Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1065: Capture the ice cave

Ye Han was full of doubts, and while walking forward, he quickly ordered: "Luo Qi, you continue to lead the team, Ouyang, come with me!"

No matter what is wrong, the action that has already started cannot be stopped, let alone Luo Qi should be removed and replaced by Ouyang Ping because of this trivial matter.

"Yes!" The two answered in unison.

Seeing that the troops continued to move into the depths of the ice cave, Ye Hancai asked, "Luo Qi, what's wrong?"

"Body shape and appearance, in short, it's not right!" Luo Qi said.

Ye Han's footsteps were stagnant, and two words blurted out: "Noble?"

"I think so." Luo Qi said.

"Got it." Ye Han continued to walk forward, and after a while, he and Ouyang Ping rushed to the place Luo Qi said.

This is one of the enemy's two defensive positions. The bunker is made up of several worm shells, which is very alien.

There are dozens of alien corpses lying behind the bunker, most of which are cannon fodder-like servants, but Ye Han saw a different corpse among the many servants.

The biggest difference between this corpse is that it is very short, at most two meters three or four, which is a lot shorter than the servants who are more than three meters tall.

If you don’t know the inside story, you might think that this is a servant who has not grown up, but people who are familiar with this group of servants know that they are already adults when they are born, and they don’t know what it means to grow up. As accurate as the measurement, there will never be such a defective product with insufficient height.

Ye Han glanced at Ouyang Ping, but did not leave the team, but turned on the telephoto function of the armor to observe carefully.

This is still a battlefield. As a commander, no matter what time you can't make yourself look different, you can only look exactly like an ordinary soldier, so as not to attract the attention of the enemy.

Observation found that this alien who may be a noble is covered with carapace like the servants, but his body is thicker than the servants, and his facial features are clearer than those of the servants, or more in line with human aesthetics.

He is also better equipped than the servants. It seems that to highlight his unique status, he has some extraterrestrial-style accessories attached to the carapace on his chest and shoulders.

Ye Han stared at the corpse and asked softly, "Ouyang, what do you think?"

"I think it should be the alien nobles, unless the aliens are more than servants and nobles." Ouyang Ping said.

"I can't." Ye Han laughed, and then showed a playful look, "It's the first time I've encountered an alien noble. I'll notify the sniper later and focus on taking care of the short ones."

Ouyang Ping almost laughed, but held back his smile and replied, "Yes!"

The troops in front had already exchanged fire with the enemy again. The enemy was still hidden deep in the vine forest. The exchange of fire between the two sides was not intense. Ye Han looked ahead and suddenly said, "Even the nobles have come out. This place is definitely not easy."

Ouyang Ping was startled: "Master, what do you mean..."

Ye Han shook his head: "I don't know what this place is for, what's the point of it? Don't hesitate, bring someone over to support, and take down the ice cave as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Ouyang Ping immediately brought in a trainer to support Luo Qi.

Ye Han took another look at the Italian army, and found that the Italian army was in good condition, so he put down his heart and approached the battlefield behind the teaching company.

Because there are aliens everywhere in the vine forest, neither the Italian army nor the Chinese use drones. Except that the enemy is hidden in the vine forest, they no longer know the situation of the enemy.

In order to avoid being plotted by the enemy, both the Italian army and the Chinese side carefully concentrated their troops to form a local advantage, and gradually advanced bit by bit.

This tactic worked well, but Ye Han and Brigadier General disagreed on whether to enter the vine forest.

Ye Han believed that his own troops were insufficient, and he should focus on encircling the Tenglin. A small number of troops should be left to monitor the Tenglin. The main force moved quickly along the ice wall and attacked the ice cave first.

Brigadier General believes that there must be a lot of aliens hidden in the vine forest. The ice cave is so big that the main force cannot be defeated for a while, and the few troops left behind are not strong enough. Once the enemy forces hit the vine forest, the consequences will be worrying, so I strongly advocate attack Vine Forest, at least clear all the enemies hidden in the Vine Forest.

The situation did not allow in-depth communication between the two people, and it was not allowed to suspend operations. The two of them summed up a few words and simply went their separate ways. The Italian army's idea of ​​taking over the brigadier general developed into the vine forest, while the Chinese side continued to go deep into the ice cave according to Ye Han's idea. go anywhere.

The intentional army contained the enemies in the vine forest, and Ye Han even saved the soldiers guarding the vine forest.

In fact, both of them are right. Ye Han values ​​the overall strategy. Only by taking down the ice cave as soon as possible and figuring out how many exits there are can we arrange the troops to defend all passages in time. Only by mastering these passages can we advance and retreat. Shou.

However, the disadvantage of rapid advancement is that it may encounter enemy raids at any time, and the casualties will be relatively large.

The Commodore pays more attention to things at the tactical level. Attacking Fujilin steadily and steadily will cause less However, if the enemy's reinforcements arrive, it is likely that the original advantage will be lost.

Instead, the two sides go their separate ways, combining the advantages of both schemes.

In order to achieve the combat purpose as soon as possible, Ye Han did not care about the loss of the mechanical spiders, and released all the remaining mechanical spiders.

The more the troops went deeper into the ice cave, the more anxious Ye Han became. However, the situation in the ice cave was obviously better than he expected. There were not as many enemies as he had imagined, and the troops moved very smoothly. The troops controlled all three passages leading to the outside world.

Immediately, the Chinese side began to march towards Fujilin.

At this time, the Italian army was still playing hide-and-seek with aliens in the vine forest, but the Italian army also achieved great results, killing hundreds of enemy troops.

The two sides encircled the vine forest from two directions. The aliens still hiding in the vine forest resisted desperately, but all their efforts were in vain. After a while, the last alien fell under the gun of the sniper.

Humans completely controlled the ice cave. Just after the battle was over, Qi Yue, who had been with Ye Han, suddenly said, "Senior, Brigadier is going to talk to you."

"What did he want to say?" Ye Han asked in surprise.

"He said that some very special giant insects were found in the vine forest, and he also said that there was something wrong with the giant vine. I hope you will come and take a look."

"Where is he?" Ye Han asked.

"In the vine forest, it seems to be in the middle." Qi Yue said.

Ye Han frowned slightly, and shouted directly on the radio: "Luo Qi, where are you? Do you know what that idiot means?"

Luo Qi immediately replied: "Master, something is really wrong, I saw water!"

Ye Han was even more puzzled. As he walked into the vine forest, he wondered, what's wrong with the water?

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