Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1063: hole in hole

Luo Qi fired more than a dozen missiles in one breath. These missiles were divided into two sides, leaning on the left and right of the passage and sticking to the wall of the cave to go out.

When they approached the entrance of the cave, the two waves of missiles turned together, the left one turned to the right, and the right one flew to the left. More than a dozen missiles staggered past and rushed towards the enemy's position with lightning speed.

The aliens have been monitoring the movements of human beings, knowing that this lone army has arrived near the ice cave, and the noble army in the ice cave has long been prepared for battle. As soon as the missiles flew out of the passage, the aliens fired instinctively. The large wave of silk light immediately covered the missile in midair.

The speed of mercerizing is fast, and the speed of missiles is not slow. Aliens have no ability to aim at missiles and then fire, and destroying them is just a blind cat killing a mouse.

One-third of the dozen or so missiles were destroyed by the aliens, and the remaining two-thirds crossed the mere tens of meters from the entrance to the bunker in an instant.

And to the surprise of the aliens, these missiles did not directly hit the bunker, but suddenly rose when they were about to hit, and flew to the top of the bunker before they suddenly exploded, and then countless steel **** flew in the sky. The star was caught off guard and was beaten into a blood sieve by countless steel balls.

The weirdness of human weapons really makes the aliens who go straight ahead hard to guard against, and they suffer heavy casualties just after a face-to-face encounter.

The noble army in the ice cave was not only behind the bunker, but the nearby noble army immediately ran towards the bunker when they saw it. When they got to the bunker, the second wave of missiles just flew out.

The number of missiles in this wave was not large, and the hole did not rise again when it was about to hit, but directly hit the bunker and exploded. But when the warhead exploded, there was no fire, but a small cloud of blue-white smoke.

After seeing this scene, the aliens were very surprised. Then the center of the smoke suddenly lit up, and the smoke instantly turned into a fire cloud, covering a radius of more than ten meters in blazing flames. All the aliens surrounded by the fire cloud. People turn into roast pigs in minutes.

There's nothing more suitable for cloud bombs than a tunnel, but unfortunately the warriors don't bring much, otherwise they would have given the aliens some color.

After two consecutive waves of blows, the commandos finally rushed into the ice cave. Some of the soldiers jumped high, some jumped down, and some simply jumped on the ground and slid forward. Rifles, machine guns, and submachine guns went into battle together. Such bullets hit the aliens like a torrential rain, and in a short while, all the enemies within sight were wiped out, and the losses to one's own side were almost negligible.

Only after rushing out of the passage did Luo Qi realize that the ice cave was not small, but it was definitely not that big. It was different from what the brigadier general said.

Ye Han followed the commando into the ice cave, and after seeing the situation inside, he was not angry: "This is a very big ice cave? Qi Yue, you ask that meaningless... ?" He suddenly saw a chrysanthemum gate nearly four meters high on the ice wall on the side, and the ice wall in this direction was obviously much brighter than other directions.

Ye Han turned off the night vision device, and now only a little light was faintly shining through the ice wall, and it became more obvious after turning on the night vision device, so he pointed at the chrysanthemum gate and asked, "What's behind?" After entering the hole for so long, Going deep into the ground for more than ten kilometers, it was the first time he encountered this thing.

Luo Qi shook his head: "I didn't have time to look... Did you go in and take a look?"

Ye Han shook his head: "It's too dangerous to explode."


A soldier ran over immediately, picked up the bazooka, aimed at the chrysanthemum and fired without hesitation.

With a loud bang, the chrysanthemum gate opened, and the flesh and blood of the chrysanthemum gate suddenly spurted out from the gate, and a rush of air blew out from the broken gate. Ye Han clearly heard a "boo" sound, as if pulling it open. The cork of the red wine.

The human soldiers full of holes were blown away by the wind, and the formation that had been waiting for them suddenly became a mess.

Ye Han originally thought that everyone was far enough away from the airlock that even if there was any accident, it would not be affected here, but he forgot that only the passageway in the ice cave leads to the world of history. , the air flow will naturally pour into the channel.

Not only did humans encounter accidents, but the aliens on the other side of the ice wall also suffered bad luck. A dozen out-of-control aliens were blown out of the gate by the strong wind, and two aliens grabbed the edge of the gate in time, as if in the wind. Noodles fluttered in the wind.

Fortunately, the air flow came and went quickly, and only the initial wind blew the most. After a while, the storm turned into a breeze, and the soldiers who were out of control fell to the ground.

Ye Han immediately raised his rifle and fired at the enemy without hesitation, knocking down an enemy in a short burst.

The sound of gunfire exploded like fried beans, and a dozen aliens were shot down one by one.

Ye Han couldn't care less about the stupid people, turned over and got up and shouted: "Luo Qi left Ouyang right, hurry up!"

Luo Qi and Ouyang Ping immediately took their headquarters to outflank them. When everyone moved, they aimed their guns at the gate. When they saw the aliens, they fired The crossfire formed by the two teams started from The gate jumped into the other side of the ice wall, and the silk light from the aliens also flew out of the gate continuously. A hand-to-hand encounter started suddenly without much preparation on both sides.

The Brigadier General's response was half a beat, but he immediately ordered his troops to join the battle. Since the left and right sides were occupied by the Chinese, he could only order the troops to attack from the front.

Originally, the front was the most dangerous direction, but the rain of bullets from the left and right sides had already killed more than half of the enemies inside the gate. After the Italian army launched an assault, the aliens in the gate never had a chance to turn over, but the gate There is still silk light constantly flying out.

The casualties on both sides were not small, but no one dared to back down under such circumstances. If the enemy could not be defeated, it would be more than just casualties.

I don't know whether it was because of the experience of China's attack or the inherent tactics of the Italian army. The Italian army who attacked from the front suddenly fired a batch of rockets into the gate, swept away the enemies in sight.

The rockets of the Italian army are not individual missiles, but unguided rockets placed in firing nests. Each rocket nest contains six rockets, which can be directly carried on the backs of Italian soldiers.

The Chinese side also has similar equipment, but the power of this thing is limited, and it is difficult to say how much it can function in the tunnel. Therefore, the Airborne Division did not bring rocket nests with unclear functions, but brought as many individual missiles as possible.

However, the rockets fired by the Italian army did play a big role. Not only did they kill the enemy on the inside of the gate, but the explosion also blocked the enemy's line of sight. Fast forward, while firing violently at the enemy in line of sight.

Ye Han was very surprised by the bravery of the Italian army. He had to say that he really underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Italians.

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