Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1047: regroup

Bian Ge's heart was messed up.

He was an officer at the beginning of the insect plague, and was later transferred to the motorized infantry. He has experienced many battles himself. In those days, he had encountered worse conditions than now on the northern defense line, and this should not have happened.

However, the previous battles took place on Earth. With the current technical level of the military, it is very unlikely that the front-line troops will lose contact with their superiors. Lost contact.

In other words, Bian Ge's previous battles have always been under the command of the military, and at any time, his superiors will hold the general direction for him.

However, this is not the earth. He can't contact anyone except the fleet. He didn't feel that when there was Ye Han and Ma Hui before, but now Ye Han is missing and Ma Hui has died. And all the commanders of the division direct troops, but he didn't know what to do, and his mind was so confused that he didn't know what to do next.

To put it bluntly, Bian Ge's personality is flawed. When someone helps him grasp the general direction, he can do whatever he wants. Without the curse on his head, he has no opinion.

This defect is nothing in normal times, but at this time it is simply life-threatening.

While hesitating, a voice appeared in Bian Ge's ear: "Bian regiment, we have found the guards!"

"Great!" Bian Ge immediately found the backbone, "Where's the teacher? Has the teacher come out yet?"

"No, they said that the division commander and the commander Luo flew under the giant ship together."

"Ah?" Bian Gexin said what was the situation? But he immediately realized that Ye Han should have found a cave to hide.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. In this case, Ye Han must be fine. After the giant ship falls, it will come out naturally. What he has to do now is to stabilize the troops and wait for Ye Han to appear.

So Bian Ge said on the radio: "All attention, use the battalion company as a unit to find a cave to settle in, pay attention to the enemy's movements, and prevent sneak attacks!"

After Bian Ge gave the order, he contacted the Beizhou number and informed Duan Zhiyang of the news he had just obtained.

Just halfway through the words, someone suddenly exclaimed in the communication: "Stop, the giant ship has stopped!"

"Why did you stop?"

"It must be stuck again, come out quickly!"

Bian Ge was startled, and immediately flew to the entrance of the cave to look down. The giant ship was no longer sliding, and was stuck between the shafts, as if it was blocked by something below.

His eyes turned to the exit of the section, and only a few sporadic people flew out from there.

By this time, the vast majority of the troops had left the ship, and most of the people who were fleeing the ship were from the guard battalion.

Bian Ge couldn't tell whether it was good or bad for the giant ship to get stuck again, but he knew that the most important thing now was to find Ye Han.

So he personally found the guard camp, found a few insiders and asked about the situation, and got the same answer as before, confirming the truth of Ye Han's disappearance.

Bian Ge's half-hearted heart finally fell back into his stomach. He found those soldiers in the guard camp who knew about it, and asked carefully about the process of Ye Han's departure. Through their descriptions, he roughly determined Ye Han's position when he left the ship. And which section of the cave is most likely to hide in after leaving the ship.

It turned out that the most likely location for Ye Han to hide is exactly where the giant ship is stuck again!

Bian Ge did not dare to neglect, and immediately called on the radio: "One regiment and three regiments, I am the second regiment, please answer when you hear me!"

"One group received, please speak!"

"Three regiments received, please speak!"

Bian Ge felt a little more at ease, and briefly explained his own situation: "The division commander is missing, the chief of staff is sacrificed, the three of us must come up with a charter, one regiment, how is your situation?"

Xiao Yuan replied: "The situation is very good, everyone withdrew to the cave in time, and the scattered personnel were gathered up, and the troops did not lose."

"Great, Santuan, how are you doing?"

Long Jianguo sighed: "The situation is very bad, the giant ship is not parked in the place, I have three companies stuck in the cave and can't get out, and nearly two companies have lost contact, and the remaining troops have to stay in the cave. If I continue to develop like this, it will not take long for me to become a bare commander.”

"According to my calculations, the division commander should be trapped near the giant ship. I think the most urgent task is to rescue all the trapped troops. What do you think?"

"Agreed." Xiao Yuan said, "We can't afford to lose so many troops."

"Agreed!" Long Jianguo said in a half-joking, half-serious tone, "If my brothers are all here, I don't have the face to go back alive by myself."

"Well, saving people is like putting out fires, so I won't be polite to you." Bian Ge said, "My thinking is this, if you want to save people, you must ensure the safety of the shaft. I think the group should stay on the lower floor and Guard the lower floors, guard the passage to prevent the enemy from raiding!"

Xiao Yuan immediately said: "We have no problem staying here, and there is no problem with blocking, but there are too many passages, and the force in my hand is simply not enough."

"What about me?" Bian Ge asked, "I will bring the second regiment to support is it enough?"

"It's definitely not enough to block the branch holes. If you hit the main hole in units, not only enough, but you can also leave some people to guard the shaft." Xiao Yuan said.

The first regiment changed from offense to defense, and the range of guards was very large, but the next operation of the first regiment would be mainly defense, and the combat pressure was not great, and the support of the second regiment was sufficient.

"Then do it like this. I will bring the second regiment to support the first regiment, and all the division troops will be handed over to the third regiment to command, Lao Long, what do you think?"

"Yes." Long Jianguo agreed immediately.

His troops were scattered in various passages, either trapped or dragged by the enemy. In this case, it seemed that the support of the Second Regiment was more needed than the direct division troops, but the actual situation was not the case.

Bian Ge's Second Regiment suffered a lot in the landing operation. At present, the three battalions of the Second Regiment are not satisfied with the number of battalions, and they are only two and a half battalions.

What about the division army? Although they are not satisfied with the compilation, there are a total of six battalions, and the combined strength is no less than five battalions, which is much stronger than the second regiment.

And those who can enter the airborne division are all elites. The combat effectiveness of the division's direct troops is no worse than that of the main group. Long Jianguo has no reason to refuse.

Bian Ge said: "Xiao Yuan, I will lead the team there now, Lao Long, the division's direct troops will be handed over to you, what are your plans?"

Long Jianguo said without thinking: "This ghost place is a main hole with a bunch of branch holes. It's impossible for a giant ship to block all the branch holes. My plan is to detour to the vicinity of the giant ship. Several main passages of the PLA sent rescue troops, each main passage chose a branch hole as a breakthrough point, concentrated superior forces to advance strongly, penetrated into the main hole at the fastest speed, and then contacted the troops trapped in the branch hole and assembled the troops to withdraw. "

I wrote this chapter in a mess, and I deleted more words than I posted... Is it because of my age that my brain is not good? Recently, this situation has become the norm, which is sad.

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