Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1073: Shaft meeting

() Before he finished speaking, a silk light that passed through the crowd happened to kill Luo Qi's waist. He only felt a sharp pain in his waist, and the darkness in front of him almost passed out.

But there was a voice in his heart telling him that he couldn't fall down now, he endured the pain and stumbled forward with the troops.

Luo Qi was far more than the only one who received the positioning signal. The news that he was about to join forces with a regiment was like a stimulant, which stimulated the soldiers to scream. The momentum that had already begun to decline soared again, and once again launched a violent storm at the enemy. offensive.

A few minutes later, Luo Qi and his troops finally broke through the enemy's fifth line of defense.

When the troops charged towards the fifth line of defense, these enemies were fighting fiercely with a regiment. Luo Qi and his troops were like sharp knives, stabbed into the enemy's back decisively. Completely wipe out this enemy army, and join forces with a stunned group in victory.

After the war, it was concluded that Luo Qi took his troops to break through the enemy's four lines of defense at the cost of more than half of the casualties, and the troops advanced a total of 770 meters!

Seventy-seven meters is not far, but these seven hundred and seventy meters are the avenues to the sky in exchange for life.

Luo Qi saw the shadow of his own person appearing in front of him, and he finally let out the breath he held in his heart. The severe pain in his waist seemed to run through his whole body in an instant. He hugged tightly with a group of soldiers who rushed over, and then completely lost consciousness and slowly fell to the ground.

Ye Han was not far behind Luo Qi. He shook his head and smiled when he saw Luo Qi fell, but he found out that the situation was wrong. The gravity in this place was so low that the fall movement was pitifully slow. , how come this kid doesn't even move a little bit?

Ye Han hurriedly rushed forward and grabbed Luo Qi's arm: "Luo Qi!"

Luo Qi didn't respond, and his body floating in the air slowly turned over with Ye Han's strength.

Ye Han hugged Luo Qi: "Military doctor, military doctor—"

The soldiers who embraced were stunned. Behind the celebratory crowd, a second lieutenant raised his fist and shouted, "Let me go, I'm a military doctor!"

The soldiers, as if they had rehearsed beforehand, moved out of the way in unison.

Luo Qi's soldiers all came from the three regiments, and the only two military doctors were all sacrificed during the charge.

The military doctor belonging to the first regiment flew directly to Ye Han: "Master..."

Ye Han immediately sent Luo Qi over: "Quick, let's see how he is doing?"

The military doctor Ma connected Luo Qi's armor, checked Luo Qi's condition through the armor, and quickly said: "Division Commander, Luo Battalion Commander's left waist is penetrated, and the horse must be injected with hibernin."

He reported to Ye Han that hibernin had been injected into Luo Qi's body.

"Are you all right?" Ye Han asked with a frown.

The military doctor said: "It is hard to judge now. The left kidney may not be preserved, and it should not be life-threatening."

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, I'll give him to you." Isn't it a kidney, and it can be replaced at any time when he returns to Earth.

"Yes, don't worry, I will take good care of Commander Luo." The military doctor assured.

Ye Han turned on the radio station: "Xiao Yuan Xiao Yuan, I'm No. 1, please answer!"

"Number 1, I'm Xiao Yuan!" Xiao Yuan's excited voice came from the radio, "I've already received a report from Silian, I'll be there soon!"

"You don't need to come here, you continue to command the troops, and I will lead the team back to the shaft." Ye Han said, "How is the situation in the shaft?"

Xiao Yuan replied in the firmest voice: "Report to the commander, the shaft is still under the control of our army!"

"Okay, order the troops and prepare to evacuate!"

"No more?" Xiao Yuan exclaimed, but there was an indescribable surprise in his voice.

"Yes, stop fighting." Ye Han said.

The follow-up troops had already followed, and Ye Han immediately led the troops back to the shaft, and was interrupted by a regiment of four.

After returning to a long time ago, it feels like a long-lost shaft. Ye Han has a feeling of being a human being in two lifetimes. As he flew the troops to the shaft layer, he issued a new order: "Xiao Yuan, your troops can get out of contact with the enemy, be careful, don't let the enemy stick the troops."

"Teacher, don't worry, I have already prepared." Xiao Yuan said.

"That's good." Ye Han said, "All attention, all units are ready to evacuate the shaft, and evacuate from bottom to top!"



Various answers appeared on the radio, Ye Han let out a long sigh of relief, and was finally safe.

Ye Han flew to the surface of the giant ship in one breath and stopped. Ye Han saw Long Jianguo here. To his surprise, he saw a group of American soldiers behind Long Jianguo, about sixty or seventy people.

Ye Han couldn't help widening his eyes: "What's going on?"

Long Jianguo smiled: "I got around by myself, and I don't understand what's going on."

"Okay, you don't need to worry about them, there is a team of Americans behind, just hand over these people."

"That's a good feeling." Long Jianguo said happily.

"Let's go, let's go out first." After Ye Han finished speaking, he started the aircraft and continued to fly towards the face.

The soldiers immediately followed, and a large group of people formed a long human dragon, which slowly flew out of the shaft and finally fell into the flattened crater.

Ye Han looked up at the starry sky and shouted on the radio: "Beihai Beihai, I am No. 1, please answer when you receive it!"

He immediately heard Duan Zhiyang's cheering voice in his ears: "No. 1, No. 1, I'm Beihai, I'm Beihai, it's great that you're okay."

Ye Han sighed: "Nonsense, wait for me to go back and say it You will report the situation to the multinational fleet, saying that the following situation is very complicated. There are more than 170 people, more than 240 Italian troops, and 32 French troops. In view of the large casualties of our troops, the ammunition is about to be exhausted, and we are unable to continue the rescue operation, so we informed the multinational fleet that our army is about to evacuate with friendly forces. Ganymede, please ask the multinational fleet to assist and cover, these."

"No? There are only 400 people in total?" Duan Zhiyang's eyes widened in disbelief.

Ye Han said: "It's not bad to be able to rescue so many. If we stay at the bottom for a while, we have to give up all this... By the way, and also, notify the supply ship and prepare to receive the wounded."

"Understood, any more?"

"Yes, how is the ground situation? Is there any problem with the large-scale landing of the landing craft?"

"It should be fine, but my personal recommendation is that it's safer to land on a small scale."

Ye Han was silent for a moment: "In this way, give priority to evacuating the wounded."

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