Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1060: Go west, go west!

"Yes, it's an ice cave." The Brigadier General put his arms on his chest and turned and turned, "It's a very big ice cave, God, I don't know how to describe it, but it's very big."

Ye Han's eyes flickered: "You come from the east, are there many enemies over there?"

The Commodore nodded heavily. "A lot, as many as locusts."

"What about the south?"

The Brigadier General spread his hands, shook his head helplessly, pursed his lips and said, "I didn't go in to see it, so I don't know."

"Have you been in the west?"

"Yes, I went in here when I first came here, and I had to withdraw when I encountered aliens... Oh, my God, what are you trying to do with so many questions?" The brigadier general tapped his forehead and asked.

Ye Han said sternly: "I think we have to go west, break through the ice cave, and see if we have a chance to get out."

"Ice cave? No, no, never!" The Brigadier General shook his head again and again, "This is not a good idea, definitely not a good idea!"

Ye Han sighed: "I don't need you to tell me that. Going west is the least bad option. Do you understand what I mean?"

"It's you who don't understand!" The Brigadier General rebuked unceremoniously. "Here is high in the east and low in the west. Going west is downhill. The further you go, the lower the position!" Action, "It's useless to go west, you can't go out!"

"But you said there is an ice cave in the west, right?" Ye Han asked calmly, neither angry nor annoyed.

"Yes, I said that, but what happened to the ice cave?"

The individual nuclear missile behind Ye Han's shot: "I have a lot of nuclear missiles and nuclear mines, all of which are low-yield, maybe they can blast away the ice."

The brigadier general was stunned: "Yes, is it possible?"

"Maybe, even if it can't be blasted, at least it can cause some trouble for the enemy." Ye Han smirked, full of anticipation that the prank was about to start.

Whether nuclear missiles or nuclear mines, they are all miniature nuclear bombs with an equivalent of 12 tons. When they explode in a tunnel, where do they explode and collapse where? They cannot even involve nearby tunnels.

But the explosion under ice is different. The total energy released by a 12-ton nuclear explosion is 50.4 billion joules, which can theoretically raise the temperature of 24,000 tons of water ice by one degree, or make 2,400 tons of water ice. The temperature of the ice rises ten degrees.

Of course, theoretical data is useless in reality. In Ganymede, where there is no atmospheric pressure and the temperature of the ice layer is uncertain, unless detailed environmental data is obtained, the supercomputer will not be able to count one. How much ice can be melted by a nuclear bomb, in short, there must be a lot.

At that time, as long as the ice layer is bombarded with a nuclear bomb, a large amount of water ice will definitely be melted, and 80% of the shock wave of the explosion will collapse part of the ice layer.

The depth of the troops at the moment is about six kilometers. Even if the blast starts from under the ice ten kilometers deep, more than fifty nuclear weapons are enough to blast through the ice and return to the ground.

After listening to Ye Han's thoughts, the brigadier general's mouth turned into an O-shape that couldn't close together: "It's too surprising, it's too surprising, you only have two companies, why do you have so many nuclear weapons? Don't you just put nuclear weapons into miniatures? It has been transformed, and nuclear weapons have been sent to every soldier?"

It's not that I don't understand. The world is changing too fast. As a brigadier general of a non-nuclear country, he can't help but envy the equipment level of a nuclear country.

Although the Italian army has also prepared miniature nuclear weapons, Italy is a non-nuclear country. All nuclear weapons are provided by Washington to fulfill the covenant. Not only are they small in quantity, they are expensive.

Ye Han shrugged and said only four words: "You think too much." As for where to think too much, let the brigadier general think about it slowly.

The two finally reached an agreement and began to organize the evacuation of the troops.

In order to prevent the enemy from chasing, Ye Han decided to lay a nuclear mine in the east and south directions. Originally, there should be one in the northern passage. No way out, and finally turned back?

As for the explosion in the east and south directions, there is no need to worry. The area of ​​this cave is large enough. The distance between the north passage and the east and south passages even exceeds the effective range of Siguang. At most, the nuclear explosion will slightly affect the north passage and collapse. is very unlikely.

Moreover, the North Passage is now one main, two auxiliary and three insurances. Even if one or two places collapse, can all three collapse at the same time?

Ye Han was actively preparing, but the brigadier general did not agree with Ye Han's actions, and was very opposed to Ye Han's waste of nuclear weapons.

Perhaps this is the tragedy of non-nuclear countries. They really treasure nuclear weapons too much. They are cautious about the use of nuclear bombs.

The soldiers carried out their orders very quickly, and all preparations were made in just a few minutes.

In order to confuse the aliens, Ye Han ordered the troops to launch a round of counterattacks to restrain the enemy's energy and prevent the enemy from discovering his own intentions.

The brigadier general also ordered the troops to cooperate very cooperatively, and fought a very unsuccessful The troops of China and Italy have been in close contact with each other. In the end, he was "defeated" by the enemy at the same time and quickly retreated to the cave.

Since several similar actions have been carried out in the past, the counterattack is similar, and the aliens should not be able to see the flaws.

Therefore, after the troops retreated to the cave, the two troops immediately took action. The commandos who had been hiding on the left and right of the west passage immediately attacked, and the troops behind them continuously retreated to the west passage, leaving only a small number of troops behind.

After the break, it is not to stay here to fight with the enemy, but to withdraw after the main force enters the west passage.

In order to confuse the aliens, the troops attacking the west channel are still dominated by rifles. The two groups of people are like revolving lights. You finish and I will play. It seems to be no different from actions in other directions.

However, when the two sides stalemate in the passage again separated by the heavy armored giant insects, a few soldiers suddenly appeared in the human team, and without a word, they launched individual rockets at the giant insects, and killed the giant insects in one face.

Then a few machine gunners came out more and more, rushing forward while shooting at the gap around the giant insect. After rushing to the giant insect, it was not the aliens relying on the giant insect to stop the human beings, but the human beings relying on the giant insect to clean the aliens. people.

At this point, it can be said to be in a daze. The troops immediately switched tactics and launched round after round of onslaught on the remaining enemy troops with machine guns as the core, and finally defeated the Western Passage after four and a half minutes of the battle. enemy.

However, the heavy-armored giant insects were still blocked in the passage, as if a glass ball was stuffed into the water pipe, which greatly hindered the evacuation speed of the troops.

Luo Qi was in a hurry for a while, and simply ordered a few soldiers to carry the giant worm to rush forward, directly using the giant worm as a cover.

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