Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1058: Detour sneak attack (2)

At the critical moment, the sniper artillery fired again, this time finally blasting away the relatively weak plastron, opening a hole in the belly of the giant worm that was only slightly larger than a fist. …≦ fiction. …≦Fiction

A clever blaster immediately raised the grenade launcher, shot the grenade into the belly of the giant insect, and then the grenade exploded in the belly of the giant insect, but it did not break open the belly of the giant insect, only from the hole in the belly. A viscous, dark brown slurry burst out.

The outer shell of the giant insect is very strong, but the internal organs are absolutely impossible to be as strong as the outer shell. Even if it is not killed by a grenade, it will not be much better.

All of them are veterans who have dealt with giant insects for many years. They all know that giant insects are extremely tenacious, and even a dying giant insect is very dangerous. Therefore, no one approaches the giant insect, but just turns the muzzle to shoot at the enemy.

Just after the situation stabilized, the wall on the right side of the North Passage repeated the previous scene. A giant insect smashed through the wall, and groups of aliens rushed in behind the giant insect's ass.

With the previous lesson, the Italian army on the right has long been far away from the wall. After seeing the giant insect, it is simply a new hatred and an old hatred. He immediately used the rifle in his hand to make the strongest sound to the giant insect and the enemy.

The Chinese troops also immediately joined the battle. Several explosive packs were thrown behind the giant insect at the same time, ready to repeat the previous tactics and overturn the giant insect again.

The aliens are not unprepared. After seeing the explosive pack, they immediately focused their fire and shot. At least dozens of silk lights hit the explosive pack and pierced it again and again.

No one knows what the alien's original intention was. Anyway, the explosive packs did not let the mercerizing shatter. The fuze of one of the explosive packs was lucky enough to escape without being hit by the silky light, so the explosive packs fell and burst open, not only It overturned the giant insect and blew the aliens away, and blew up the hole just dug in the wall.

The power of the explosion was a bit unexpected. The human warriors who were closer were all blown down by the shock wave, and the overturned giant worm rolled several times before falling down but not on its belly.

The soldiers nearby were startled, and quickly stepped back a few steps to stay away from the dangerous bug, but after the giant bug landed, it struggled a few times, but it didn't move any more.

The situation was a bit weird, everyone couldn't believe that the bug was really dead, a soldier had an idea, took off the individual bazooka on his back and fired a shot at the giant bug, the armor-piercing incendiary bombs effortlessly penetrated the giant bug, the giant bug But still no response.

It wasn't until then that everyone came back to their senses, this is what made the explosion shock to death!

Most people who are not familiar with the battlefield think that the power of the explosion lies in the shrapnel. In fact, the shock wave is equally dangerous. There are many examples of hiding in the bunker to avoid the shrapnel, but being killed by the explosion.

The most well-known among Chinese people is the unconscionable cannon in the Huaihai campaign. This thing is originally called an explosive projectile, and it is also called a flying thunder cannon. Because the ammunition is a watermelon-sized explosive pack, the enemy within tens of meters after the explosion will be shocked by the explosion. Qiqiao bleeds to death, so Guo Jun is afraid and afraid to call it a conscienceless cannon, but not many people know its real name.

It must be explained that this thing does not fire by putting a gasoline can on the ground like in the movie, but must bury the gasoline can in the soil, and the soil must be compacted, so that the soil layer can withstand the chamber pressure when launching It can be launched smoothly, otherwise it will be blasted.

However, after thinking about it, it still surprised many people that such a huge giant insect could be shaken to death. Many people had the idea that the giant insect might have been shaken to death just now.

Once again, the alien attack was smashed, but everyone's heart was suspended in the air, and everyone's eyes were staring at the wall vigilantly. It seemed that the enemy might enter through the wall at any time.

The actual situation is not much different, the only question is which direction the enemy chooses next.

The Italian army saw the combat effectiveness of the Chinese troops, and quickly withdrew the divided troops, and made new demands to Ye Han, hoping that the Chinese side would take care of more directions.

The situation was urgent, Ye Han was not in the mood to argue with the Italian army, and bluntly agreed.

According to the intelligence provided by the multinational fleet, the Italian army should have a whole brigade, and there is a brigadier general in the Italian army, which is also in line with the content of the intelligence. But the Italian army is only a little more than a battalion when it is full.

Ye Han didn't know what happened to the Italian army, but the losses were huge and he would definitely not be able to escape. If the reinforcements did not arrive, he would definitely be able to hold on for a while due to the pressure of survival, but now that the reinforcements arrived, the breath in the heart of the heart must have been let out a lot. , how much fighting power is left is really worrying.

If he didn't take more responsibility, Ye Han was afraid that the Italian army would not want to fight, and it would be bad if the enemy broke the defense line.

After killing the second giant insect, the soldiers immediately realized that the bazooka could deal with the giant insect. All the soldiers who carried the bazooka on their backs took off this thing and carried it on their shoulders, waiting for the enemy to attack again.

However, the two consecutive defeats have made the aliens realize that wall-digging tactics are difficult to achieve. Not only did they give up digging for walls, but even the attacking troops in various passages withdrew, and this round of confrontation officially ended.

The battle was temporarily suspended, but the soldiers couldn't sit still. They took the time to replenish the ammunition and repair the bunkers. A few soldiers had an idea and straightened the body of the giant worm and placed it at the entrance of the hole. Immediately, there were two extremely strong bunkers.

Ye Han also called Luo Qi and Ouyang Ping to his side, and the three discussed a few words. Not only did they arrange defense lines outside each hole, but they also arranged for a group of people to stare at the ceiling.

No one said aliens had to dig walls, and if they did, it would be a big problem.

After arranging the defense, Ye Han placed two mechanical spiders in the north passage very The spiders entered the passage smoothly, but they were destroyed by the enemy before they went too far, and only a few pictures were returned. .

The negative No. 8 channel on the screen is full of aliens. They stare fiercely in the direction of the cave, and they may launch another round of attacks at any time.

It was not Ye Han's habit to be beaten passively. He immediately ordered Luo Qi to mobilize people immediately and set up two assault teams.

There were only three people in each assault group, still with machine guns as the core, and quietly approached the entrance from the left and right sides of the North Passage. After reaching the attacking position, they fired at the machine guns inserted into the hole at the same time.

Ye Han didn't expect the counterattack to do anything to the enemy at all, nor did he expect to break through the enemy's block. His only purpose was to disrupt the enemy's offensive rhythm and seize the initiative on the battlefield.

His plan was indeed successful. The surprise attack of the assault team killed many aliens, and the furious enemy immediately launched another round of attacks.

This round of offensive preparations was insufficient and was undoubtedly repulsed by the defenders, and the two sides fell into a stalemate again. Baidu search "" to see the latest and most complete novels!

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