Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1054: Deep into the enemy's nest

A large number of mechanical spiders entered the No. 7 passage, and soon found that there were some branches and branches in the depths of the No. 7 passage.

Ye Han really wanted to check all these passages, but the mechanical spiders were not enough.

So he led his team into Channel 7, rescued the drones that acted as repeaters in the temporary channel, and devoted himself to the great cause of investigating Channel 7.

Coincidentally, as soon as the troops here entered Channel 7, Ouyang Ping exploded Channel 5 over there. The communication between the two sides was blocked by the complicated terrain.

There are seven forks in the depths of Channel No. 7, which are marked as Negative 1 to Negative No. 7. Dozens of mechanical spiders are scattered into the seven passages, with an average of more than a dozen per passage.

Later, Ye Han discovered that these negative-sign passages are really intricate, and there are more fork roads on each fork road. Some of these fork roads are completely different from each other, and some of them are interconnected and crisscrossed, forming a spider web-like dense three-dimensional tunnel. The system, if the data sent back by the mechanical spider were not all stored in the biochip, the labyrinth structure with the fork in the fork in the fork would be able to surround everyone in it, and it would be impossible to come out.

The strange thing is that there is no shadow of aliens in the labyrinth. Ye Han couldn't help but murmured in his heart. Could it be that all the aliens ran into the fifth passage, so that the depth of the passage was empty?

Luo Qi suddenly said, "Look, Master, Number Four found the enemy!"

Ye Han immediately received the video transferred by Luo Qi and found that the mechanical spider had entered a hemispherical cave.

The cave hall is about 30 meters high and no less than 40 meters in diameter. As far as the eye can see, both the walls and the ground are very rough, not like artificial excavation, but like a naturally formed cave.

Ganymede has no conditions for the formation of karst caves, and this cave hall is just an ordinary underground cavity.

Through the lens of the mechanical spider, you can see that there are thirty or forty aliens in the cave. They have already crossed the cave and got into a dark passage on the other side of the cave.

The actions of the aliens immediately caught Ye Han's attention.

The aliens in Channel 7 and Channel 5 are all dead. It is said that the enemy should concentrate their forces on the Airborne Division at this time, but this group of aliens came in the opposite direction and went in the opposite direction.

Although this place is far away from the shaft, I may not know the situation in the two passages, but shouldn't we mobilize troops to focus on containment at this time?

"Let the spiders follow!" Ye Han gave an order, since this passage was marked as minus eight on the map.

The mechanical spider immediately moved, and the screen shook violently because of the spider's movements, and it didn't get better until it chased down the negative eighth channel.

At the same time, Luo Qi mobilized the mechanical spiders near the cave hall to concentrate in the direction of minus eight, focusing on investigating this area.

After entering the passage, Ye Han found that the cave wall of No. 8 was much smoother than the cave hall, which was obviously the result of artificial excavation by aliens.

The spider chased all the way down the down passage, about 70 or 80 meters in, and a blurry shadow suddenly flashed in the shaking camera.

Ye Han suddenly shouted: "Stop, go back!"

The mechanical spider stopped immediately and took a few steps backwards.

"Retreat!" Ye Han said again.

The spider complies, and the fleeting shadow enters the camera again.

"Here, lean over!" Ye Han pointed to the shadow's position and said.

Luo Qi also saw that something was wrong, and said hesitantly, "This seems to be a person!" The position of the shadow collapsed a little, and a human-shaped thing was half-buried between the sand and stones. .

"It's definitely not ours!" Luo Qi said with absolute certainty.

Channel 5 and Channel 7 are all in charge of the three regiments. The soldiers didn't rush to the negative head support hole. How could they appear so far away?

"It may be someone from the multinational force." Ye Han said, "They should have a force in this direction."

At this time, the mechanical spider had already climbed onto the man's arm, the slender mechanical legs swept away the dust, and a tricolor flag immediately appeared in the camera.

Now all the doubts have been answered. There must be a friendly army in the depths of this passage, and those aliens are probably rushing to encircle and suppress the multinational troops.

Ye Han let out a long breath and snorted coldly: "The spider will follow immediately, and the troops will set off immediately!"

"Yes!" Luo Qi agreed, and immediately asked in a low voice, "Master, can we evacuate if we rescue them?"

Ye Han laughed and scolded: "You are smart!"

Luo Qi laughed, why didn't he understand what Ye Han meant?

The airborne division can indeed be evacuated on the grounds that the casualties are too high, but the underground situation is invisible from space, and the multinational fleet can completely blame the airborne division for not doing enough work, so the North Capital will be very passive.

But after rescuing an allied army, it is different to evacuate on the grounds that the casualties are too large. After rescuing an allied army, there will be so many casualties. You can't know how difficult it will be to continue the rescue and throw all the airborne divisions in, right?

Even if the multinational fleet is embarrassed, Beidu has to be willing.

The troops were about to set off, and at this juncture, Ye Han suddenly received a communication from the rear: "Number one, number one, please answer!"

"Ouyang Ping? Is that you?" Ye Han immediately recognized the voice.

"It's me, it's me!" Ouyang Ping was as happy as a child, "Master, I've found you!"

"Don't be too happy, I can't go out yet."

This sentence is like pouring a basin of ice water on Ouyang Ping's head: "Why?"

"We found a friendly army."

This is good news!

Ouyang Ping quickly asked, "Which country is it from?"

"Tricolor flag, only ghosts know which country it is." Ye Han complained very sharply.

He always thought that those tricolor flags with no features were too strange, and he always suspected that the rulers of these countries were too lazy. Otherwise, why use such a confusing tricolor as the national flag?

In fact, he only needed to look through the information stored in the biochip to know which country the flag belonged to, but he was too lazy to move.

"Then what should we do?" Ouyang Ping asked How many people did you bring? "

"Two companies."

"Call for support immediately, and call both the guard camp and the training camp. Who is in charge of the shaft now?"

"Commander three."

"Let him watch over the shaft and this passage, and don't let the enemy take our back."


"Also, Ouyang, wait for the follow-up troops, I'll pass the first move route to you later..."

Ouyang Ping quickly refused: "Senior Commander, the Dragon regiment has no reserve team. Except for the troops I brought, other troops have tasks and cannot withdraw for a while."

"Then you first explain the situation to Lao Long, and then lead the team to follow!"


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