ye Han nodded, "There is no need for aliens to do this, this place is so complicated, you can block it with just a few troops, and if you hold it, it will cut off the retreat of the multinational troops. But now there is no one left, you guys Say, why did the aliens take the initiative to abandon the giant ship?"

Ma Hui immediately blurted out: "Luring the enemy to go deep!"

"Are you afraid of nuclear bombs!" Xiao Yuan raised a different opinion.

"There are two possibilities, but I prefer the opinion of Chief of Staff Ma." Ye Han said, "We don't know what structure is underground. The safest way is to get in and out. This place must be guarded."

He pointed to his feet, very hard.

Everyone kept silent and looked at Ye Han together.

Ye Han's topic changed: "Did you look in the hole?"

"Not yet, just keep the passage." Xiao Yuan said.

Ye Han thought for a moment, then raised his head and said loudly, "Order!"

Everyone instinctively listened quietly - if the gravity is right, when Ye Han says these two words, everyone must stand upright, but not only is the gravity low, but it is also a battlefield, any action that may reveal the identity of the commander are strictly prohibited.

Ye Han's eyes looked around: "My opinion is to label according to the target distance. The multinational force that is close to us is the first target. The straight-line distance between us and the No. 1 target is about two kilometers, and the actual distance must be four to five kilometers. ... Xiao Yuan!"


"You lead a group to play the striker. Your only task is to get through the channel. Is there a problem?"


"Long Jianguo!"


"The three regiments will follow up. Your task is to block the fork in the road and ensure that the passage is unblocked!"


"Bian Ge!"


"Second regiment guards the giant ship, I will replenish the artillery battalion to you, no matter what, you must guard this retreat for me!"


"Ma Hui!"


"You and the communications battalion are also staying, and the front fingers will be formed on the spot."


"The other divisions will follow behind the three regiments, advancing in the order of reconnaissance, guards, and teaching, and the support battalion will strengthen one regiment. Be sure to ensure the supply of ammunition!"


"Okay!" Ye Han glanced at the time, "It's 7:41 pm, I'll give you nineteen minutes to prepare, move on time at eight o'clock, and disband!"

The crowd dispersed immediately and quickly returned to their respective units, without the slightest sloppiness, and without anyone saying half a word of nonsense.

Only Ma Hui leaned over to Ye Han: "Master, you asked me to leave the fore finger to form, what about you?"

"Have you read all the Yankees' information?" Ye Han asked without answering.

Ma Hui nodded: "I saw it all."

"The underground situation is too complicated. They still don't know why the radio was interrupted. I'm afraid that our troops will also have problems. I don't know what to do, so I have to follow it." Ye Han said.

Ma Hui smiled bitterly: "Master, I know that I won't be able to persuade you, so I don't bother with that, but I also have a request!"

"you say!"

Ma Hui said: "I ask that you must be with the guard camp, and no matter what the situation is, you cannot act alone!"

"No problem!" Ye Han agreed neatly.

Although he had sufficient reasons to follow the troops, he was indeed suspected of leaving the command post. As long as Ma Hui's request was not excessive, he would definitely agree.

"Luo Qi!" Ma Hui shouted here! "

Luo Qi flew over quickly: "Chief of Staff, are you calling me?"

Ma Hui's tone was unprecedentedly serious: "Luo Qi, you have a heavy responsibility. No matter what, you must ensure the safety of the teacher. I'm the only one who asks you if you lose a hair!"

"Yes, chief of staff, don't worry, unless you step over my body, don't mind anyone who wants to hurt the teacher's hair..."

Ye Han rolled his eyes helplessly: "It's alright, alright, are you two sour? Why did you step over your corpse, you're dead, I'm good? Why don't you say such depressing words, Lao Tzu? Get rid of your scumbag!"

The atmosphere was quite tragic, and when Ye Han said this, even Ma Hui himself felt that the words he just said were too stupid, so he couldn't help his face stiffen, and his whole person was not well.

Luo Qi didn't have so many thoughts, he touched the back of his head and smiled, his gloves rustled and his helmet rustled.

Ye Hanxu kicked: "Hurry up and organize the troops, you are the only one who is busy, right?"

Luo Qi quickly flashed people and called the soldiers to arrange tasks.

Ye Han punched Ma Hui again: "Okay, I will take care of my heart, I must pay attention to safety, don't worry, the aliens who can kill me have not yet been born!"

Ma Hui sighed: "Master, my heart is gripping, can we not brag?"

Ye Han was stunned, and then couldn't help laughing: "Okay, I'm not bragging, in short, you put your heart in your stomach, your life is mine, I'm more worried than you, if the situation is wrong, I will definitely withdraw immediately. , if you find something wrong, let me know immediately, and I will withdraw immediately, can you see?"

"Okay, you said it's alright, what else can I do?" Ma Hui sighed, "I'm afraid that in the event of an accident, I won't be able to withdraw even if I want to!"

Ye Han was speechless, and only patted Ma Hui on the shoulder and jumped lightly towards the guard camp.

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