Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1050: fight for survival

Back in time not too long ago.

As soon as Ye Han conveyed the order, the giant ship slid outside the cave, shaking with a loud bang, and the cave entrance was blocked by the collapsed boulders.

Everyone was stunned by this accident, Ye Han relentlessly shouted: "One group, one group..."

"Two regiments, two regiments..."

"Three regiments..."

All the calls were not answered at all, Ye Han's heart sank and whispered, "We're stuck here."

Everyone's eyes fell on Ye Han. Luo Qi asked in the same low voice, "What should we do?" Being trapped in the burrow was not a good sign, it reminded him of Siberia back then.

Ye Han called up the three-dimensional map and said, "This hole leads to Channel 5. Let's go forward, enter the main hole and go around the other branch holes."

"Yes!" Luo Qi responded without hesitation, but immediately said, "There should be people from the three regiments here, right?"

Ye Han's eyes lit up: "Yes, yes!" Then he switched the communication frequency immediately, "Who is on this channel? Is there anyone on this channel?"

The entire division, each regiment, each battalion and even the first-level units have their own communication frequency, which is convenient for commanding, and at the same time, it can avoid communication confusion and mutual interference. clear.

"Master?" A surprised voice appeared on the radio, and faint gunshots could be heard.

"It's me, who are you?" Ye Han asked.

"Report, three regiments and eight consecutive five shifts..."

"Is that Cao Libin? Where are you?"

"Near the main cave." Cao Libin replied immediately.

He is not surprised that Ye Han knows himself. According to the regulations of the military, the platoon leader must not only know the names of the soldiers, but also memorize the family information of the soldiers, where they live, whether their parents are alive or divorced, are there any Siblings and more.

As a teacher, Ye Han naturally doesn't have to memorize the situation of the soldiers, but he can store all the information in the biochip.

"Is there an enemy?" Ye Han asked.

"Yes, there is a firefight!"

"Wait, we'll be there soon!" Ye Han said, taking off his rifle, "Luo Qi, count the personnel!"

Luo Qi swept his eyes: "Report, there are seven people including me, one sniper, two machine gunners, one blaster, and three assaulters!"


"Three rifles, two machine guns, one sniper rifle, one submachine gun, one grenade launcher, several grenades, four explosive packs, two nuclear missiles, three nuclear mines, six drones, and portable shelters. Two slices."

Ye Han pulled a bullet on the top of the gun bolt: "From now on, I will be your squad leader, Luo Qi, you are the deputy squad leader, now listen to my orders, the assaulter is in front, the machine gunner follows, go!"

"Yes!" The soldiers agreed in unison, and several soldiers adjusted their positions neatly, and then immediately set off to the depths of the branch hole.

Ye Han said on the radio: "Cao Libin, we are moving closer to you, how is your situation?"

"It's in a stalemate... Master, there are alien corpses on the road, all of them are dead."

"Okay, I see, just hold on for a while!"

The speed of the team was very fast, and they quickly rushed through a distance of several hundred meters. They found two waves of alien bodies one after another, but everyone passed by without seeing it.

After a while, the team led by Ye Han rushed to the vicinity of the main cave, and in front of it was the battlefield where the fifth squad exchanged fire with the enemy.

The soldiers of the fifth squad are shooting at the main hole, but the shooting frequency is not high, and the fighting is not very fierce.

Ye Han immediately ordered: "Machine gunners suppress, others cover, Cao Libin, come here!"

A soldier who was exchanging fire with the enemy immediately turned around and lay on the ground, using his hands and feet to leverage on the ground, and the whole person just stuck to the ground and floated to the back.

This is a creeping position, because Ganymede's gravity is too low, so creeping becomes a low-altitude glide.

The two machine gunners also jumped over in the same posture, and after meeting with the soldiers of the fifth squad, they set up their machine guns, but they only saw the dead body of the enemy, not a living one.

A machine gun asked, "Hey, brother, where's the enemy?"

The soldiers of the fifth squad pointed to the side of the main cave: "There, it's all in the cave, we don't move them and they won't move, and they will come out as soon as we emerge."

"Damn, this is just trying to block us here!"

"Who said it wasn't! Just come here, I'll go out to lure snakes out of their holes in a while, and then I'll see you two!"

"Wait a minute!" The machine gunner quickly grabbed the impulsive soldier, "Don't be impulsive, wait for the squad leader to come back!"

"That's it!"

At this time, Cao Libin had already rushed to Ye Han, and before he could stand up, Ye Han couldn't wait to ask, "Are there any other troops?"

"Yes!" Cao Libin said, "Our eighth company is here, but there are three classes that cannot be contacted, and another four companies and two classes."

"Which branch can go back to the shaft, do you know?" Ye Han asked again.

Cao Libin was amazed: "I can go back!"

"That was just now." Luo Qi said, "Not now."

He briefly explained the situation of the downfall of the giant ship. Cao Libin was in a bad mood and looked at Ye Han at a loss: " What should I do?"

"It's easy to handle." Ye Han looked at the main cave, "Call in and use the radio, whichever hole can be contacted with the outside, and whichever hole can go back to the shaft...Cao Libin!"


"You immediately contact the other troops in Channel 5 and clarify the current situation."


"Luo Qi!"


"From now on, you will command all the troops in Channel 5 until the troops return."


"Go ahead."

Luo Qi jumped out in a single step: "Follow me!"

Cao Libin quickly followed, and the two quickly rushed to their own defense lines, and immediately contacted the friendly troops in Channel 5 through the radio. After a while, Luo Qi found out the situation in Channel 5: "Senior, the situation is not very good, except Squad 5 and Squad 3, the rest of the troops let the enemy block the hole, we must penetrate into the main hole and attack from both sides to destroy the enemy, otherwise these troops will not last long."

"Are you sure?"

"Five or five, mainly because there are too few people, there are only three classes in total." Luo Qi said.

"Let's act." Ye Han said without hesitation.

The situation in Channel 5 is very bad. All the troops are based on squads and are scattered in each branch to fight their own battles.

Classes 3 and 5 were able to reach the vicinity of the main hole but could not enter the main hole, so they could only establish a defense line here and temporarily stalemate.

However, both the enemy and the enemy know that the stalemate is only temporary. As long as all the holes are cleared, the main force of the enemy will inevitably return to the division, and they will gnaw away these two hard bones at any cost.

The third and fifth squads together have no more than 20 people. At that time, the enemy is strong and we are weak, and there is no way to retreat. This is not enough for the enemy to get in the teeth... If we don't take advantage of the situation before it gets out of hand and launches a counter-offensive. , when you are powerless, you don't have that condition to fight back.

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